When the Whole is More than the Sum of its Parts

Our CTSA Consortium resources, capabilities, expertise, and innovative thinking are critical in responding to the worst pandemic since HIV.

The fast-evolving nature of this crisis requires readily available and deployable capabilities throughout the country. As such, our Consortium stands strong and ready to work collaboratively in identifying resources, expertise and promising scientific advances for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow up of patients with COVID-19.

To foster collaborations and sharing of resources (both virtual and physical) we developed a COVID-19 Discussion Forum (DF) where we are collecting and sharing pertinent and up-to-date information regarding activities, resources and clinical trials that are taking place throughout the Consortium and beyond.  To access the COVID-19 DF and for information on how to contribute content, please Click Here. We look forward to learning more about relevant activities taking place at your hubs and help catalyze new opportunities to collaborate.

In addition, last week, NCATS issued a COVID-19 Notice Of Special Interest (NOT-TR-20-011) to highlight the urgent need for research on the 2019 novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are particularly interested in projects focusing on the use of informatics solutions to diagnose cases and the use of CTSA-supported core resources (e.g., advanced scientific instruments, highly-specialized facilities, and regulatory expertise) to facilitate research on COVID-19 and advance the translation of research findings into diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines. For more information about this and other funding opportunities, please read our information in the Ansible What’s New section below.  For up-to-date information about this and other COVID-19 opportunities we encourage everyone to visit the NIH Guide.

We have also received numerous questions regarding current grant activities and the impact of COVID-19 on active awards.  The NIH has put together a list of resources and notices to help guide and clarify some common questions/concerns from grantees. Please Click Here for more information.

We’ll continue to keep the Consortium informed of activities, resources and collaborative opportunities via our monthly Ansible (Newsletter), as well as, via email through our PIs listserv and through CLIC.

As we go through these challenging times together, please be assured that we are working tirelessly to make sure we provide the support and flexibility to our grantees and our CTSA community of investigators so that you can all focus on the most important asset: human life.

In these unique times, I remain extremely thankful for all the work you, your teams, institutions, partners and collaborators do. Together we can all contribute to finding solutions that can directly impact the health, wellbeing and recovery of our patients during this pandemic.

Stay safe,

Whenever serious and competent people need to get things done

in the real world, all considerations of tradition and protocol fly out the window.

–    Neal Stephenson, Quicksilver