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This group has been sunsetted As of October 31, 2022
The purpose of this Working Group is to establish a “CTSA Visiting Professorship” consisting of virtual meetings (Phase 1) between “visiting” KL2 Scholars and their peers at other hubs and at the NCATS intramural research program, and eventually, once travel is permitted, in-person visits (Phase 2). The CTSA Visiting Professorship would include a formal CTSA Grand Rounds lecture, given by the Scholar, which will be open to the entire Consortium. In addition, the experience would include the Scholar meeting with scientific experts engaged in similar or complementary research at the “hosting” hub, enabling the Scholar to expand their network. The goal is that these connections will persist beyond the visit and that this program will foster exchange of ideas and collaborations among different hubs.
Develop an application process to match KL2 Scholars with CTSA hubs.
Define the core components of the “visit” that will be standard across hubs.
Identify the optimal communication platform and procedures for the Grand Rounds series.
Develop an evaluation process.
Identify metrics to capture the short- and long-term outcomes of the program.
Publish a manuscript on the impact of the program
KL2 Scholar
Miriam Bredella
Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School; Vice Chair, Department of Radiology, MGH
Emma Meagher
University Of Pennsylvania
First Tuesday of each month at 10 am ET