2020 Spring CTSA Program Group Meetings


The Spring 2020 CTSA Program Group Meeting will now be online instead of in-person

Safety is paramount as we respond to the current novel coronavirus public health emergency. Due to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 outbreak, universities, companies, and the federal government have issued guidance related to travel and attendance at large gatherings. NIH also is urging that all large meetings and symposia that are not mission-critical and are scheduled to be held at NIH facilities or organized by NIH over the next 30 days either be held virtually using tele/videoconferencing services, postponed, or canceled. In the coming weeks, NIH will evaluate this guidance for travel and meetings that take place beyond the 30-day period and will provide updated guidance.   Although the scheduled NCATS Spring CTSA Program face-to-face meetings are beyond the current NIH 30-day period, NCATS, in concert with the CTSA Program Steering Committee and CLIC, has decided to convert the Spring meetings to virtual attendance only. As some university travel restrictions extend through April and the NIH may update their guidance, the decision was made now to provide ample notice for participants and a socially responsible environment for the continuation of our work.

If you have already registered, your registration is valid and you WILL NOT NEED TO RE-REGISTER. You will receive email communications to explain the process and to provide the Zoom Video Conferencing links to the meetings you are attending.

The group meeting dates will remain the same. The CLIC coordinators will work with their respective group meetings to assist with the change in a meeting format.

The Spring CTSA Program Group Meeting supports meetings of several Enterprise Committees (EC) and Consortium groups. Team leads and respective membership collaborate to plan the group agendas.

Zoom Registration Is now Closed

Agendas modified to accommodate the virtual meeting format will be shared once confirmed.

Please be aware there may be audio/video recordings during this event. Any images/audio/video captured may be used by CLIC and/or NCATS for promotional purposes, including but not limited to, websites, newsletters, social media, or other marketing materials.

Additional Information

The 2020 Spring CTSA Program Group Meetings registration has ended.

CTSA Program and ACTS Collaboration
With the timing of this year’s meeting near the spring holidays, please be aware that there will be overlap with some of the ACTS programming. CLIC, NCATS, and ACTS have worked collaboratively to minimize content session overlap as much as possible.

Who Should Attend?
Personnel from CTSA Program hubs that have active grants are encouraged to attend. A CTSA Program hub is defined as a UL1 award with a linked KL2 award and an optional TL1 award. CTSA Program hubs can consist of a single institution, plus the possibility of one or more participating partner institutions. Hubs in no cost extension are eligible to attend. Participation in the CTSA Program meetings by personnel from partnering institutions is encouraged.

Refer to the NCATS CTSA Program Funding Table and/or the Notice of Grant Award to determine eligibility. Prior approval through NCATS is required for attendance of participants outside of an eligible CTSA Program hub. Please contact:

Please Note
The Methods & Processes EC Meeting has been canceled.


April 14, 2020
01:00 pm – 04:00 pm EST
CTSA Program Steering Committee Meeting

April 14, 2020
01:00 pm – 02:30 pm EST
Hub Communicators Group Meeting

April 15, 2020
10:00 am – 12:00 pm EST
Common Metrics Initiative Meeting

April 15, 2020
10:00 am – 11:30 am EST
Integration Across the Lifespan EC Meeting

April 15, 2020
01:00 pm – 02:30 pm EST
Collaboration & Engagement EC Meeting

April 15, 2020
02:30 pm – 04:00 pm EST
Joint Meeting of KL2 Directors, TL1 Directors, and Workforce Development EC