HealthB12 Shots For Weight Loss - Does This Weight Loss Method Really...

B12 Shots For Weight Loss – Does This Weight Loss Method Really Work?

For years experts have been engaged in a long standing discussion regarding the impact of B12 injections on metabolism and weight loss, in individuals seeking to shed pounds. Some claim that B12 can lead to weight loss outcomes even without a deficiency. Lets explore this further!

Taking supplements can help increase your energy levels, speed up your metabolism, improve your sleep patterns and improve your overall mood. If you are considering the possibility of a B12 injection, read on to find out if B12 injections are a viable approach to weight loss.

Does B12 make weight loss easier?

In reality the use of B12 injections, for weight loss is not very common. To lose weight it's important to embrace a healthy lifestyle stick to a well designed weight loss program and make dietary adjustments that align with your weight loss objectives.

Emphasising changes in your eating habits and implementing other weight loss strategies should be a priority. Including foods rich in vitamin B12 in your diet can significantly improve your chances of losing body fat.

What are B vitamins in general?

B vitamins are often. They are vital for our bodys everyday functions. These essential nutrients have a role, in converting food into energy supporting our nervous system and keeping our skin, hair and nails healthy. Consider them as the heroes who work behind the scenes to ensure our bodies function properly giving us the energy and vibrancy to tackle each days challenges with a positive outlook.

Reviews of B12 injections for weight loss

As the human body is unable to produce B12 naturally, we must obtain it through regular intake of supplements or food sources. Foods rich in vitamin B12 include dairy products such as cheese, milk and eggs, as well as meat and fish.

People who follow a vegetarian diet or avoid animal products often depend on vitamin supplements and fortified cereals to fulfill their B12 requirements. The Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) of vitamin B12 can vary based on factors like dietary preferences and age. Typically the RDI for vitamin B12, in adults falls within the range of 2.4 to 2.8 micrograms.

Vitamin B12 and its effect on weight: A Review of the Evidence

Interestingly, several studies have shown a possible link between maintaining adequate levels of vitamin B12 and a reduced risk of obesity and weight gain. For example, a study of 9,075 people found an association between higher levels of vitamin B12 and a reduced likelihood of obesity. Similarly, a study of 256 children found that those with lower B12 levels tended to have a higher body mass index (BMI), a measure of body size in relation to weight and height.

However it’s worth mentioning that although these studies indicate a connection between body weight and vitamin B12 levels they don’t consider potential factors that could contribute to this. Hence it is too early to jump to the conclusion that vitamin B12 directly leads to weight loss. Further research is required to establish whether there is an impact of B12, on BMI or overall body weight.

B12 injections for weight loss

Although changing your diet to include more vitamin B12 is a commendable approach, opting for injections is an optimal way to return to a healthier lifestyle. With injections, you get a more concentrated form of B12 directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the slower digestive process. This rapid absorption allows you to experience the benefits of B12 more quickly.

What is vitamin B12?

What is vitamin b12 image

Vitamin B12, which is also referred to as cobalamin is a type of vitamin that dissolves in water. It can be found in medications prescribed by doctors, supplements, processed foods that have been enriched with nutrients and various animal based products. This vitamin plays a role in the cellular metabolism, within the human body.

As one of the eight B vitamins, vitamin B12 is essential for DNA synthesis and the metabolism of both amino acids and fatty acids. This metabolic function means that without proper absorption and uptake of B12, the body is unable to process carbohydrates and fats effectively. The main functions of vitamin B12 in the body include

  • Helps develop red blood cells.
  • Improves immune system function and response.
  • Strengthen the nervous system and support brain health.

Effects of B12 on metabolism and body fat

Although there is not an amount of research on the impact of vitamin B12 in humans several studies indicate that it may influence metabolism and the storage of body fat. Vitamin B12 plays a role, in fat metabolism and not having enough of this vitamin could potentially be linked to obesity and increased fat accumulation.

One animal study showed that severe vitamin B12 deficiency significantly increased cholesterol levels and body fat percentage in pregnant mice. Another study showed that vitamin B12 supplementation in rats fed a high-fat diet resulted in reduced weight gain and increased levels of several metabolic enzymes.

How does B12 affect your metabolism?

You can take a B12 injection to help your body work more effectively. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Boosts energy
  • Improves mood
  • Promotes healthy vision
  • Contributes to healthy bones
  • Enhances beauty
  • Eliminates anaemia

Boost energy with B12

If you find yourself frequently experiencing fatigue and a decrease in energy it may indicate a deficiency, in vitamin B. A small dosage of B12 can offer an invigorating and refreshing surge of vitality.

Given that anaemia is one of the most prominent symptoms associated with B12 deficiency, it is logical to expect that individuals who increase their B12 intake will experience increased vitality and strength. Even those who do not show overt signs of anaemia can benefit from B12 injections.

Improves Mood

Vitamin B12 has been associated with enhancing mood as a number of studies have indicated its ability to potentially enhance wellness. This vital vitamin plays a role in the creation of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine which are crucial, for regulating mood and emotions.

Adequate levels of B12 allow these neurotransmitters to function optimally, promoting a more stable and positive mood. Therefore, maintaining an adequate intake of B12 through dietary sources or supplements may contribute to improved overall well-being and mood stability.

Promotes healthy vision

Adding vitamin B12 to your health routine can play a crucial role in preserving clear eyesight as you get older. There is evidence that supports the positive impact of vitamin B12 in treating macular degeneration, which ultimately leads to better vision. Macular degeneration is an age related disease that in severe instances can result in difficulties, with mobility. By including B12 injections as part of your regular regimen you can ensure optimal eye health and experience additional long term health benefits.

Eliminates anemia

Anaemia, characterised by a lack of red blood cells in the bloodstream, is often associated with low iron levels or insufficient B12. Anaemia can cause fatigue and breathing difficulties. B12 injections play an important role in the treatment of anaemia by increasing red blood cell production. With consistent treatment, many people experience a significant reduction in weakness and fatigue. Some even report improvements in their lung function after B12 therapy.

Helps maintain strong and healthy bones

Vitamin B12 plays a key role in maintaining strong and healthy bones, improving overall flexibility and strength. Research suggests that B12 helps to increase the mineral density of bones, reducing their susceptibility to fracture and increasing their resistance to significant damage.

People with adequate levels of B12 are less likely to develop osteoporosis in the future. B12 injections are often recommended, especially for women, as they have a higher risk of osteoporosis than men.

Enhances beauty

Regular B12 injections can help improve your appearance by strengthening your skin, nails and hair. B12 supports the production of new cells in your body and speeds up the replacement of old cells. This process can result in a flawless complexion and more attractive nails.

Many people who incorporate B12 injections into their routine notice improvements in the texture and shine of their hair. B12’s association with beauty is so strong that it is available over the counter and marketed as a beauty supplement. The benefits of B12 can be experienced more efficiently and quickly through injections.

What foods are high in B12?

When it comes to finding foods rich in B12, you can count on some delicious options. Animal products steal the spotlight in this department, with lean meats like beef, chicken and fish leading the way. Eggs and dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt are also good sources of B12.

For vegans, fortified cereals, plant-based milk, and nutritional yeast are excellent choices for meeting your B12 needs. So whether you’re enjoying a juicy steak or a creamy almond milk latte, there are plenty of tasty ways to make sure you get your B12 fix!

Common signs of vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency often manifests as megaloblastic anaemia, which is characterised by a reduced number of red blood cells that are typically larger than normal. This condition can cause a number of side effects and symptoms, including

  • Poor balance
  • Headaches
  • Shortness of breath
  • Memory loss
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Tiredness

It’s important to note that low vitamin B12 levels do not always lead to megaloblastic anaemia. Many people may experience mild symptoms, such as fatigue. In addition, although vitamin B12 deficiency does not directly cause weight gain, it can contribute to decreased energy levels and increased fatigue. This deficiency can make it difficult to control weight and maintain an active lifestyle.

Some studies have also suggested that a decrease in vitamin B12 levels may cause a loss of appetite, which could lead to weight loss if left untreated. If you have a B12 deficiency, your healthcare provider may recommend oral vitamin B12 supplements or injections to increase your blood levels. Including B12-rich foods in your diet, such as meat, fish, milk and cheese, may also help prevent megaloblastic anaemia.

Are there other B12 supplements?

There are several B12 supplements available for those with dietary restrictions, absorption problems or who simply want an extra boost. You can find B12 supplements in a variety of forms, including pills, sublingual tablets that dissolve under the tongue, and even B12 injections for those with severe deficiencies.

Vegan-friendly B12 supplements derived from micro-organisms are also available. These supplements can be a convenient way to make sure you’re meeting your B12 needs, especially if your diet isn’t providing enough, or if you’re looking to address specific health concerns. Always consult a health professional before starting any new supplement programme.

What are the side effects of B12 shots?

Although B12 injections are generally considered safe and beneficial for people with B12 deficiency, as with any medical procedure, they can have some side effects. Common side effects include pain or discomfort at the injection site, mild itching or redness.

In rare cases, some people may experience allergic reactions such as hives, swelling or difficulty breathing that require immediate medical attention. It’s important that B12 injections are given by a qualified healthcare provider who can ensure proper technique and monitor for any adverse reactions. If you’re considering a B12 injection, talk to your healthcare provider about the potential risks and benefits.

Frequently asked questions

How do B12 shots help with weight loss?

B12 injections are thought to help with weight loss by improving metabolism and increasing energy levels. This may help people maintain an active lifestyle and better adhere to a calorie-controlled diet.

Are B12 shots appropriate for everyone who wants to lose weight?

B12 injections may be appropriate for people with a B12 deficiency, as correcting this deficiency can improve overall health and energy levels. However, they may not be effective for weight loss in people with adequate B12 intake.

Are there any possible side effects of B12 shots for weight loss?

B12 injections are generally considered to be safe with minimal side effects. Some people may experience mild discomfort at the injection site, but serious side effects are rare. It is important to consult a healthcare professional before starting a B12 injection.

Can B12 shots be combined with other weight loss strategies or supplements?

Yes, B12 injections can be used in conjunction with other weight loss strategies, such as a healthy diet and exercise programme. However, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional to ensure safe and effective supplementation.

Can I buy B12 shots over the counter or do I need a prescription?

Typically, B12 injections require a prescription from a healthcare provider. It is important to consult a healthcare professional to determine their suitability for your specific needs and health goals.


In summary, vitamin B12 plays a critical role in several aspects of our health, including heart health, brain function, and the formation of DNA and red blood cells. It’s reassuring to know that there are no significant risks associated with taking high doses of B12 for weight loss, and there are no known potential side effects from B12 injections.

For those concerned about needles, it’s worth noting that B12 supplements come in a variety of forms, including lozenges, liquids, capsules and tablets. While a B12 injection can produce noticeable results, a true deficiency of the vitamin is usually required for a meaningful effect.

It remains uncertain whether vitamin B12 can affect weight loss if you already have an adequate dietary intake of B12, as this vitamin is easily found in fortified foods and animal products. It’s a good idea to consult with a health care professional before starting any new supplement or weight loss plan to make sure it meets your specific needs and health goals.


  1. Ozer S, Sonmezgoz E, Demir O (2017). Negative correlation among vitamin B12 levels, obesity severity, and metabolic syndrome in obese children: A case-control study. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, [online] 67(11). Available at: Read article
  2. Ghosh, S., Sinha, J.K., Putcha, U.K., and Raghunath, M. (2016). Severe but Not Moderate Vitamin B12 Deficiency Impairs Lipid Profile, Induces Adiposity, and Leads to Adverse Gestational Outcome in Female C57BL/6 Mice. Frontiers in Nutrition, [online] 3. Available at: Read article
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  4. Wolffenbuttel, B.H.R., Wouters, H.J.C.M., Heiner-Fokkema, M.R., and van der Klauw, M.M. (2019). The Many Faces of Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Deficiency. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes, [online] 3(2), pp. 200–214. Available at: Read article
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Master of Science and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at University of California

Paul Piepenbrok is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over 12 years of experience. He specializes in the health sciences and writes extensively about nutrition and chronic disease. He holds a Master of Science degree in Human Nutrition and has completed post-graduate work in the Nutrition Sciences. The author has experience working in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, and public health departments. They have worked as a Health Facility Surveyor and a WIC Program Manager in Plano, Texas. Before becoming a full-time freelance writer, they successfully operated a telehealth wellness clinic, assisting clients in achieving their health goals, including weight loss, blood sugar control, liver function improvement, and overall health enhancement.

Health Coach

Brittany Hernandez specializes in assessing supplements, health technologies, and applications. She continually enhances her skills as a health copywriter. With a Bachelor's degree in Translation and Communication and a background in linguistics, Brittany is skilled at converting complex research into accessible, high-quality content. She is highly regarded in the health industry for her keen eye for detail and ability to identify high-quality health and wellness products.


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