Zoobiquity Colorado: Connecting Human and Animal Health through Regenerative Medicine

Zoobiquity Colorado: Connecting Human and Animal Health through Regenerative Medicine

This unique, two-day conference aims to uncover the astonishing connection between human and animal health by highlighting laboratory and clinical research of human and veterinary investigators and fostering future collaboration across disciplines.

Zoobiquity is sponsored by the University of Colorado’s Gates Center for Regenerative Medicine and Colorado State University, and will take place October 5-6, 2018. This unique conference will engage investigators to share their knowledge and the challenges of designing and administering stem cell therapies for both animals and people.

The term “Zoobiquity” was coined in a best-selling book of the same title by Dr.Barbara Natterson-Horowitz—an MD cardiologist at the UCLA Medical Center—who through collaboration with veterinarians at the LA Zoo discovered how much the two medical disciplines have in common. This concept has been adapted across a number of institutions to support collaborations between veterinary and human medical researchers in developing ‘natural animal models’ to advance translational science.

The program includes a Friday afternoon and evening field trip to Colorado State’s veterinary medical campus in Fort Collins to tour facilities, observe stem cell procedures in animal patients and attend a scientific poster session and dinner, followed by a full-day didactic gathering on Saturday at the Anschutz Medical Campus. Saturday’s activities will feature a variety of keynote and panel discussions before an international audience followed by a cocktail reception.

To see the full list of speakers, activities—and to register—go to . Please note a greatly reduced registration fee for students as we anticipate this to be a wonderful forum for medical and veterinary students to gather.  

This is the first Zoobiquity event in Colorado, and attendees will receive information on the highlights of the Denver region, should they wish to extend their stays to sightsee. The date was selected in hopes of a glorious fall weekend in the Rockies.

  • Regenerative Medicine
  • One Health


Friday, October 5, 2018 – 11:00 am EDT – Saturday, October 6, 2018 – 08:30 pm EDT

Activity Type

University Of Colorado Denver

Location Type

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus & Colorado State University