One way to achieve the CTSA Program goals is by organizing two in-person annual meetings to bring key consortium stakeholders together. The Fall CTSA Program Meetings focus on priority areas and opportunities for the consortium members to come together to share best practices. The agenda for this meeting is planned by the CTSA Program Steering Committee with input received through prior meeting evaluations and additional input solicited from the consortium. The meeting of the Administrators Group is also supported during the Fall. The Spring CTSA Program Group Meetings support meetings of several Enterprise Committees (EC) and Consortium groups. Team leads and respective membership collaborate to plan the group agendas.
Personnel from CTSA Program hubs that have active grants are encouraged to attend. A CTSA Program hub is defined as a UL1 award with a linked KL2 award and an optional TL1 award. CTSA Program hubs can consist of a single institution, plus the possibility of one or more participating partner institutions. Hubs in no cost extension are eligible to attend. Participation in the CTSA Program meetings by personnel from partnering institutions is encouraged. Refer to the NCATS CTSA Program Funding Table and/or the Notice of Grant Award to determine eligibility. Prior approval through NCATS is required for attendance of participants outside of an eligible CTSA Program hub. Please contact: [email protected]
On occasion, meals may be provided by CLIC as justified in their grant as an integral and necessary part of a conference (i.e., a working meal where business is transacted). If this occurs, hub participants who partake of the meal(s) and receive travel expenses from their hub award may not request or receive reimbursement from the hub for meals as part of their per diem.
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2023 CTSA Program Spring Group Meetings
April 20, 2023 – April 21, 2023
The CTSA Program Annual Spring Meeting provides an opportunity for the CTSA Steering Committee, Communicators Group, and Enterprise Committees to convene in person to support their goals, address priority or emerging public health issues, and share and/or define best practices across the consortium. Each group sets their own agenda for this meeting.
2022 In-Person CTSA Program Annual Meeting
November 01, 2022 – November 02, 2022
Meeting Theme: Achieving Health Equity through the Science of Translation
2022 CTSA Program In-Person Spring Group Meetings
The two meetings held each year provide an opportunity to achieve the CTSA Program Goals and bring key consortium stakeholders together. The CTSA Program Annual Meeting is held in the fall focusing on priority areas and offering opportunities for the consortium members to come together to share best practices.The agenda for this meeting is planned by the CTSA Program Steering Committee with input received from prior meeting evaluations and additional input solicited from the consortium.