2022 Academic Learning Health System Conference

SE091421-583Wake Forest University School of Medicine, the academic core of Atrium Health, is hosting a virtual conference on October 14th which will bring together thought leaders from academic health centers that have adopted the LHS concept and expanded their approach to clinical care, research and education, to reflect the principles and practices of LHS.

The virtual session will include panel discussions where panelists compare and contrast how LHS has been implemented at their respective AMC, as well as to identify barriers to adopting LHS, implementation challenges, facilitators and enabling conditions (e.g., policies, funds flow, organizational culture). This event will inform a national conference in October 2023 hosted by the Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

  • Learning Health System
  • Ansible
  • Ansible September 2022

Friday, October 14, 2022 – 01:00 pm EDT – Friday, October 14, 2022 – 04:00 pm EDT

Activity Type

Wake Forest University Health Sciences

Location Type