This toolkit comprises a set of power point slide sets (modules) intended to serve as a resource for persons delivering presentations aiming to heighten and facilitate older adult inclusion in clinical and translational research. Examples of settings for use include: (a) workshops aiming to provide basic training in older adult inclusion at scientific meetings; (b) training sessions at one’s institution or in one’s research network; (c) presentations designed to advocate or facilitate development of policies or resources to promote older adult inclusion at an institution, agency or a research effort. Modules are fully downloadable so that persons preparing presentations may mix and match slides from the slide sets provided herein.
Please note, the submitter suggests the order of the trainings to be important. The first two modules appearing below form the first and second presentations in the set. The remaining modules may be selected as needed and presented in any order. For more information and to access a module, please click on the title in the first column.
This toolkit was developed by the NCATS CTSA Inclusion of Older Adults as a Model for Special Populations Working Group:
- Steve Anton, University of Florida
- Karen Bandeen Roche, Johns Hopkins University
- Cynthia Boyd, Johns Hopkins University
- Barrett Bowling, Duke University
- Elizabeth Eckstrom, Oregon Health & Science University
- Rashmi Gopal-Srivastava, NCATS
- Valery Gordon, NCATS
- Jerry Gurwitz, University of Massachusetts
- Nicole Iaquinto, University Of Rochester
- Steve Kritchevsky, Wake Forest School of Medicine
- Jay Magaziner, University of Maryland
- Todd Manini, University of Florida
- Daniel Mullins, University of Maryland
- Kathryn Nearing, University Of Colorado Denver
- Marco Pahor, University of Florida
- Susan Stark, Washington University in St. Louis
- Mark Supiano, University of Utah
- Elena Volpi, University of Texas Medical Branch
The list of tags underneath the listed modules below indicate topics addressed by the library. Please click if you wish to view other CLIC resources pertaining to a given topic.
The toolkit aims to increase the inclusion of older adults in clinical and translational research by equipping trainers and advocates with easily accessible materials by which to facilitate older adult inclusion. They are suitable as a foundation for advocacy or training.
Resource Kit
You Should be Recruiting Older Adults
Educating Research Teams to meet the NIH Lifespan Inclusion Policy
Addressing Common Statistical Issues
Aging, Multimorbidity, Polypharmacy, and Inter-current Health Events Research Implications
Why Multiple Chronic Conditions Matters
Community-Engaged Research (CEnR) with Diverse Older Adults
Including “vulnerable” older adults in research: The case of people with cognitive impairments
Gerontologized measures
The Older Veteran Engagement Team – An Example of the Value of Engaging Older Adults in Research
Please note, the submitter suggests the order of the trainings to be important
Intended Audience
Clinical Research Professionals, Community Partners, General Public, Graduate Students, Health Care Professionals, Postdoctoral Scholars, Principal Investigators, Researchers, Undergraduate Students.
Scientific concepts and research design,
Ethical and participant safety considerations,
Clinical trial operations,
Study and site management,
Data management and informatics,
Communication and teamwork,
- Inclusion of Older Adults in Research
- Gerontology
- Inclusion
- Cognitive Impairment
- Study Design
- Data Analysis
- Diversity
- Multi-Morbidity
- Research Ethics
- Statistics
- Statistical Methods
- Lifespan
- Research Evaluation
- Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention
- Chronic Disease
- Intersectionality
- Community Engaged Research
- CEnR
- Patient Engagement
- Assent
- Vulnerable Population
- E-Consent
- Research Ethics
- Polypharmacy
- Aging
- Education and Training
- Clinical and Translational Research
- Community Engagement
- Clinical Trials
- Clinical Research
- Ansible May 2023