Applying CTSA Principles to a COVID-19 Vaccine Trial

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2020 Fall Virtual CTSA Program Meeting

University Of California Davis

Contact Email
[email protected]

The UC Davis CTSC applied the CTSA program goals to assist the division of pulmonary and sleep medicine with the recruitment, examination, and treatment of a diverse array of participants into an industry-funded COVID-19 vaccine trial. The project encompassed all five of the CTSA program goals and resulted in a robust study population. The first 80 subjects were recruited, screened, and scheduled for administration within 3 weeks. Outreach and subject management were conducted using StudyPages, a commercially available participant recruitment an engagement platform adopted in 2016. StudyPages is made and supported by Yuzu Labs, a Public Benefit Corporation. The vaccine study (sponsored by Pfizer) was titled: Study of the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Adults. Our efficient, integrated, and innovative approach to study recruitment (during state mandated shelter-in-place orders) resulted in a request by the sponsor to triple enrollment at UC Davis. UC Davis CTSC collaboration in the development of StudyPages – a high-functioning participant recruitment and engagement platform for clinical research – continues to be a benefit for all involved.

Ted Wun
Associate Dean for Research
University Of California Davis

  • clinical research
  • clinical trials
  • participant research
  • Patient Recruitment
  • special populations
  • Community Engagement
  • Innovation
  • informatics
  • recruitment