To accelerate translation, researchers need access to a broad range of data from a variety of sources (electronic health records, imaging, genetics, behavioral, etc.). These sources manage and store data differently, which creates the need for standardization. The Informatics Common Metric, which is in its second year, addresses the need to harmonize data across the CTSA Program. This will enhance our ability to collaborate on initiatives both within and outside the consortium. The metric also supports the following NCATS strategic objective: “Develop interoperable and integrative biomedical informatics resources to facilitate translational innovation in disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment.” The Common Metrics Initiative team is disseminating a series of brief webcasts from CTSA Program experts with topics ranging from foundational information to understand the field of informatics to how to get to interoperability.
The goal for I2I 2021 is to build a community of expertise among CTSA Programs to create true data interoperability across the consortium. To meet this goal, the focus of these webcasts is to:
- Encourage hubs to assess their current status with regard to data quality and completeness and standardization to advance clinical and translational science
- Assist hubs in improving their processes, such as implementing protocols and developing new tools
- Identify the needs of personnel and interdisciplinary teams, and finally, to
- Determine key national data networks and local partnerships
The first five webcasts are an introduction to informatics, created to build foundational knowledge and to define key terms. We encourage you to watch them in order.
The purpose of the Informatics Common Metric is to increase interoperability of data across the consortium. This metric supports the following NCATS strategic objective “Develop interoperable and integrative biomedical informatics resources to facilitate translational innovation in disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment.” The Common Metrics Initiative team is disseminating this actionable intelligence as a series of brief webcasts ranging from foundational information to understand the field of informatics to how to get to interoperability.
Resource Kit
1: Introduction to Insights to Inspire 2021
2: Language of Informatics
3: Introduction to Informatics
4: Introduction to Maturity Models
5: Importance of Interoperability
6: Infrastructure and Data Quality
7: Data Standardization in Data Warehousing
8: Process Improvement
9: Partners and Networks
10: Personnel and Interdisciplinary Teams
11: Data Science Education for Informatics
12: How to Get to Interoperability
Please note, the submitter suggests the order of the trainings is not important
Intended Audience
Clinical Research Professionals, Community Partners, General Public, Graduate Students, Health Care Professionals, Postdoctoral Scholars, Principal Investigators, Researchers, Undergraduate Students.
Data management and informatics,
- Insights to Inspire
- Informatics
- Biomedical Informatics
- Clinical Research
- Clinical Informatics
- Clinical Data Warehousing
- Maturity Model
- Clinical Data
- Clinical Research Informatics
- Clinical Trial Management
- Data Extraction
- COVID-19
- Data Repositories
- Data Management
- Data Sharing
- Common Metrics
- Clinical Data
- Audits
- Workforce Development
- Quality Improvement
- Training
- Project Management
- Audits
- Data Governance
- Data Provenance