Methods & Processes Enterprise Committee

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Per the Guidance for CTSA Program Groups document, all hubs are allowed one voting member on each Enterprise Committee (EC). All EC Full Membership calls are open and anyone within the consortium can attend.

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Goal: The scientific study of the process of conducting translational science itself enables significant advances in translation

This group has been sunsetted As of May 19, 2020

This Enterprise Committee focuses on:

  • Enabling CTSA programs to function individually and together as a research engine transforming the way translational science is conducted across the nation to make tangible improvements in the health of individuals and the population.
  • Rapidly translating CTSA-generated new knowledge and technologies into health interventions in real world settings
  • Developing technologies, methods, data, analytics and resources that change the way translational scientists approach their work.
  • Generating and curating comprehensive data sets or other resources that catalyze science