For up to date information regarding COVID-19 please go to the CDC Website
In response to the recent outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the CLIC and CTSA Program have created several communication venues for members of the CTSA Program to share information and identify potential research collaborations focused on COVID-19. Learn more about coronaviruses from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) as well as the World Health Organization (WHO). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is responding to the outbreak. The CDC is updating its site as new information becomes available where you can find information about the outbreak, travel information, preventing the spread, and protection from COVID-19.
Collaborate and Share Information
NCATS and CLIC are partnering resources to facilitate discussions around COVID-19. Specific research or translational discussions should use the CTSA Program Response to COVID-19 Discussion Forum to discuss and identify efforts to manage the Coronavirus outbreak. Learn more about how to join a Discussion Forum and join in on the conversation on COVID-19. You can also view the NCATS Getting Started resource for using the DF.
Please share your hubs’ events, news, educational content and other resources about COVID-19 by posting them on the CLIC website using the tag “COVID-19”. View all posted hub information about COVID-19 on the COVID-19 tag page. For information on how to share content, please check out the CLIC Library video on Sharing Content. We have provided a comment section below for short inter-consortium communications about hub efforts around COVID-19.
In collaboration with several HHS agencies, the CTSA program, and distributed clinical data networks, CD2H has created the (National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) a centralized, secure, limited access portal to access COVID-19 clinical data. The N3C page and the accompanied CD2H-COVID portal has been established to provide the additional assets needed to rapidly develop the analytics that clinical centers and physicians need.
COVID Case Report Forms and Phenotyping Standards contains a list of known CRFs for triage, intake, and patient-focused phenotype/metadata collection efforts.
Access to the COVID-19 Data Analytics Platform Is Open – Close to 413,250 COVID-19-positive patients and more than 2.6 billion rows of data are included in this enclave. Apply for NCATS National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) access today. There are 79 projects underway to explore a range of questions. Here are two examples. Access the complete listing of projects(link is external) that have been submitted through the Data Use Request (DUR) process and were approved by the N3C Data Access Committee.
COVID Specific Funding Opportunities
Both Current and Expired NIH Funding Opportunities Specific to COVID-19 can be found on the NIH Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding specific to COVID-19 and NIH page specific updates can also be found on the NIH update page. Also, consider applying to the CLIC Synergy Paper RFA. Learn more about Synergy Papers .
COVID Specific Publications
LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus. It is the most comprehensive resource on the subject, providing a central access to 88258 (and growing) relevant articles in PubMed. The articles are updated daily and are further categorized by different research topics and geographic locations for improved access
Clinical Trials
For the latest information about currently recruiting COVID-19 related Clinical Trials, please visit the COVID-19 Clinical Trials feed. This is a curated list from
CovidCP is a platform for aggregating evidence across randomized controlled trial protocols (RCTs) for similar interventions. Allowing viewing and contribution to a repository for RCTs whose PIs are open to various levels of collaboration. Lear more about CovidCP by viewing this webinar.
Conducting clinical research during the COVID-19 pandemic has required us all to adapt and modify our approaches in the conduct of our research in order to successfully navigate the challenges we have faced. As researchers across the nation faced similar challenges, the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI) worked to offer support and also collect information associated with these challenges and solutions. These initiatives and resulting best practices are captured in a new playbook, “Best Practices for Conducting Trials During the COVID-19 Pandemic. CTTI Playbook for Conducting Clinical Trials During the COVID-19 Pandemic recommendations include keeping participants informed, performing ongoing risk-benefit assessments, communicating with regulatory bodies, adjusting study start-up and enrollment plans, pivoting to remote study visits and monitoring, remaining flexible, and documenting appropriately.
Collaborative Research Efforts
Due to the rapidly changing research efforts in response to COVID-19 pandemic, NCATS and the CTSA Program Coordinating Centers have created a publicly accessible clinical research information platform with the aim of providing a centralized location of investigational research studies. The goal is to facilitate collaboration between investigators and reduce duplicate trials. To share information, log in to CLIC site and submit any COVID-19 research that is occurring at your institution.
You can also view the list of COVID-19 research studies submitted by institutions around the country.
COVID-19 Resources for Trainees and Researchers
SHARE Education and Career Development Resources – Share (video tutorial) any content that would benefit CTSA Program trainees and scholars during the COVID-19 outbreak. Be sure to include the COVID-19 tag with your resource. SEARCH for Education Content – The Education Clearinghouse is a centralized space where the CTSA community can find and share a variety of education and workforce development resources for a broad range of audiences. DISCUSS Needs and Collaborate – Join the Education and Career Development CTSA Discussion Forum.