CTSA Program Fall Meeting – Call for Topics

Spring has come and gone, and we find ourselves at the official start of Summer in a just few days. With the relativity of time now having been tested for several months by our distancing measures as well as our circadian rhythms being completely discombobulated (how many others long to be re-combobulated?) due to continuous and consistent telework, our CTSA Fall Program meeting is suddenly on the horizon. As our planning efforts gear up, we would like to hear from you: What ideas for topics and suggestions do you have, what has worked well in the past and what would you like to see in the fall meeting. BTW, has anyone considered investigating the relationship of ‘Zoom-fatigue’ towards the adoption of greater utilization of telemedicine?

As always, our goal is to work together with our CTSA Program Community to develop a meeting with topics and activities of high interest to our investigators, participants, and the translational science community. Our objective is to generate a memorable meeting that includes sessions for academic and hub enrichment, and that fosters a collaborative space to share experiences and practices while allowing time for fruitful interactions. Our meeting format, as with the recent Spring meeting, will be virtual (see our Spotlight section below), and we hope that we still get to “see” many of you participate, interact, and share your experiences and knowledge

Last year, our posters about Optional Modules were very well attended in person as well as downloaded from the CLIC website. We would like to continue similar events where CTSA Institutions, Partners and Collaborators can showcase their innovative approaches and solutions to common translational science problems. In particular, consideration of COVID accommodations that should be continued in the post-acute COVID era deserve some attention. Last year’s breakout sessions with IDeA-CTR and presentations from Extension program, PCORI and FDA were also well-received and allowed us to identify synergistic approaches to overcoming translational hurdles. We are always interested in additional ideas for a ‘beyond CTSAs’ session.

With the above in mind, we would like to hear from you and challenge your creative brains for topics, ideas, icebreakers to make the Fall meeting a memorable “virtual” one. To make your topic suggestions please visit the CLIC website or you can submit your ideas for topics and activities directly to the CLIC Suggestion Box.

We will miss seeing you all in person this fall. Thankfully, we have our 21st century “virtual” interactive routines well tested and established. This will allow us – without major disruption – to continue our collaborative efforts to advance translational science and share our ideas/solutions to help speed up the translation of therapies, approaches and solutions for the benefit of ALL of our patients, our communities and our Nation

Stay healthy and safe,

“I dream with open eyes… and others see my dreams. That is all.”

– David Lindsay, A Voyage to Arcturus

  • CTSA Program
  • CTSA Program Meeting
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