Expanding Cancer Screening Research Project Has Roots in UR CTSI-Funded Pilot Study

Motivational text messages boost cervical cancer screening rates, according to a pilot study funded by the University of Rochester Clinical and Translational Science Institute.

Cancer screening saves lives, but not everyone is up to date on their recommended screenings.

A 2018 pilot study funded by the University of Rochester Clinical and Translational Science Institute (UR CTSI) helped lay the foundation for an expanding research project testing whether a text-messaging intervention can boost screenings for cervical, colon and lung cancers. The UR CTSI-funded pilot study, which focused solely on cervical cancer, provided preliminary evidence that motivational text messages increased screening among patients who were in need.

The one-year $50,000 UR CTSI Faculty Pilot Award has since helped the research team secure a $1.5 million grant from the National Cancer Institute to continue the cervical cancer-focused study and two more pilot awards from the University of Rochester that have allowed the team to expand their research to colon and lung cancer screening.

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  • Pilot Award
  • Pilot Funding
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Lung Cancer
  • Cancer Screening

University Of Rochester

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Goal 1: Train and Cultivate the Translational Science Workforce