The Indiana Pandemic Information Collaborative (IPIC) is offering a 10-week series that will break down the COVID-19 outbreak. All session of the series will be held from 4:30-5:30ET; the first session meets on October 8, 2020.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone in some way, many people may not fully understand how the virus is spreading, the impact it’s having on communities or the effort to track and contain the spread. A symposium hosted by IPIC aims to answer your questions.
Week 1 (October 8) – The layperson’s guide to COVID-19: The evolution, the symptoms and prevention – Peter J. Embí, MD & Jeremy Harper MS
Week 2 (October 15) – Immune response and vaccination: Antibodies, DNA, immunity and more – Andy Yu, Ph.D
Week 3 (October 22) – Measuring the spread: How Indiana measured the prevalence of COVID-19 across the entire state – Nir Menachemi, PhD
Week 4 (October 29) – Hospitals, pop-up testing and health information exchange: How to prepare for a pandemic – Drew Richardson (HIE) & Patrick McGill, MD
Week 5 (November 5) – Engaging the community: COVID-19 and its impact on minority communities – Gerardo Maupome PhD & Tisha Reid, BSPHA, CHWC
Week 6 (November 12) – Dashboarding: How data is translated into predictions and why the virus has been so hard to track and contain – Shaun J. Grannis, MD, & Brian E. Dixon, PhD & Jeremy Harper MS
Week 7 (November 19) – Interpreting models: Why coronavirus spread can’t be tracked like track a hurricane
Week 8 (December 3) – National collaborations: How organizations across the country are combining resources to address the pandemic – Melissa Haendel, Ph.D.
Week 9 (December 10) – Schools and COVID-19: How reopening schools has impacted the spread – Chloe Gibbs PhD
Week 10 (December 17) – Future Directions: How should we prepare for the next pandemic
- COVID-19
- Community Health
Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 04:30 pm EDT – Thursday, December 17, 2020 – 05:30 pm EST
Activity Type
Educational Offering
Location Type