Enterprise Committees

Enterprise Committee (ECs) provide CTSA Program hub members the opportunity to engage and connect across the national consortium. The ECs advance the field of translational science through open discussions, project planning and metric assessment. CLIC coordinates the administrative framework for these strategic, project driven groups. Participation in these groups also affords CTSA Program hubs connection to Working Groups (WGs) that collaborate on white papers, workshops, consensus on harmonization across CTSA Program hubs and accessing new collaborations across multi-disciplinary sectors. CTSA hubs should appoint a voting member to an EC buy designating them on their respective hub page on the CLIC website. The voting member may be the PI at the hub if they choose. Additional representation by the hub on each EC call is at the discretion of the hub. ECs are lead by an elected Lead Team by the voting members of the EC. Each EC can have up to 2 associated WGs and each WG is charged with EC-related, short-term deliverables. A full description of structure and governance is available in the Guidance for CTSA Program Groups. The current structure of the CTSA Program includes 5 ECs, which align with the strategic goals defined by NCATS Advisory Council Working Group (ACWG), in response to the 2016 IOM report. ECs were previously known as Domain Task Forces.

About CTSA Program Groups

A variety of CTSA Program Groups were established to execute the recommendations of the NCATS Advisory Council Working Group on the IOM Report on the CTSA Program.

Working Group Applications

Interested parties are required to propose and deliver well-defined projects or deliverables that fill identified translational gaps and/or further the CTSA Program objectives in high priority areas in clinical and translational science. Based upon availability, there will be three (3) application submission rounds annually.

CTSA Program Groups Calendar

A calendar is available with all CTSA Program Group meeting information

Active Groups

  • Collaboration & Engagement Enterprise Committee

    First Monday of every other month from 1 – 2 p.m. ET. (even months) Focuses on engaging stakeholder communities and enabling team science

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility EC

    The 1st Wednesday of the month at 3 pm ET Coming Soon! The DEIA EC will launch in Jan 2023

  • Informatics Enterprise Committee

    The LEAD TEAM meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month, 1:00 – 2:00 pm ET. The FULL MEMBERSHIP meets the 1st Friday of every month from 1:00 – 2:00 pm ET Focuses on modern informatics methodologies and techniques to support clinical and translational science, community engagement and enhance training

  • Integration Across the Lifespan Enterprise Committee

    4th Tuesday of Each Month From 10:30 am – 11:30 am ET (Starting February 2021) Helps ensure translational science is integrated across its multiple phases and disciplines within complex populations and across the individual lifespan

  • Workforce Development Enterprise Committee

    2nd Wed., Bi-Monthly, 4-5 pm ET Helps ensure the translational science workforce has the skills and knowledge necessary to advance translational discoveries

Sunsetted Groups

  • Methods & Processes Enterprise Committee

    Third Tuesday of every month from 2 – 3 p.m. ET.  Focuses on the scientific study of the process of conducting translational science itself, which enables significant advances in translation