Synergy Paper Request for Applications

Exciting news for researchers and scientists involved in science! The Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program has just announced a funding opportunity called the Synergy Paper Request for Applications.

What’s it all about? The Synergy Paper Request for Applications is a chance to receive funding while promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing among CTSA Program hubs. It aims to encourage the creation of research papers that address critical topics in translational science involving multiple institutions.

How can you participate? Visit clic paper request applications to find information, guidelines and application instructions. You’ll discover everything you need to know about the process. How to submit your proposal.

The power of collaboration; This initiative places importance on collaborative research. It encourages teams from CTSA hubs to come together combining their expertise to work on projects that have the potential to revolutionize translational science.

The benefits; Successful projects not receive financial support but also gain valuable visibility and recognition, within both the CTSA community and beyond. This presents an opportunity to contribute towards advancing translational science.

Don’t miss out; Make sure you check the application deadline carefully and submit your proposal on time.