2021 Virtual CTSA Program Annual Meeting


Meeting Theme: Intentional Disruption and Innovation: The Future of Translational Science

Objective: To highlight changes and innovations that CTSA Program consortium hubs had to make during the COVID pandemic; describing the creative innovations developed and what they suggest concerning intentionally causing the disruption and spur innovative solutions in the post-COVID world.

Virtual Poster Session Topic: Intentional Disruption and Innovation: The Future of Translational Science

Poster session will happen in the virtual platform. Posters can also be viewed on the CLIC site.

Poster Session Sub-topics:

  1. Drug Development
  2. Clinical Trials
  3. Digital
  4. Innovation – Entrepreneurship

Highlight one of the following focus points:

  1. Education
  2. Health Equity

Please note, the agenda is tentative and subject to change until otherwise noted.

  • CLIC
  • CTSA Program
  • CTSA Program Meeting
  • Intentional Disruption and Innovation


November 30, 2021 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm EST
CTSA Program Steering Committee Meeting

December 1, 2021 11:00 am – 4:00 pm EST
CTSA Administrators Consortium Committee 2021 Annual Meeting (CACC2021)

December 2, 2021 10:00 am – 5:00 pm EST
General Session – Day 1

December 3, 2021 11:00 am – 5:00 pm EST
General Session – Day 2


CTSA Administrators Consortium Committee 2021 Annual Meeting (CACC2021)

Deborah Chavis-Keeling
Executive Director – Administration
New York University School Of Medicine

Jennifer Croker
CCTS Senior Administrative Director and Asst. Professor of Medicine
University Of Alabama At Birmingham

Welcome, NCATS Comments and Keynote Speaker / Q&A

Erica Rosemond

Dr. Sanae ElShourbagy Ferreira
Health Specialist
National Institutes of Health

“Secret Sauce” for Convergence: Bringing Together Disparate Disciplines in Creative Ways

Erica Rosemond

Martin S. Zand, MD, PhD
Co-Director, Center for Leading Innovation and Collaboration; Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Research
University Of Rochester

Disruption as opportunity: impacts of disruptive innovations in clinical and translational research

Miriam Bredella
Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School; Vice Chair, Department of Radiology, MGH
Harvard Medical School

Muredach Reilly
Herbert and Florence Irving Professor of Medicine; Director and PI, Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research, Columbia University
Columbia University Health Sciences

Poster Session and Networking

Randall Urban
Vice President and Chief Research Officer
University Of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Disruption as opportunity – Breakout Session Report Out

Muredach Reilly
Herbert and Florence Irving Professor of Medicine; Director and PI, Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research, Columbia University
Columbia University Health Sciences

Miriam Bredella
Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School; Vice Chair, Department of Radiology, MGH
Harvard Medical School

Disruption and Clinical Trials

William G. Powderly, MD
Washington University

Duane Mitchell
Director, UF Clinical and Translational Science Institute
University Of Florida

Advancing Well – building resilience and well-being in the CT workforce

Miriam Bredella
Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School; Vice Chair, Department of Radiology, MGH
Harvard Medical School

Rebecca Jackson
Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research
Ohio State University

Translating Digital Equity

Rebecca Jackson
Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research
Ohio State University

Martin S. Zand, MD, PhD
Co-Director, Center for Leading Innovation and Collaboration; Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Research
University Of Rochester

Top 10 Takeaways // Wrap Up

Brittany Gibbons
Scientific Program Manager
National Institutes of Health

Dr. Sanae ElShourbagy Ferreira
Health Specialist
National Institutes of Health

Additional Information

Who is Eligible to Attend:

Personnel from CTSA Program hubs with active grants are encouraged to attend.

  • A CTSAProgram hub is defined as a “UL1 award with a linked KL2 award and an optional TL1 award”. CTSA Program hubs can consist of a single institution, with the possibility of one or more participating partner institutions.
  • Hubs in “no cost extension” status are eligible to attend.
  • Participation in the CTSA Program meetings by personnel from partnering institutions is encouraged.

Refer to the NCATS CTSA Program Funding Information and/or the Notice of Grant Award to determine eligibility. Prior approval through NCATS is required for attendance of participants outside of an eligible CTSA Program hub.

Please note: on occasion, meals may be provided during an in-person program by CLIC as justified in their grant as an integral and necessary part of a conference (i.e., a working meal where business is transacted). If this occurs, hub participants who partake of the meal(s) and receive travel expenses from their hub award may not request or receive reimbursement from the hub for meals as part of their per diem.

Consent Clause:

Registration and participation in the 2021 CTSA Program Annual Meeting and associated activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to the use and distribution of the participant’s image or voice in recordings, both live and on-demand, in electronic reproductions of such events and activities by the CTSA Program Steering Committee and/or the CTSA Program Meeting coordinating center. Participation in this event may include technology that monitors your activities throughout the meeting, such as session attendance, etc.

Helpful Information to Improve your Virtual Meeting Experience

Location Type: Online



What to Expect?

You are able to access a very helpful document here which addresses:

  • The technology needs of the platform
  • How to access live technical assistance
  • How to Network in the platform
  • How to participate in the meeting sessions
  • How to transition among sessions
  • The latest Agenda
  • Information about the Poster Session

How to Chat

Q: How do I communicate with my colleagues during the Meeting?

A: There are three ways to engage with other participants on the virtual platform via chat.      First, click on the ellipsis icon in the top left corner of your screen, then:

  1. How to chat to everyone: Click on the “Everybody” option to communicate to everyone on the platform.
  2. How to chat to participants in your meeting session: Click on the meeting session reference in the chat list. This will share your message with only those in the meeting session with you.
  3. How to chat to a specific person: Click on a participant’s name found listed below the “Everyone” option in the chat list. You will then send a message only to the selected individual.

Access the step-by-step review of these processes here.

How to Ask Questions

Q: How do I participate during the meeting sessions?

A: There are two ways to communicate with session speakers, panelists, and moderators on the virtual platform during a meeting session. One way is via chat.

  1. Once in a meeting session, open the Chat window by clicking on the ellipsis in the top left corner of your screen.
  2. Listed under the “Everybody” option is a meeting session reference (i.e. Room #3 Stage / Main Stage / Panel Stage). Click on that meeting session option to communicate with the speakers, moderators, and panelists along with the participants present in that session
  3. Type your comment or question in the bottom portion of the black screen.

You can access a review of these options here.

How to Network


Q: How do I network during the virtual 2021 CTSA Program Annual Meeting?

A: There are three ways to network with your colleagues on the virtual platform during Annual Meeting.

  1. Via Text Chat
  2. Via Video Chat
  3. Via Conversation Areas

You can access a review of and the steps involved in these options here.

“How to” network video is available online, as well.


What is the scheduled date of the 2021 CTSA Program Annual Meeting?

The CTSA Program Annual Meeting will be held virtually on December 1 – 3, 2021.

Since the meeting will be held virtually, is it necessary to register in advance?

Yes, advanced registration is required. No last minute registrations will be permitted.

Will there be any networking opportunities built into the agenda?

NCATS and CLIC are working to include virtual networking opportunities into the agenda.

Do you anticipate pre-meeting reading materials?

This will be decided as the agenda is developed.

Poster Session

Will there be a Poster Session this year?

Yes, there will be a networking poster session during the 2021 CTSA Program Annual Meeting. One poster per Hub or Coordinating Center will be welcomed.

What is the topic for the Poster Session for 2021?

The overall theme for the poster session will match that of the meeting: Intentional Disruption and Innovation: The Future of Translational Science.

This overarching theme includes a set of four (4) sub-topics to focus on. These sub-topics include:

  1. Drug Development
  2. Clinical Trials
  3. Digital
  4. Innovation – Entrepreneurship

Please note: Be sure to highlight at least one of these two (2) aspects in your poster, as well:

  1. Education
  2. Health Equity

The poster session will be a moderated session. Submitted posters will be grouped together under one of the sub-topics referenced above and a designated moderator will facilitate discussion and Q&A with the poster presenter(s) and participants.

When will poster submission be open?

You will be able to begin submitting your poster as of Friday, September 17th

When will poster submission be closed?

Poster submissions will close on Friday, November 5th.

Is our Hub able to choose which sub-topic and focus point to submit our poster under?

Yes. The submission form will include the four sub-topic options to select from as well as which focus point you will include.

What needs to be included in the poster submission?

A full poster session submission will include:

  • A static poster file, no larger than 100MB
  • A pre-recorded video (an .mp4 file type), 2 to 3 minutes in length, (limit of 100MB in size) that discusses your poster
  • Any additional supporting resources to be available via download at your booth.

How will the Poster Session work during this meeting?

The submitted posters will be separated by sub-topic then by focus point and sectioned into meeting space. During the actual poster session on December 2nd at 3:30pm ET, each poster and video pre-recording will be highlighted for all in that room. These presentations will run back-to-back before any Q&A happens. A live presenter will then handle the Q&A, facilitated by a pre-assigned topic moderator.

Meeting participants will have the opportunity to view a schedule of these poster presentations in advance to ensure they are able to attend those they are most interested in.

A full list of posters in each meeting space will be available as well. This would be an interactive list, allowing people to see your poster, view your video and access any additional resources just by pressing a button. Interaction with the poster presenter is the only option not available from the interactive list.

Can you provide example questions to be considered – by Sub-Topic and Focus Point – for the poster submissions?

Yes, please see the list of suggested questions below to help form your Hub’s poster concept:

  • Sub-Topic: Clinical Trials
    • Focus Point: Education
      • How best do we educate students, residents, fellows and faculty on the proper conduct of clinical trials?
    • Focus Point: Health Equity
      • How do we involve the community to help recruit clinical trial subjects that represent the community?
  • Sub-Topic: Digital
    • Focus Point: Education
      • How do we train and retain data scientists in an environment where we must compete with large digital companies?
    • Focus Point: Health Equity
      • How do we reach out to diverse communities through digital communications?
  • Sub-Topic: Drug Development
    • Focus Point: Education
      • How do we develop a workforce to support drug development?
    • Focus Point: Health Equity
      • How do we address the development and testing across diverse communities – gender / race / location, etc.?
  • Sub-Topic: Innovation – Entrepreneurship
    • Focus Point: Education
      • What education programs can we develop for our students, residents, fellows, and faculty that will teach them about innovation and entrepreneurship?
    • Focus Point: Health Equity
      • How do we increase the involvement of under represented minorities in biotechnology companies and drive the focus of those companies to meet the needs of our diverse communities?


Is there a limit to how many participants can register per CTSA Hub?

Yes, each Hub is limited to 12 participant registrations for this meeting.This number does not include speakers nor the maximum of two (2) presenters for your Hub’s poster.

When does Registration Open?

Registration will open on Friday, August 13th.

When does Registration close?

Registration will close Monday, November 15th.

Do I need a CLIC website account to register for the Program Meeting?

Yes, an account on the CLIC website is necessary to access the meeting information. It is a simple process. Once on the clic-ctsa.org website, select “Log in” in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Login and Account Creation use the same process. Please be sure to complete your account profile.

Can someone else register me on my behalf?

Yes, this option is built into the registration form.

What happens after I register?

Directly following your registration, a confirmation message will be sent that will:

  • Outline the information provided during registration
  • Include links to important information on the website

As the meeting dates get closer, a final confirmation email will be sent to each registrant. That message will include log-in information to join the platform, some technology information to ensure the best meeting experience and tips to navigate the new platform.


I need to pre-record my presentation for the Annual Meeting. Can I get some help?

Yes, a member of the CLIC Meeting Planning Team would be happy to assist you.

Please check out the pre-recording guidance document found here that lists things to consider in preparation for your recording.

Are there any size specification limitations for my presentation?

Yes, the pre-recorded presentation should be an .mp4 file type and no larger than 100MB in size.

Will I have a chance to rehearse my presentation on the virtual platform ahead of the meeting dates?

Yes, speaker rehearsals will be set up in November.

Do I need to include my video image when recording my presentation?

Having your video image is preferred for a more impactful presentation.

When is my presentation due?

All meeting session presentations are due on Friday, November 19th.

Not to be confused with poster submissions that are due Friday, November 5th.


What virtual platform will be used for the 2021 Virtual CTSA Program Annual Meeting?

A new virtual platform will be used this year – AllSeated / exVo. This platform offers a 3D experience, expanding on the networking capabilities of the past. It offers a truly immersive and engaging experience.

Take a look: https://www.allseated.com/exvo/

Are there any device and connection specifics suggested to provide the best virtual meeting experience?

  • Operating System:
    • PC Windows 10 64-bit
    • Mac OS Mojave
  • Processor:
    • Core i3 2.4 GHz
  • System RAM:
    • 4 GB
  • Graphics Card:
    • Intel HD 520 video card
  • Browser:
    • Google Chrome
  • Device:
    • 4 years old or newer
  • Internet Connection:
    • 15 mbps or faster

Please note –

  • Devices with lesser or older specifications are not guaranteed to run EXVO
  • Devices with better or newer specifications should run the platform well