HealthFast & Unexplained Weight Loss For Diabetics – Is It Caused By...

Fast & Unexplained Weight Loss For Diabetics – Is It Caused By Diabetes?

Today we encounter a range of health issues in our society namely diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. It’s not uncommon for individuals affected by one of these conditions to also face challenges related to the two. Due to its impact, on sugar and fat metabolism diabetes often contributes to weight management difficulties sometimes leading to overweight or even obesity.

While CBD may offer potential benefits for weight management, their obesity poses a challenge to their cardiovascular system, resulting in associated complications such as elevated blood pressure, coronary artery disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

CDC reports include the following statistics:

  • Diabetes: According to the latest 2018 CDC report, an estimated 34.2 million people of all ages, or 10.5% of the total US population, have diabetes.
  • Obesity: The prevalence of obesity in the United States was reported to be 42.4% in 2017-2018.
  • Hypertension: Hypertension affects 47% or about 116 million people in the United States.

Recent statistics from the CDC reveal that heart disease and diabetes are contributors to mortality rates in the United States. It’s important to mention that although many individuals, with diabetes are overweight there are cases where weight loss occurs of weight gain.

For those who have not been diagnosed with diabetes, sudden weight loss may be an early indicator of the onset of diabetes. The reasons for this phenomenon need to be investigated further.

Can Diabetes Cause Sudden Weight Loss?

If you notice that you're losing weight without any reason it's crucial to schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon, as possible. This could potentially indicate the presence of pre diabetes a condition where your pancreas and insulin production might be starting to face some impact.

As a result, your body's metabolism is impaired, leading to increased fat burning because glucose is not being metabolised efficiently to provide the energy needed for your body's functions. This increased fat burning can lead to weight loss and it is important to consult a doctor to determine the underlying cause.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) over 88 million adults in the United States, which is than one, in three have prediabetes. It is concerning to note that a staggering 84% of these individuals are unaware of their condition. Prediabetes refers to levels of blood glucose that have not yet reached the threshold for a type 2 diabetes diagnosis.

It increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. The encouraging news is that if prediabetes is detected early, it may be possible to prevent progression to full-blown diabetes and the long-term complications it can cause in various body systems.

Many research studies have demonstrated that although type 2 diabetes cannot be entirely cured, detecting it early can result in its reversal, for individuals. By making modifications and losing weight it might be feasible to attain and sustain normal blood glucose levels without relying on medication.

For example, Mike Lean, Ph.D., professor of nutrition at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, contributed to a 2016 study that followed 306 people with diabetes, some for up to a decade, and enrolled them in a weight-loss programme. After 12 months, nearly half of the participants achieved remission to a non-diabetic state and were able to stop taking their anti-diabetic medications when they lost about 33 pounds.

“A person’s chances of achieving remission from diabetes are greatest in the first five years after diagnosis. Unfortunately, many people do not make an effort to lose weight, and many healthcare professionals are unaware of this fact, which can result in a lack of appropriate guidance and encouragement for patients.”

Dr. Lean reported

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is an occurring metabolic condition that impacts how the body processes sugar obtained from food. In this disorder the pancreas. Doesn’t generate sufficient insulin or the insulin it produces doesn’t function optimally. This hampers the bodys ability to convert glucose from the bloodstream into energy for cells. Consequently the body compensates by burning fat and muscle for energy resulting in a decrease, in body weight.

Rapid Weight Loss Diabetics

Rapid weight loss diabetics image

Unexplained weight loss in diabetes is usually accompanied by other signs and symptoms such as increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue and blurred vision. Recognising these indicators is crucial for early diagnosis and intervention. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, seeking medical evaluation and advice is essential to managing and possibly reversing diabetes.

  • Unusual tiredness
  • Mood changes, including irritability
  • Dark skin around the neck or armpits
  • Excessive thirst or hunger
  • Vision changes
  • Slow healing of cuts or bruises
  • Itchy skin
  • Yeast infections
  • Excessive urination

What Should I Be Aware Of If I Have Diabetes?

If you have diabetes there are a few factors you should be aware of in order to effectively take care of your health. The first and most crucial aspect is regularly monitoring your blood glucose levels to ensure they stay within a range. It’s essential to pay attention to your diet prioritizing well rounded meals that include complex carbohydrates while limiting your intake of sugary foods and beverages.

Exercise is your ally in controlling diabetes, so find an activity you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine. Don’t forget to communicate openly with your healthcare team, as they can provide guidance tailored to your specific needs. Finally, remember that self-care and a positive attitude can make a big difference in managing diabetes and living a healthy, fulfilling life.

Types Of Diabetes

There are three different types of diabetes, each with its own characteristics:

Type 1 Diabetes

  • Type 1 diabetes usually manifests itself quickly.
  • The body stops producing insulin altogether.
  • It often occurs in children and young adults, with significant unexplained weight loss being the first sign.
  • Management of type 1 diabetes requires daily insulin administration for lifelong survival.
  • There is currently no known way to prevent type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM)

  • In type 2 diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus (T2DM), the body uses insulin inefficiently, making it difficult to maintain normal blood glucose levels.
  • Healthy lifestyle changes such as weight loss, a balanced diet, and physical activity can prevent or delay the onset of T2DM.

Gestational Diabetes

  • Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy and usually goes away after the baby is born.
    However, it can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

Obesity And Diabetes

The connection between obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is intricate and not entirely comprehended. It has proven challenging to ascertain whether obesity contributes to T2DM or if T2DM leads to obesity due, to the metabolic characteristics of this condition.

Reports suggest that severe obesity in childhood and adolescence increases the risk of T2DM in young people. T2DM, which often has no noticeable symptoms, often goes undetected until random blood glucose levels are measured. Scientists believe that insulin resistance is at the root of the excessive fat accumulation associated with T2DM.

Moreover this resistance plays a part in the emergence of hyperlipidemia and the accumulation of excessive fat that is typical in T2DM. It can even be observed in individuals with a physique before they receive a diabetes diagnosis indicating its role as a precursor to T2DM. Nonetheless the precise factors, behind insulin resistance continue to elude us.

Weight Management In Diabetes

Effective weight loss is the primary goal in the management and potential reversal of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Achieving this goal, especially in the case of sudden weight loss, can be achieved by adhering to a balanced, low-calorie diet with a focus on monitoring carbohydrate and sugar intake. Combined with regular exercise, people with diabetes have successfully managed and in some cases reversed their diabetes.

However it’s important to be cautious when using over the counter (OTC) diet pills and prescription weight loss medications for individuals with complex metabolic profiles. Bariatric surgery is a risky option, for managing weight and is typically recommended for obese individuals who have struggled with weight loss. An additional advantage of surgery as highlighted by the American Diabetes Association is its potential to resolve Type 2 diabetes (T2DM).

This resolution is attributed to the normalisation of peripheral insulin sensitivity and the increase in pancreatic β-cell sensitivity to glucose observed in the early post-operative period. The proportion of people who achieve normal blood glucose levels is primarily determined by the extent of weight loss.

High Blood Pressure And Diabetes

Studies indicate that individuals diagnosed with diabetes are twice as prone to experiencing blood pressure compared to those, without diabetes. Failure to address this issue can elevate the chances of developing heart disease and stroke.

In addition, people with both diabetes and high blood pressure are four times more likely to develop heart disease than those without either condition. About two-thirds of adults with diabetes either have blood pressure readings above 130/80 mm Hg or require prescription medication to control high blood pressure.

Hormones And Diabetes

The interaction between insulin, glucose, leptin and ghrelin in diabetes is quite complex. Can have an impact on the bodys ability to metabolize fat. Consequently individuals with diabetes may experience changes in their weight either gaining or losing it rapidly. Insulin partially affects the function of leptin, a hormone produced in the pancreas that helps signal feelings of fullness. Leptins role, in reducing appetite and boosting burning metabolism can result in weight loss.

Conversely, ghrelin, the hunger-inducing hormone, is suppressed by insulin and glucose. This phenomenon may explain the lower ghrelin levels observed in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). It’s worth noting that insulin sensitivity, rather than insulin itself, may have a greater impact on ghrelin regulation.

Ghrelin along with hormones associated with appetite play a crucial role in influencing our eating habits and managing weight. However there is still much to learn about these hormones, ghrelin and leptin. Further research is required to gain an understanding of their intricate complexities and biological functions, within the body particularly when it comes to T2DM.

How should I lose weight if I have diabetes?

Losing weight with diabetes requires a thoughtful and personalised approach. It’s important to work with your healthcare team to develop a safe and effective plan. Start by focusing on portion control and making healthier food choices, with an emphasis on vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Regular physical activity is important, so find enjoyable ways to move your body, whether it’s walking, dancing or swimming.

Make sure to monitor your blood sugar levels as losing weight can have an impact on your medication requirements. Also don’t underestimate the importance of having a support system. Involving your friends or family in your weight loss journey can offer you the needed motivation and encouragement. Always remember that it’s not about shedding those extra pounds but also, about enhancing your overall well being.

What Foods Should I Avoid If I Have Diabetes?

When it comes to managing diabetes, it’s important to make smart choices about what you eat. While you don’t need to cut out certain foods completely, there are some that you should eat in moderation or avoid to keep your blood sugar under control. Sugary drinks such as fizzy drinks and excessive sweets should be limited as they can cause rapid blood glucose spikes.

Foods that have processing and contain refined carbohydrates like white bread and sugary cereals can impact your blood sugar levels as well. It’s best to consume fried and fatty foods, such as snacks in moderation. Prioritize whole and unprocessed foods, keeping in mind that a balanced diet is crucial, for managing diabetes while also ensuring satisfaction and good health.

What Are The Side Effects Of Losing Weight As A Diabetic?

Losing weight as a diabetic can have both positive and some negative potential side effects. On the positive side, shedding extra pounds can lead to better blood glucose control, improved insulin sensitivity and a reduced risk of complications. However, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects such as hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), especially if you’re taking medication.

Losing weight might also impact your medication dosage. It may require adjustments under the supervision of medical professionals. Furthermore if rapid weight loss occurs without a balanced diet there is a possibility of experiencing muscle loss, fatigue or nutritional deficiencies. That’s why it’s crucial to collaborate with your healthcare team to develop a personalized weight loss program that is both safe and effective, for your unique requirements.


What are the potential causes of rapid weight loss in people with diabetes?

Rapid weight loss in people with diabetes may be due to factors such as changes in insulin sensitivity, medication adjustments, dietary changes or disease progression.

Is rapid weight loss always a sign of uncontrolled diabetes?

That’s not always the case. Although unmanaged diabetes can lead to losing weight there are health conditions or intentional changes, in diet and exercise that can also cause rapid weight loss.

Should I be concerned if I experience rapid weight loss as a diabetic?

Yes, you should be concerned if you have unexplained or sudden weight loss as a diabetic. It’s important to discuss this with your healthcare professional as it may indicate underlying health problems that need attention.

Are there risks associated with rapid weight loss for people with diabetes?

Certainly there are dangers connected with losing weight quickly in individuals who have diabetes. These risks include the possibility of lacking nutrients and experiencing muscle loss. It is crucial to seek guidance from a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to guarantee an sustainable method, for managing weight.

What is the role of diet and exercise in rapid weight loss for people with diabetes?

Diet and exercise can play an important role in weight management for people with diabetes. However, any significant changes in diet or exercise should be discussed with a healthcare professional to make sure they are safe and appropriate for your specific condition.


Losing weight rapidly for individuals, with diabetes or pre diabetes is not a recommended strategy as it may result in deficiencies and other health issues. It is better to embark on a regulated weight loss program that aims for steady and sustainable progress emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balanced diet engaging in physical activity and closely monitoring blood glucose levels.

Studies have shown that this approach may have the potential to reverse diabetes symptoms, although it’s important to note that it’s not a cure, but rather a positive maintenance programme to help maintain a balanced glucose metabolism and keep fat storage and fat burning within normal limits.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2017 Estimates of Diabetes and Its Burden in the United States Background. Source: Read article
  2. CDC (2021). Adult Obesity Facts. Source: Read article
  3. CDC (2021). Facts About Hypertension. Source: Read article
  4. Anon, (2021). FastStats – Leading Causes of Death. Source: Read article
  5. CDC (2020). Prediabetes – Your Chance to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes. Source: Read article
  6. Lean, M.E., Leslie, W.S., Barnes, A.C., Brosnahan, N., Thom, G., McCombie, L., Peters, C., Zhyzhneuskaya, S., Al-Mrabeh, A., Hollingsworth, K.G., Rodrigues, A.M., Rehackova, L., Adamson, A.J., Sniehotta, F.F., Mathers, J.C., Ross, H.M., McIlvenna, Y., Stefanetti, R., Trenell, M. and Welsh, P. (2018). Primary care-led weight management for remission of type 2 diabetes (DiRECT): an open-label, cluster-randomized trial. The Lancet. Source: Read article
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  8. Malone, J.I. and Hansen, B.C. (2018). Does obesity cause type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)? Or is it the opposite? Pediatric Diabetes. Source: Read article
  9. Erdmann, J., Lippl, F., Wagenpfeil, S. and Schusdziarra, V. (2005). Differential Association of Basal and Postprandial Plasma Ghrelin With Leptin, Insulin, and Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes. Source: Read article
  10. Kempa, A., Krzyzanowska-Świniarska, B., Miazgowski, T. and Pilarska, K. (2007). Not insulin but insulin sensitivity, leptin, and Cortisol are major factors regulating serum acylated ghrelin level in healthy women. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. Source: Read article
Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian & Exercise Nutrition Coach at Catholic Medical Center Brooklyn Queens

Cecilia Lam has a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics and is a certified nutritionist-dietitian and exercise nutrition coach. She holds a Precision Nutrition coaching certification and an International Fitness Certification from the International Sports Sciences Association. With ten years of experience in the health and fitness industry, complemented by four years in clinical settings, Cecilia has successfully partnered with a diverse range of clients and organizations worldwide.

Health Coach

Ashley Martinez is a writer specializing in thought leadership articles on healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices. Her work has been published in numerous healthcare magazines that reflect her expertise. With a keen eye for the latest trends and developments in the medical field, Ashley brings a depth of knowledge and insight that informs and inspires her readers. Her commitment to excellence and passion for making a difference in the lives of others shines through in every piece she writes, making her a valuable contributor to the healthcare discourse.


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