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What Is Skinny Fat – Causes, Facts & Risks In Our Guide 2024


Have you come across the expression ” fat” in discussions? What exactly does it imply when someone describes you as ” fat”? It’s a situation that numerous individuals encounter, where your physical appearance doesn’t fully reflect whats happening internally in your body.

The common belief is that if you have body fat, your BMI (Body Mass Index) will be high, indicating poor health. Is a slim and lean physique always a sign of good health?

This piece delves into the idea of ‘thin fat’ and its true implications. It’s crucial to grasp that possessing a ” fat” physique doesn’t always equate to poor health. Nevertheless the positive aspect is that you can enhance your body composition even if your BMI leans, towards the end.

So What Exactly Is Meant By "Skinny Fat"?

From a BMI perspective, you may appear to have a normal weight for your height. People might assume you're reasonably healthy because of your weight and slim appearance. However, being "skinny fat" means that you have a low amount of muscle mass in your body and a noticeable amount of excess body fat, despite your slim appearance.

At What Point Are You Overweight?

Determining if you’re carrying weight is akin to piecing together a puzzle and it differs for each individual. It’s not just about the digits on a scale or adhering to a BMI chart; it’s, about grasping the unique narrative of your body.

It’s that moment when your jeans fit tighter around your curves, when you feel a little less like yourself and realise that taking care of yourself should be at the forefront of your routine. It’s when your body quietly whispers, “Hey, maybe it’s time to choose a path. Being overweight is when you decide to listen to your bodys narrative and embark on a journey towards self-love and overall wellbeing.

Why Is Being Overweight Bad?

Carrying weight doesn’t just refer to appearance; it’s more about how it can affect our well being. When we have weight it can strain our joints and lead to difficulties, in movement. Additionally it raises the chances of developing health issues like diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

But it’s important to remember that our overall health isn’t just determined by a number on a scale. What really matters is how we feel and function in our bodies. Rather than focusing solely on the idea that being overweight is inherently bad, we can shift our attention to promoting overall wellbeing and making choices that prioritise both our physical and emotional health.

What Is Skinny Fat?

What is skinny fat image

Picture this scenario; You see someone who appears slim and fit. In reality they have a notable amount of hidden visceral fat in their body. The term ” fat” is used to describe individuals, with low muscle mass density who also harbor body fat even though they may seem lean outwardly.

What Does Skinny Fat Look Like?

When looking at this condition from a BMI perspective, it may appear that your weight is proportionate to your height, giving an impression of normality. To an outsider, your average weight and lean physique may suggest health. However, beneath the surface there is an amount of body fat that needs attention.

Medically referred to as MONW (Metabolically Obese Normal Weight) this situation occurs when visceral fat builds up even though someone looks slender externally. Lets discuss the fat that tends to gather near our organs, which can be worrisome for individuals who seem slim but might be harboring extra weight in less obvious spots. It’s crucial for them to stay informed, about health concerns.

Now here’s the part about visceral fat. In small amounts, it actually plays a positive role. It acts as a shield for our organs and can even act as a backup energy source when needed. However, problems arise when we start to accumulate subcutaneous fat. Imagine having a cushion around your abdomen, especially around your intestines, gallbladder and pancreas. This is a sign of obesity. It increases the risk of future health complications.

What Causes The Phenomenon Of Being Skinny Fat?

When someone is called ” fat ” it often means they have more body fat and less muscle mass. Several factors can lead to this situation, such as

Accumulation Of Visceral Fat

Having excess fat in the body, especially around major organs, can pose health risks. It’s important for people with belly fat to prioritise efforts to reduce it. One way to identify fat is to assess the abdominal area or measure the waist and abdomen. Another useful measurement is the waist-to-hip ratio. Measure your waist and hips and then divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement.

This measurement provides insight into the distribution of fat in your body and your general well being. If your ratio exceeds 0.85 it suggests the presence of some body fat. For men aiming to safeguard their health a ratio above one signifies a level of body fat. Yet, for an evaluation of your visceral fat opting for a CT scan is advisable. Nevertheless undergoing a CT scan can be costly and demanding.

But don’t worry, many gyms offer body composition monitors that can help you assess your body composition. This analysis provides insight into your body composition and offers accurate measurements of subcutaneous and visceral fat. To calculate fat, simply multiply your subcutaneous fat percentage by 10%, as approximately 10% of your total body fat is visceral fat.

Unhealthy Eating Patterns

Have you ever taken a look, at the meals you typically consume throughout the day? Reflecting on your preferences may uncover some interesting insights. Unhealthy eating and drinking patterns can impact the storage of body weight highlighting a significant aspect to keep in mind.

Many people who do not follow a healthy diet often do not consume enough protein, which can have a negative impact on their ability to manage their weight. Your body needs a supply of protein to build muscle, but it is not uncommon for individuals to rely heavily on carbohydrates (carbs) instead. Eating meals high in carbohydrates can lead to the storage of excess body fat, which can lead to health complications.

A diet rich, in carbs and cholesterol can lead to the accumulation of body fat. These food and beverage options often consist of sugars and fats with some potentially containing unhealthy trans fats that worsen health issues.


As we get older, our bodies naturally go through changes that often result in a loss of muscle mass. This is part of the ageing process where we tend to gradually lose skeletal muscle mass while at the same time gaining more body fat. As a result, many people experience weight gain as they age.

Overtime it’s quite normal for people to transition towards the slim chubby body shape because of these shifts. To address this body type it’s crucial to embrace methods that concentrate on boosting muscle mass. This method can help offset the impacts of getting older and enhance your look.


The role of genetics in determining body weight, whether someone is thin or fat, is significant. Your inherited genetic blueprint plays a role in many aspects of your overall health, including your body type.

Although this genetic predisposition to body composition is inherent, it doesn’t mean it’s unchangeable. Even if you have a tendency to carry excess fat, it’s possible to change your body through a balanced programme of exercise and healthy eating with a focus on weight loss.


Dealing with stress is a hurdle when trying to manage weight. Many people resort to eating as a coping mechanism during stressful times which can result in excessive consumption of fast food and sugary beverages.

While these choices may provide temporary relief, they ultimately result in consuming more calories than necessary. In addition, stress often leads to sleep deprivation, which exacerbates its effects and can potentially lead to problems such as dry skin.

Addressing the Dilemma of Being Skinny Fat

Addressing the issue of being skinny fat requires focusing on reshaping your body by building muscle and cutting down on excess body fat. Neglecting this aspect could result in the risk of developing heart conditions and various health issues.

The good news is that there are ways to reduce body fat, regulate blood sugar levels and build muscle. The most effective approach is to eat a balanced diet that focuses on getting enough protein and incorporating a healthy weight training programme. Not only will this help to achieve a more favourable body composition, but it will also reduce the risk of medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

A Healthy Diet

Opting for a diet in healthy proteins and low in carbs can assist in shedding extra weight. Moreover including foods and drinks high in carbohydrates in your meals can aid you in reaching your weight loss targets. To boost your weight loss progress think about adding the following items, to your diet;

  • Lean beef
  • Salmon
  • Chicken
  • Greek Yoghurt
  • Eggs
  • Broccoli
  • Nuts (Remember, a serving is one ounce, so be mindful of portions)
  • Avocado (Rich in healthy fats and calories, practice portion control)
  • Dark chocolate (Enjoy in moderation)
  • Green Tea

Eating the right types of foods in the right proportions can go a long way to helping you lose weight. It is also important to avoid processed carbohydrates and sugars in your diet. It’s important to avoid foods high in unhealthy fats, especially trans fats, as they provide more calories without much nutritional benefit.

If you have extra body fat it’s essential to make changes, in your routine to reach a healthy weight. Evaluating your body fat levels can guide you in setting a target to reduce body fat and develop a successful diet strategy.

Cardio Exercises

In addition to a calorie-restricted diet, cardiovascular exercises (commonly known as cardio) plays a role in the fight against belly fat. These activities should be complemented by increased strength training, which promotes the development of muscle mass while aiding in fat loss.

It’s important to focus on workouts and cardio routines that promote muscle growth. The goal for people with body fat is not just to lose weight, but to redistribute fat and replace it with muscle.

It’s crucial to keep things to avoid wasting time at the gym without noticing any real progress. To maximize the effectiveness of your workout regimen concentrate on exercises that involve resistance like strength training or lifting weights. You have options like using weights such as kettlebells and dumbbells weight machines, with stacks and pulleys or setting up a home gym with weight benches.

Weight Training

The importance of strength training in weight loss cannot be overstated. By creating a workout plan or following specific weight training routines, you can take advantage of the resistance offered by different types of exercise equipment.

For outcomes it’s advisable to either create your own workout plan or consult with a seasoned fitness instructor who can guide you in proper equipment usage and decide on the right amount of reps and sets, for muscle growth.

Strength training plays a role in preventing the accumulation of fat mass while preserving valuable muscle mass. This transformation will help you move away from being “skinny fat” and get you closer to your desired body weight. Strength training also has other benefits, such as improving metabolism, increasing bone density and reducing body fat. It is a multi-faceted approach to achieving your fitness goals.

To Sum It Up

Feeling sluggish. Looking to boost your health? To get back on track make sure to pay attention to what you eat. How you move. Embracing weightlifting can be a game changer on your path to a fitter stronger you. It’s not about losing fat and gaining muscles; it’s, about feeling good inside out. While some folks opt for burning supplements for an added edge it’s wise to tread carefully with them.

But here’s the most important rule: let your diet be your ally. Eating unhealthy foods can hinder progress, so aim for balance. Don’t overlook the impact of your lifestyle. Cutting down on alcohol is also a choice. Research suggests that excessive drinking can contribute to fat accumulation, especially the kind that hides just below the skin’s surface. Maybe it’s time to rethink those drinks and aim for a healthier version of yourself!

What Are The Risks Of Having Skinny Fat?

Facing the label of being ‘skinny fat’ comes with its set of challenges underscoring the significance of recognizing the existence of visceral fat in your body composition. The presence of fat along, with overall body fat can pose various health risks.

Specifically, visceral fat tends to build up around our organs in the abdominal cavity. It’s not uncommon for people who appear thin but have a lot of body fat to face health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and increased insulin resistance.

This situation can also raise the chances of getting Alzheimers disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome and specific forms of cancer. These health dangers mainly stem from the buildup of fat and elevated blood sugar levels in the system which could result in issues, like diabetes and heart problems.

Are There Any Supplements That Can Specifically Help With Skinny Fat?

Tackling the challenge of ‘thin fat’ requires a multi-dimensional approach that goes beyond relying on supplements alone. It involves a well-rounded lifestyle that includes regular exercise, especially strength training, and a nutritious diet rich in lean protein, fruits and vegetables.

Certain supplements, like protein powders or branched chain amino acids can support muscle growth and fat loss to some extent. They shouldn’t be viewed as a quick fix. The real secret lies in staying committed and patient focusing on building muscle to replace fat over time.

It’s important to remember that our bodies are constantly evolving systems, so nurturing them with sustainable habits will yield more favourable results than relying solely on supplements.

What Are The Side Effects Of Weight Loss?

Starting a journey to lose weight can bring about results, some good and others not so good. Shedding pounds may increase your self esteem and vitality. Its crucial to be mindful of the obstacles that might come your way. These obstacles could involve issues with your skin, hair loss or shifts, in your mood.

In addition, rapid weight loss can increase the risk of gallstones and restrictive diets can interfere with absorption. It’s important to take a gradual and sustainable approach to weight loss. Seeking support from healthcare professionals or joining support groups can help manage any side effects that may occur during the process and ensure that your overall wellbeing is maintained.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the exact definition of skinny fat and how can I determine if I fall into this category?

Being skinny fat means looking thin while having some body fat, especially visceral fat and minimal muscle mass. To find out if you fit this description you can check your body percentage and waist to hip ratio or seek advice, from a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation.

What are the potential health risks associated with being skinny fat?

There are health risks associated with being thin, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome and certain types of cancer. Visceral fat and low muscle mass contribute to these risks.

Can I transform my physique from being skinny fat through diet and exercise alone?

Sure thing! Absolutely you have the power to transform your physique from fat to fit by following a balanced diet and a carefully planned workout routine. This typically involves incorporating weight lifting to tone muscles. Shed excess body fat along, with cardio exercises to enhance your overall fitness level.

What are helpful dietary suggestions for those who are skinny fat?

Maintaining a nutritious diet is essential to combat the effects of being skinny fat. It’s advisable to focus on consuming adequate amounts of protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates.

Do I need to consult a health professional or fitness trainer for help with my skinny fat issues?

While you’re not required to consult with a healthcare provider or fitness trainer it can be highly advantageous. They can offer suggestions evaluate your health status and assist you in creating a customized plan to address your body composition goals effectively and safely.


The bottom line is this: being called “skinny fat” means that you have too much body fat, especially the harmful visceral fat, and too little muscle mass. Although you may look healthy on the outside, there’s actually an unhealthy amount of body fat underneath the surface. This excess fat puts you at risk of diseases that could potentially lead to early death.

To safeguard yourself from these dangers it is crucial to pinpoint the reasons behind your weight increase and implement lifestyle adjustments. Create a strategy centered on enhancing your dietary choices integrating workout regimens (such as cardio) and emphasizing the development of lean muscle mass. The primary objective is to trim surplus body fat while fostering muscle growth laying the foundation, for well being and a prolonged lifespan.


  1. Yang, X., Sui, W., Zhang, M., Dong, M., Lim, S., Seki, T., … Samani, N.J. (2017). Switching harmful visceral fat to beneficial energy combustion improves metabolic dysfunctions. JCI Insight, 2(4). Link
  2. Clinicaltrials.gov. (2014). The Belly Fat Study: Nutritional Intervention to Improve Metabolic Health in Subjects With Increased Abdominal Adiposity – Full Text View – ClinicalTrials.gov. Link
  3. Mizia, S., Felińczak, A., Włodarek, D., & Syrkiewicz-Świtała, M. (2021). Evaluation of Eating Habits and Their Impact on Health among Adolescents and Young Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8), 3996. Link
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  7. Choquet, H., & Meyre, D. (2011). Genetics of Obesity: What have we Learned? Current Genomics, 12(3), 169–179. Link
  8. Block, J.P., He, Y., Zaslavsky, A.M., Ding, L., & Ayanian, J.Z. (2009). Psychosocial Stress and Change in Weight Among US Adults. American Journal of Epidemiology, 170(2), 181–192. Link
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  10. Aparecida Silveira, E., Vaseghi, G., de Carvalho Santos, A.S., Kliemann, N., Masoudkabir, F., Noll, M., … de Oliveira, C. (2020). Visceral Obesity and Its Shared Role in Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease: A Scoping Review of the Pathophysiology and Pharmacological Treatments. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(23), 9042. Link
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  13. Thomas, M.H., & Burns, S.P. (2016). Increasing Lean Mass and Strength: A Comparison of High Frequency Strength Training to Lower Frequency Strength Training. International journal of exercise science, 9(2), 159–167. Link
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  15. Andreis, G. (2020). Moderate alcohol consumption and its relation to visceral fat and plasma androgens in healthy women. International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders : journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 20(3). Link

Pumpkin Seeds For Weight Loss – Facts, Benefits & Recipes 2024


Many people ask about the suitability of eating pumpkin seeds for weight loss. The question arises as to whether it is advisable to include high-fat foods such as nuts and seeds in the diet when trying to shed pounds…

Scientific studies actually show that adding pumpkin seeds to a rounded diet can support healthy weight management. Keep reading to learn why including pumpkin seeds, in your weight loss plan is advantageous how they assist in weight loss and the recommended quantity to consume.

Do pumpkin seeds help with weight loss?

Absolutely! Pumpkin seeds have a wealth of properties, including fibre, healthy fats and several essential nutrients, all of which serve to slow down digestion, increase satiety and reduce inflammation - key factors in weight control.

Where do pumpkin seeds originally come from?

Pumpkin seeds, commonly referred to as pepitas have their roots in America, where indigenous civilizations, like the Aztecs and Mayans grew and cherished these healthy gems. Appreciated for their taste and nutritional value these small delights made their mark on culinary practices globally bringing a delightful crunch and natural goodness to an array of dishes.

Where can I find good pumpkin and pumpkin seed recipes?

You can find a treasure trove of delicious pumpkin and pumpkin seed recipes online, with countless food blogs, recipe websites and social media platforms dedicated to culinary inspiration. Pinterest is a fantastic resource with a wide range of pumpkin-centric dishes, from savoury pumpkin soups to sweet pumpkin pies. Popular cooking websites such as Food Network and AllRecipes offer user-rated recipes you can trust.

Make sure to take a look at cookbooks and culinary magazines that showcase dishes emphasizing the various ways pumpkins and their seeds can be used. Additionally exploring the creations shared by food enthusiasts on social media platforms like Instagram can inspire you with visually captivating and inventive pumpkin based recipes. Enjoy your time, in the kitchen!

Are pumpkin seeds good for weight loss?

Pumpkin seeds for weight loss image

In today’s world, the majority of people consume diets that consist primarily of processed foods that promote weight gain. These processed foods tend to be high in calories, refined fats and carbohydrates, and low in fibre, creating conditions conducive to weight gain and making weight loss a challenging endeavour.

On the side adding seeds to your daily meals has been linked to reducing body mass index (BMI) decreasing cholesterol levels and improving overall health. Specifically pumpkin seeds are renowned for their abundance of fiber beneficial fats and various essential nutrients.

These components work in synergy to slow down the digestive process, increase satiety, and reduce inflammation, all of which contribute to successful weight loss. Read on to learn more about the weight loss benefits associated with consuming pumpkin seeds.

Rich in essential fatty acids

Pumpkin seeds contain an amount of oil accounting for approximately 42% of the seeds makeup. This oil is primarily composed of fatty acids (PUFAs) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) including oleic acid.

Are pumpkin seeds fattening?

There is a common perception that pumpkin seeds are fattening due to their high fat content. However, the reality is quite the opposite. Both PUFAs and MUFAs have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce insulin resistance and increase the effectiveness of weight loss efforts.

A study involving animals revealed that the use of seed oil was effective in preventing weight gain among participants following a high fat diet. Moreover rodents administered with this oil exhibited decreased levels of blood sugar and insulin. Another research study, with findings affirmed that pumpkin seed oil also showed promise in reducing indicators of inflammation.

Leptin regulation and weight loss

PUFAs and MUFAs can affect leptin levels. Leptin is the hormone responsible for signalling satiety; its levels rise as you eat, signalling to your brain that you are full and should stop eating.

However, excessive spikes in leptin levels can potentially lead to leptin resistance, resulting in persistently elevated leptin levels, which are correlated with weight gain. In summary, maintaining lower leptin levels contributes to a healthier leptin feedback system. High-quality fats from nuts and seeds may play a key role in regulating leptin levels for overall health.

High Fiber Proportion

Pumpkin seeds contain an amount of fiber which offers various advantages for managing weight. Fiber helps in regulating digestion slowing down absorption and keeping you feeling full for longer. Various kinds of fiber play roles, in aiding weight loss. For instance soluble fiber can help in reducing blood sugar levels after meals enhancing insulin sensitivity and limiting the absorption of nutrients.

For example, eating 65 grams of pumpkin seeds can significantly reduce postprandial blood glucose levels. In addition, insoluble fibre adds volume to the stomach, which increases satiety. Fibre also plays an important role in nourishing your gut microbiome, encouraging the proliferation of beneficial bacteria – some of which have been linked to improved weight management.

Rich in Protein

Pumpkin seeds are known for being among the seeds, in terms of protein content. Studies have demonstrated that boosting your protein intake whether from plants or animals can help enhance feelings of fullness regulate appetite and decrease overall calorie intake.

For those seeking plant-based options to support fat burning and muscle building, pumpkin seeds offer a particularly robust vegan source of the branched-chain amino acid known as leucine, which plays a key role in stimulating muscle synthesis.

Protect against obesity-causing substances

Bisphenol A (BPA) a chemical present in plastics has been associated with hormone imbalances, skin issues, difficulty conceiving, specific types of cancer and increased body weight. Surprisingly among the chemicals and substances in our food supply BPA is known to significantly contribute to weight gain. Regrettably BPA can be found in parts of our food consumption journey, including plastic containers and cutlery as well, as the inner coatings of cans and jar covers.

Studies have shown that pumpkin seed oil has the ability to protect your DNA from the harmful effects of bisphenol-A (BPA). This protective property of pumpkin seed oil is critical because exposure to BPA, particularly during childhood, has been linked to the development of obesity.

Rich in phytoestrogens

Pumpkin seeds contain secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG) an antioxidant phytoestrogen that’s also present in linseed, sesame and sunflower seeds. SDG offers health benefits, like lowering cholesterol levels and regulating blood sugar. Moreover incorporating phytoestrogens such as SDG may aid in weight management.

Other health benefits of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds offer a wide range of health benefits beyond weight loss. They are one of the most nutritious edible seeds available, and here’s why:

  • Rich in antioxidants: Pumpkin seeds are rich in antioxidants, which protect your body from oxidative damage and may contribute to increased longevity.
  • Rich in phytoestrogens and polyphenols: These compounds have chemoprotective properties and may help prevent certain types of cancer, including breast and prostate cancer, according to cell culture studies.
  • Cholesterol and blood sugar management: Studies conducted on rats have indicated that pumpkin seeds could potentially reduce cholesterol levels and aid in regulating blood sugar levels. These findings may contribute to improving heart health and lowering the chances of developing chronic conditions, like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
  • Promotes mental wellbeing and improved sleep: Pumpkin seeds contain high levels of magnesium, which plays a role in breaking down stress hormones and synthesising the sleep hormone melatonin. This may contribute to improved mental wellbeing and sleep quality.

Nutritional value of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds have a remarkable nutritional profile:

  • Rich in Zinc: These seeds are a rich source of zinc, a vital nutrient that supports your immune system, gut health, and the health of your hair, skin, and nails. Just one 30-gram serving (equivalent to 2 tablespoons) provides 2 milligrams of zinc.
  • High in magnesium: Pumpkin seeds contain an amount of magnesium a vital nutrient that contributes to heart health, blood pressure regulation, bone strength and blood sugar balance.
  • High Iron Content: With 2.4 milligrams of iron per 30-gram serving (equivalent to 2 tablespoons), pumpkin seeds are also a remarkable source of this essential mineral.

How to include pumpkin seeds in your diet

Here are some effective strategies for incorporating nutritious pumpkin seeds into a balanced diet:

Add pumpkin seeds to your baking

Boost your pumpkin seed consumption by effortlessly blending them into your baking endeavors. Just mix pumpkin seeds, into your baked treats or opt for store bought bread options that feature these nutritious seeds.

Snacking on plain pumpkin seeds

The easiest way to incorporate pumpkin seeds into your diet is to enjoy them as a snack. You can opt for salted pumpkin seeds for a tasty twist, but unsalted pumpkin seeds are recommended, especially if you’re watching your sodium intake.

Batch roasted pumpkin seeds

Studies indicate that roasted pumpkin seeds contain easily absorbed nutrients compared to raw ones. You can lightly toast a batch of pumpkin seeds. Keep them in a container for easy sprinkling on your morning meals or salads. Pre soaking them before roasting may also help decrease the amount of anti nutrients, like lectins.

A nut and seed mix for a healthy snack

An excellent choice for a healthy snack is a mix of nuts and seeds, including pumpkin seeds. However, store-bought nut and seed mixes can become expensive over time. Making your own mix at home is a cheaper alternative. Keep it in a jar on your kitchen counter to remind yourself to enjoy this nutritious snack.

Sprinkle on your meals

After you’ve already mixed and roasted your seeds it’s easy to add them to a variety of dishes. Here are a few imaginative suggestions;

  • Add them to your oatmeal.
  • Sprinkle them on top of a smoothie bowl.
  • Mix them into your salads.

Pumpkin seed pesto

Have you ever tried making pesto and been surprised by the high cost of pine nuts? Pumpkin seeds are a fantastic and healthy substitute for pine nuts when making your homemade pesto.

In smoothies

If you have a high-speed blender, adding pumpkin seeds to your smoothies is a great option.

How many tablespoons of pumpkin seeds per day?

A good amount of pumpkin seeds to have each day is typically around two tablespoons, which’s roughly equivalent, to 30 grams. This recommended portion size allows you to enjoy the health advantages of pumpkin seeds while also keeping your eating habits in check as part of a rounded diet.

Can pumpkin seeds cause unpleasant side effects?

Although pumpkin seeds are generally considered a healthy snack, eating them in excess can cause some unpleasant side effects. Their high fibre content can cause digestive upset, such as bloating or diarrhoea, if eaten in large quantities.

Consuming too many salted or flavored pumpkin seeds can result in increased sodium intake potentially causing blood pressure. While allergic reactions, to pumpkin seeds are uncommon some individuals may experience them. To reap the advantages of pumpkin seeds without experiencing any effects it is advisable to consume them in moderation as part of a well rounded diet.

What are good, healthy alternatives to pumpkin seeds?

If you’re looking for healthy alternatives to pumpkin seeds, there are plenty of options. Sunflower seeds are a popular choice, packed with nutrients such as vitamin E and magnesium. Almonds and walnuts are nutritious and filling snacks that provide heart-healthy fats and protein.

Roasted chickpeas provide a crispy, protein snack while dried fruits, like apricots or cranberries offer a sweet and chewy option. For a variation consider air popped popcorn seasoned with your preferred condiment. The important thing is to discover substitutes that align with your flavor preferences and nutritional requirements so you can relish your snacks while maintaining your health.

Frequently asked questions

How do pumpkin seeds help with weight loss?

Pumpkin seeds help with weight loss by promoting a feeling of fullness, reducing appetite and providing essential nutrients that promote overall well-being during weight loss.

Are there any potential side effects to taking pumpkin seeds for weight loss?

Eating pumpkin seeds, in moderation is usually fine.. Be careful not to overdo it as it can add extra calories so watch your portions.

How can I include pumpkin seeds in my weight loss diet?

You can easily incorporate pumpkin seeds into your weight loss diet by adding them to salads, yoghurt, smoothies or using them as a satisfying snack. It’s important to watch portion sizes to effectively manage calorie intake.

Are there any specific diets that work well with pumpkin seeds for weight loss?

Pumpkin seeds can be an addition to different types of diets such, as the Mediterranean diet, low carb diet or vegan diet to boost their weight loss advantages. Nevertheless it’s crucial to stick to a rounded eating plan.

What is the recommended daily intake of pumpkin seeds for weight loss?

To support your weight loss efforts, it is advisable to include approximately 30 grams (about 1 ounce) of pumpkin seeds in your daily diet as part of a well-rounded weight loss plan.


Pumpkin seeds are a delicious, nutritious food rich in beneficial fats and fibre, making them a daily dietary choice for their remarkable health benefits. They are also packed with antioxidants and essential minerals. Eating pumpkin seeds can help lower blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol and protect against carcinogens.

Including seeds, in your weight loss plan can help with appetite control and inflammation reduction which may enhance your weight loss journey. For results consider adding a 30g serving of pumpkin seeds to your daily diet as a healthy addition to support your weight loss goals.


  1. Kopčeková, J., Lenártová, P., Mrázová, J., Gažarová, M., Habánová, M., and Jančichová, K. (2021). The relationship between seeds consumption, lipid profile, and body mass index among patients with cardiovascular diseases. Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny. Read article
  2. Nyam KL; Lau M; Tan CP (2013). Fibre from pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seeds and rinds: physico-chemical properties, antioxidant capacity, and application as bakery product ingredients. Malaysian journal of nutrition. Read article
  3. Anderson, J.W., Baird, P., Davis Jr, R.H., Ferreri, S., Knudtson, M., Koraym, A., Waters, V., and Williams, C.L. (2009). Health benefits of dietary fiber. Nutrition Reviews. Read article
  4. Cândido, F.G., de Oliveira, F.C.E., Lima, M.F.C., Pinto, C.A., da Silva, L.L., Martino, H.S.D., dos Santos, M.H., and Alfenas, R. de C.G. (2018). Addition of pooled pumpkin seed to mixed meals reduced postprandial glycemia: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. Nutrition Research. Read article
  5. Hernández-Pérez, T., Valverde, M.E., and Paredes-López, O. (2021). Seeds from ancient food crops with the potential for anti-obesity promotion. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. Read article
  6. Li, Y., Yuan, F., Wu, Y., Zhang, Y., Gao, B., and Yu, L. (2020). Triacylglycerols and Fatty Acid Compositions of Cucumber, Tomato, Pumpkin, and Carrot Seed Oils by Ultra-Performance Convergence Chromatography Combined with Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. Foods. Read article
  7. Kalaivani, A., Sathibabu Uddandrao, V.V., Brahmanaidu, P., Saravanan, G., Nivedha, P.R., Tamilmani, P., Swapna, K., and Vadivukkarasi, S. (2017). Anti-obese potential of Cucurbita maxima seeds oil: effect on lipid profile and histoarchitecture in high fat diet-induced obese rats. Natural Product Research. Read article
  8. A., K., Uddandrao, V.V.S., Parim, B., Ganapathy, S., P. R., N., Kancharla, S.C., P., R., K., S., and Sasikumar, V. (2018). Reversal of high-fat diet-induced obesity through modulating lipid metabolic enzymes and inflammatory markers expressions in rats. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. Read article
  9. Polak, A.M., Krentowska, A., Łebkowska, A., Buczyńska, A., Adamski, M., Adamska-Patruno, E., Fiedorczuk, J., Krętowski, A.J., Kowalska, I., and Adamska, A. (2020). The Association of Serum Levels of Leptin and Ghrelin with the Dietary Fat Content in Non-Obese Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Nutrients. Read article
  10. Myers, M.G., Leibel, R.L., Seeley, R.J., and Schwartz, M.W. (2010). Obesity and leptin resistance: distinguishing cause from effect. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism. Read article

Before And After TRT – Real Results And Experiences 2024


Testosterone, the primary male hormone, plays a crucial role in our bodies, affecting various aspects such as muscles, bones, mood, and sexual desire, which extends to women as well. The challenge lies in the fact that our hormone levels naturally decline as we age, resulting in problems such as fatigue, decreased libido, and mood swings.

Fortunately, there is a solution known as Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). The goal of TRT is to restore hormonal balance so that men can once again look and feel like their former selves, and sometimes even surpass them. Within this composition, we will delve into the essence of TRT, its mechanisms, and the expected results.

Most importantly, we will examine real-world results to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how TRT can help. Whether you are curious about TRT or are considering it as a viable option, this guide will provide you with the insight you need to make an informed decision before embarking on your TRT journey.

TRT Before And After: What To Expect & Real Results

Discover the transformative journey of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Learn what to expect before starting TRT and see real-life results. Explore the benefits, potential side effects, and how TRT can improve the quality of life for those with low testosterone.

Gain insight into the physical and emotional changes that often accompany TRT, along with success stories from individuals who have experienced its positive effects. Whether you're considering TRT or just curious about its effects, this informative guide will provide you with valuable insights into the world of TRT.

What Are Hormones?

Hormones are vital messengers in our bodies, often referred to as chemical messengers, that play an indispensable role in regulating various physiological processes. These microscopic substances are secreted by specialized glands, such as the thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands, and circulate through our bloodstream, affecting nearly every aspect of our health.

Hormones are responsible for controlling our growth, metabolism, mood, and even reproductive functions. In essence, they serve as the body’s internal communication system, ensuring that all bodily functions are coordinated and balanced.

What Role Do They Play In Our Bodies?

Hormones serve as the orchestrators of our bodily functions, working quietly behind the scenes to maintain balance. They regulate processes such as metabolism, ensuring that we have the energy we need for daily activities, while also influencing our moods and emotions.

Hormones also play a key role in reproduction, controlling fertility and pregnancy. From the subtle changes of adolescence to the significant shifts of menopause, hormones are the conductors that guide our bodies through the various stages of life. Understanding their role is critical to maintaining overall health and wellness.

What Exactly Is Testosterone?

TRT, or Testosterone Replacement Therapy, is a method used to address testosterone-related problems. Testosterone, a hormone, is produced primarily in the male testes, with minor production occurring in the female ovaries and adrenal glands. It serves as a central hormone with multiple functions in the body.

In males, testosterone plays a key role in promoting the development of male secondary sexual characteristics during puberty, including the appearance of facial and body hair, deepening of the voice, and increased muscle development. It also influences sperm production and overall sexual function. Women have significantly lower levels of testosterone than men, but it remains an influential player.

It helps maintain bone density, muscle mass, sexual desire and overall well-being in women. As individuals age, their testosterone levels naturally decline. In some cases, individuals may experience testosterone insufficiency or reduced levels, resulting in a constellation of symptoms such as fatigue, decreased sexual appetite, erectile dysfunction, mood swings, and loss of muscle mass.

Fountain TRT
Break free from Low Testosterone!
Product details:

  • Accurate testosterone measurement
  • Appointment with a doctor
  • Cream and injection options
  • Price: $35 – $199
  • Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Fountain TRT helps men restore their testosterone to healthy, normal levels through testosterone therapy. Treatment is a breeze with an online doctor visit. Start your personalised assessment…

What Is TRT?

TRT, short for Testosterone Replacement Therapy, is a medical intervention designed to address testosterone deficiency by introducing testosterone into the body from an external source. It involves the administration of supplemental testosterone by various means, including injections, patches, gels, or pellets. The primary goal of TRT is to restore testosterone levels to a normal range, thereby alleviating symptoms associated with low testosterone and improving overall quality of life.

How Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Work?

TRT supplements the body with artificial testosterone to counteract the natural decline associated with aging. The most common method of TRT involves the administration of testosterone injections, which deliver a specific dose of synthetic testosterone into muscle tissue. Typically, testosterone replacement therapy injections consist of a synthetic variant of testosterone, such as testosterone cypionate or enanthate.

These synthetic versions are structurally similar to the naturally occurring testosterone produced by the body.  These injections are available in a variety of concentrations, and healthcare professionals determine the appropriate dosage based on an individual’s specific needs and hormone levels.

After testosterone is injected into muscle tissue, it gradually enters the bloodstream and becomes available for use by the body. This injected testosterone serves to restore testosterone levels in the body, thereby alleviating symptoms associated with low testosterone, including:

  • Fatigue and decreased energy levels
  • Decreased libido and sexual dysfunction
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Decreased muscle mass and strength
  • Difficulty concentrating and memory problems
  • Changes in body composition resulting in increased body fat

Healthcare professionals can administer TRT injections in a clinical or medical setting, but most people choose to self-administer at home. The frequency of injections may vary depending on the type of testosterone used and an individual’s response to treatment. In general, injections are given at intervals of one to two weeks. As testosterone levels are restored to the normal range through testosterone replacement therapy, many individuals experience significant improvements in their symptoms.

Energy levels increase, fatigue decreases, and mood becomes more stable. Libido and sexual function often improve, leading to an overall improved sense of well-being. In addition, TRT can effectively reverse the loss of muscle mass and strength, facilitating participation in physical activities and producing remarkable before and after results.

While TRT is highly effective in addressing the symptoms of low testosterone, it is imperative to attend regular follow-up appointments and undergo blood tests to monitor hormone levels and ensure safety. Monitoring the progress of treatment allows healthcare professionals to make dosage adjustments as needed and manage any potential side effects.

How Long Does It Take For TRT To Show Results?

The timeframe for TRT to show its effects can vary from person to person. Some people may notice improvements in their symptoms relatively quickly, typically within a few weeks of starting TRT. These initial changes often include increased energy levels, improved mood, and increased libido. However, it’s important to recognize that the full benefits of TRT may take several months to fully manifest.

Research suggests that noticeable changes in body composition may occur between the 12th and 16th week of treatment. The rate of progress with testosterone replacement therapy depends on several factors, including an individual’s age, the severity of the testosterone deficiency, overall health, and the body’s response to treatment. Patience and consistency with TRT are of the utmost importance as the therapy attempts to gradually restore hormonal balance.

It is imperative to carefully follow the prescribed dosing schedule to ensure that no doses are missed. Regular follow-up appointments and periodic blood tests during the early months of TRT play a critical role in monitoring hormone levels and confirming that treatment is progressing as expected. Depending on individual response and potential side effects, the dosage or treatment plan may be adjusted accordingly.

When To Start TRT

When to start TRT image

TRT is intended for individuals who are experiencing symptoms due to low testosterone levels. Because testosterone levels decline with age, it can offer significant benefits to those over the age of fifty. However, age alone should not be the primary determinant for starting testosterone replacement therapy.

If you are experiencing symptoms, the next step is to undergo blood tests to verify the presence of low testosterone levels prior to starting TRT. Certain bodybuilders and athletes may consider testosterone replacement therapy to enhance muscle growth and performance, but this should only be done under the supervision of a medical professional.

By working with a TRT clinic, you can obtain a prescription for pharmaceutical grade testosterone, which is significantly more consistent and of higher quality than most clandestine sources of testosterone. However, TRT may not be appropriate for individuals with certain medical conditions such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, severe untreated sleep apnea, or untreated heart disease.

TRT Outcomes: Before And After

Whenever you start something new, it’s natural to have questions about what to expect. And what better way to gain insight into the effects of TRT than by examining real-life experiences? The following sections will answer any questions you may have about the benefits of TRT and provide insight into what to expect from your first injection and beyond, spanning the first 90 days.

What Happens After Your First Testosterone Injection?

After receiving your first testosterone injection, you may experience different effects. Initially, some people may experience a slight pinch or temporary discomfort at the injection site, which is a common and temporary sensation. In some cases, there may be an immediate boost in energy or mood due to the sudden increase in testosterone levels. However, the full spectrum of effects of testosterone injections usually takes some time to become apparent.

Depending on the type of testosterone administered, it can take anywhere from 40 minutes to seven days to reach peak concentrations. One Reddit user shared his experience after his first injection: “I felt more relaxed than I have ever felt in my life. The presence of T felt like the missing piece in my life”.

Another Reddit user mentioned, “I noticed improvements within 3 days. I used to be very tired and napped daily. I lost interest in hobbies I used to enjoy. But as soon as I started taking testosterone, I felt great again. Fatigue disappeared, no more naps, abundant energy, and a significant boost in mood.

What To Expect: First Week Of TRT

During the first week of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), you may experience significant improvements in symptoms such as increased vitality, improved mood, and increased sexual desire. It is important to be patient during this time, as individual responses to treatment may vary. If you do not experience immediate changes in the first week, it does not mean that you will not see improvements.

After the first week, your TRT clinic will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, evaluate your response to therapy, and assess your hormone levels. This regular monitoring ensures that your TRT regimen is progressing as expected and allows for any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

One Reddit user shares his personal experience: “My testosterone levels were in the 100’s for an extended period of time. Within the first few weeks of starting TRT, it felt like I was waking up from a long slumber. It was as if my brain and body had been on autopilot for an extended period of time and suddenly I was in the driver’s seat. I felt rejuvenated, more primal, exuding confidence, and much more alert. I will never again allow myself to experience that profound feeling of lethargy.

Before And After TRT: A Comprehensive Guide To The First 90 Days

During the first 90 days of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), individuals can expect to experience remarkable changes and improvements in their overall well-being. During the first few weeks, most individuals will notice increased energy levels, decreased fatigue, and an overall increase in motivation and vitality.

This energy boost often translates into increased productivity and a more active lifestyle. In addition, mood swings or irritability may stabilize as hormonal imbalances and fluctuations begin to even out.

What To Expect In The First 30 Days

Around the one-month mark, some individuals may begin to notice improvements in their libido and sexual function. Increased sexual desire and improved sexual performance are common outcomes of TRT for those struggling with low testosterone related sexual concerns.

What To Expect In 30-60 Days

Around the second month, noticeable changes in body composition may become more apparent. Individuals often observe an increase in lean muscle mass and improved strength, coupled with a reduction in body fat. These physical changes can contribute to a more sculpted and defined appearance.

What To Expect Between 60 And 90 Days

As the third month approaches, the effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) on bone density may begin to manifest. Increased bone density is a key benefit of TRT, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and associated fractures. It’s important to remember that individual responses to TRT can vary, and not everyone will experience identical results within the first 90 days.

Some changes may be more gradual, while others may be more rapid. Follow-up appointments with routine blood tests are essential during this interval to monitor progress, make any necessary adjustments to the treatment regimen, and ensure overall well-being and safety. As the body adjusts to the treatment, individuals can look forward to further improvements in their physical and emotional well-being in the months beyond the initial 90-day period.

The First 90 Days: True TRT Before And After Results

Let’s listen to someone who has chronicled his experience during his first 90 days of testosterone replacement therapy. Danny Bossa shares his journey with us, explaining that one of the main benefits he experienced in his third month was a significant increase in strength. In fact, Bossa expresses his amazement when he was able to perform 12 biceps curls with 35-pound dumbbells and then progressed to 10 curls with 40-pound weights for example.

What You Should Know About TRT Results After 3 Months

After the initial 90 days of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), individuals can expect to see continued and evolving improvements in various facets of their physical and mental well-being. While the initial 90-day period can produce significant changes, the effects of TRT can extend into the long term with continued treatment.

Physiologically, individuals may observe further advances in body composition, including increased muscle mass and reduced body fat, especially when combined with regular exercise and proper dietary habits. Stability in mood and emotional well-being tends to last as TRT maintains hormonal balance, contributing to a more consistent and optimistic outlook on life.

Levels of energy and vitality often remain elevated, allowing individuals to maintain an active and satisfying lifestyle. The positive influence on libido and sexual function continues, enhancing intimate relationships. With consistent physical activity and healthy routines, the muscle and strength gains achieved in the first 90 days can be maintained and improved. A similar trend can be seen in the reduction of body fat.

Regular follow-up visits with a healthcare professional are essential to monitor progress, adjust the treatment regimen as needed, and ensure overall well-being and safety. As the body adjusts to testosterone replacement therapy, individuals can expect to experience sustained and improved physical, emotional, and sexual well-being, ultimately resulting in an enhanced quality of life beyond the initial 90 days.

Fountain TRT
Break free from Low Testosterone!
Product details:

  • Accurate testosterone measurement
  • Appointment with a doctor
  • Cream and injection options
  • Price: $35 – $199
  • Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Fountain TRT helps men restore their testosterone to healthy, normal levels through testosterone therapy. Treatment is a breeze with an online doctor visit. Start your personalised assessment…

How To Get A Testosterone Prescription

The process of obtaining a prescription for testosterone therapy begins with seeking the advice of a health care professional. Start by making an appointment with either a primary care physician, an endocrinologist who specializes in hormone treatments, or a specialized TRT clinic. It is important to choose a reputable and experienced provider with a proven track record in administering TRT.

However, if the idea of visiting a doctor’s office for appointments seems overly inconvenient (we get it!), there is a more convenient approach at your disposal. Using an online TRT clinic eliminates much of the inconvenience associated with obtaining a testosterone prescription. You can have a consultation with a healthcare provider from the comfort of your own home, expediting the initiation of the process.

During the consultation, it is important to be open and honest about any symptoms you may be experiencing that could indicate low testosterone levels. The healthcare professional will perform a thorough evaluation, which typically includes a blood test to measure hormone levels. Based on the results of the evaluation, if it indicates low testosterone levels and symptoms that could benefit from TRT, the healthcare professional will discuss the available treatment modalities.

These treatments may include injections, patches, gels, or pellets. The choice of treatment depends on individual preferences and medical considerations. Once the most appropriate treatment plan has been determined, the doctor will prescribe TRT. Subsequent follow-up appointments and periodic blood tests will be scheduled to monitor hormone levels and any potential side effects.

If any problems arise, your doctor will make the necessary dosage adjustments. If you are ready to embark on this journey, I highly recommend working with Fountain TRT, one of the best online TRT clinics. They begin your TRT expedition by offering a free personalized TRT assessment. Following the assessment, a Fountain TRT Provider will review the results with you during a one-on-one video consultation.

During this consultation, the Provider will assess your symptoms and arrange for blood work to evaluate your testosterone levels. Once the blood work is complete, you and your provider will work together to develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Is TRT Safe?

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can be safe and effective under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. Before starting TRT, a comprehensive evaluation is essential to determine its suitability for an individual. Properly administered, TRT can help relieve symptoms associated with low testosterone levels and improve overall well-being.

However, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects, which may include acne, fluid retention, mood swings, and changes in cholesterol levels. Regular follow-up appointments and periodic blood tests are critical during TRT to monitor hormone levels and overall health. Working closely with a hormone therapy clinic is essential to ensure both safety and effectiveness.

What Are The Possible Side Effects Of TRT?

While Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can offer many benefits to individuals with low testosterone levels, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects. Some common side effects include acne, mood swings, and changes in libido. It’s also possible to experience headaches, fluid retention, or breast enlargement.

However, it’s important to remember that not everyone will experience these side effects, and they can often be managed with proper medical supervision and adjustments to the treatment plan. Before starting TRT, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider to discuss the potential risks and benefits tailored to your specific needs and health profile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I feel any immediate effects after taking testosterone injections?

The effects of testosterone injections can vary from person to person. However, some people may notice changes, such as increased energy or mood changes, within a few weeks of the injection.

What is the appropriate dose of testosterone for women?

The appropriate amount of testosterone for women depends on several factors and requires monitoring by a healthcare professional. In general, it is significantly lower than the standard dosage given to men.

Can TRT help reduce belly fat?

Testosterone replacement therapy can affect body composition and potentially reduce total body fat, including abdominal fat, in certain individuals when used in conjunction with a proper diet and exercise program.

How long does it take to lose weight while taking testosterone?

The length of time it takes to lose weight while on testosterone varies depending on individual aspects such as dietary habits, exercise routine, metabolism and overall health. It is not solely dependent on TRT.

Do I have to stay on TRT indefinitely?

Not necessarily. TRT is often used to treat testosterone deficiency and occasionally hormonal imbalances, and the duration of TRT depends on the underlying condition and the individual’s response to treatment. However, TRT typically involves a long-term commitment.


In summary, starting testosterone replacement therapy can be a life-changing journey for individuals experiencing symptoms of low testosterone. In this article, we’ve looked at what to expect at various stages of TRT, from the first week to more than 90 days. As you begin TRT, be prepared for potential changes in energy levels, mood, libido, body composition, and overall well-being.

Remember to communicate openly with your healthcare provider, attend regular follow-up appointments (even if it’s virtual), and adhere to personalized treatment plans to ensure the best possible outcome. TRT can significantly improve physical, emotional, and sexual health, ultimately leading to a better quality of life. Now that you understand the potential benefits, you can make an informed decision and look forward to a brighter and more vibrant future.


  • Testosterone replacement therapy: For whom, when and how? – DOI: 10.1016/j.metabol.2018.03.007 Read more
  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Sexual Symptoms – DOI: 10.1016/j.sxmr.2018.11.005 Read more
  • Testosterone replacement therapy – DOI: 10.1100/tsw.2004.60 Read more
  • Hormone Therapy: Testosterone Replacement Therapy – PMID: 37603880 Read more

Best NR Supplement Reviews 2024: Benefits, Dosage, Price & Side Effects – Our Top 5 Anti-Aging Support Products Review

Best NR Supplement Cover Image

Are you looking for the best NR supplement to promote optimal longevity and support elite anti-aging benefits? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve examined the NR supplement market by studying ingredient lists, reading related clinical studies, comparing manufacturer satisfaction guarantees, quantifying price-to-value ratios, combing through user reviews, and more.

Through that process, we’ve identified 5 elite dietary products that utilize NR (nicotinamide riboside) for anti-aging support, aiding in the enrichment of lifespan and mitigation of age-induced health decline.

   Best Product
 Wonderfeel Youngr Acitaved NMN Supplement Image TablepartiQlar Pure NR Image TableGenuinePurity NR Supplement Image Table
ProductWonderfeel Youngr
EffectsMore power
 More energy
Skin elasticity
More power
Better health
More strenght
DNA health
Cellular regeneration
98 % pure
Side Effects
✓ NO side effects✓ NO side effectsNO side effects
Content60 capsules60 capsules60 capsules
Dosage2 capsules daily1 capsule daily2 capsules daily
Enough for
30 days60 days30 days
Price88,00 USD
47,99 USD
59,95 USD
 Buy nowBuy nowBuy now

The 5 Best NR Supplement Products

Our picks for the best NR supplement options are:

#1 Genuine Purity Liposomal NR – Best NR Supplement Overall (Elite NAD+ Support)
#2 PartiQlar – Best Pure β-NR Supplement
#3 Wonderfeel® Youngr™ NMN – Highest Quality NMN With Resveratrol
#4 Lovita NR – Best NR Supplement With Resveratrol
#5 Health Thru Nutrition NR – Best NR Supplement With PQQ

With its highly absorbable, highly pure NR molecules, we’ve determined the breakthrough dietary aid, Genuine Purity Liposomal NR, to be the best NR supplement that should provide top-notch anti-aging benefits for most users.

We’ll dive deeply into precisely why Genuine Purity Liposomal NR is the best NR supplement and give you a thorough review of all 5 products on our list below.

#1 Genuine Purity Liposomal NR—Best Overall Supplement (Elite NAD+ Support)

Test Winner #1
Product details:

  • Promotes cellular regeneration
  • Improves mitochondrial function
  • 98 % pure nicotinamide riboside
  • Price: 59,95 USD
  • Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Taking the top spot and the clear choice for the best NR supplement, Genuine Purity Liposomal NR provides highly pure NR molecules (99% purity) enhanced with a liposomal protection system that should deliver you elite longevity and anti-aging benefits.

Genuine Purity Liposomal NR can support:

  • Greater Energy Production
  • Enhanced DNA Mending
  • Improved Immune Wellness
  • A More Efficient Metabolism
  • Boosted Cellular Repair
  • More Restful Sleep

Suppose you’re feeling “beaten down” or hampered by getting older. In that case, it’s evident that Genuine Purity Liposomal NR could be advantageous for you and maybe even help you feel as much as 10-20 years younger.

All it takes is 2 pills per day, preferably with some food, to assist you in achieving some noticeable results in just 4-6 weeks and more impressive benefits in time with continuous use.

Genuine Purity Liposomal NR High-Level Advantages

Genuine Purity Liposomal NR offers several high-level advantages, making it a premiere longevity-promoting choice and the best NR supplement on the market.

These include:

1. Using Highly Pure, Third-Party Authenticated NR Molecules

Each Genuine Purity Liposomal NR pill contains a research-supported serving of highly pure (99% pure) nicotinamide riboside sourced from elite means.

Plus, the nicotinamide riboside in Genuine Purity Liposomal NR has been third-party tested and authenticated for 99% purity, the gold standard in NR supplementation.

NR purity is always going to be a vital factor in the success of an NR supplement, and Genuine Purity Liposomal NR certainly “knocks it out of the park.”

2. Liposomal Encapsulation Promotes Elite Absorbability

Historically, NR supplementation has been hindered by a major obstacle—nicotinamide riboside doesn’t absorb especially well in humans.

Genuine Purity Liposomal NR seeks to solve this issue by encapsulating all of its NR molecules in lipid-based oval-shaped encasements that protect NR from corrosive gastrointestinal acids and digestive enzymes.

Known as “liposomal encapsulation,” this advanced system should allow you to absorb significantly more nutritional value from the highly pure nicotinamide riboside in Genuine Purity Liposomal NR.

3. Reputable Manufacturer With 20+ Years’ Experience

Genuine Purity Liposomal NR is manufactured in cGMP-certified facilities in the United States of America, adhering to the strictest safety standards in the industry.

Additionally, it was developed and is still manufactured by a health supplement producer with more than 20 years of experience building elite dietary aids.

You can rest assured you’re getting a consistently high-quality product each and every time you use Genuine Purity Liposomal NR.

Many qualities suggest Genuine Purity Liposomal NR is the best NR supplement on the market right now. Chief among them would be the elite NR purity, the liposomal protection system, and the manufacturer’s sterling reputation, which has been built over many years.

Genuine Purity Liposomal NR User Reviews

Men and women worldwide have experienced the impressive anti-aging support of Genuine Purity Liposomal NR, helping them to enjoy a more vigorous, highly fulfilling life for years and years after their so-called “primes.”

Here’s what a few Genuine Purity Liposomal NR users said about their experience:

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Dorothy Jensen After using Genuine Purity Liposomal NR for about 2 months, I already feel much better than I have in years. I’ve noticed more energy, reduced brain fog, and a greater ability to focus all day long. I recommend this supplement to all my friends.
Like · Answers · 4 Day(s)
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from Peter W.
on January 22, 2024

I’ve always been diligent about being healthy and staying in good shape. Yet, once I reached my 40s, that became increasingly difficult. A gym buddy actually told me about Genuine Purity Liposomal NR. It’s really helped me to keep in good physical condition and get in the gym every day.

Nicht hilfreich

Re: Does anyone know Genuine Purity NMN?

Genuine Purity Liposomal NR is the best supplement I’ve ever used. It only takes a couple of capsules a day to help trigger awesome benefits. I’ve lost several pounds of fat, feel much better physically, and am definitely more mentally sharp than I was before trying this NR supplement.

  • Contribution from 29.01.2024 – 17:35

  • Author:


Almost all Genuine Purity Liposomal NR user reviews we encountered sounded similar. Many people spoke about how much vibrancy and energy the best NR supplement has assisted them in achieving.

Genuine Purity Liposomal NR Satisfaction Guarantee

Your Genuine Purity Liposomal NR order comes with a generous money-back satisfaction guarantee.

It’s so great that it allows you to try the best NR supplement for up to 90 days before applying for a refund of the purchase price if you’re unhappy with the results.

Another way of looking at it is that you’ll get a “free 90-day trial” with Genuine Purity Liposomal NR. If it doesn’t work for you, simply send back all the packaging to receive a refund of the purchase price for all used and unused products.

Where To Order Genuine Purity Liposomal NR

We’d recommend ordering Genuine Purity Liposomal NR from the manufacturer’s official webpage.

You’ll find the lowest prices there, including significant savings on bulk orders. Furthermore, they offer free shipping on all orders within the continental USA.

#2 PartiQlar - Best Pure Supplement

PartiQlar NR
Second #2
Product details:

  • Promotes metabolic health
  • Supports healthy aging
  • Improves cognitive function
  • Price: 47,99 USD
  • Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

What sets PartiQlar apart is its commitment to strict manufacturing standards. Its products are meticulously manufactured in cGMP-certified and FDA-compliant facilities, underscoring the brand’s dedication to safety and efficacy. In addition, PartiQlar’s Pure NR supplement holds the prestigious NSF certification for sports enthusiasts and adheres to a vegan-friendly, artificial colour-free, allergen-free and GMO-free formulation.

Pure Nicotinamide Riboside NR can help you to:

  • Improved energy metabolism
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Optimal exercise performance
  • Support metabolic health
  • Support healthy ageing
  • Maintain cardiovascular health

For those considering a daily dose, PartiQlar recommends a single capsule per day, providing 350mg of NR. While the supplement label may not explicitly state the form of NR, third party testing confirms the use of nicotinamide riboside chloride in this well-respected product.

partiQlar Nicotinamide Riboside NR High-Level Advantages

PartiQlar NR stands out as a compelling choice among NR supplements, offering several high-level benefits that firmly establish its position as one of the best options available on the market.

1. Affordable Pricing

PartiQlar offers a budget-friendly option for those seeking nicotinamide riboside NR supplementation.

2. NSF Certification For Sports

The product is proudly NSF certified, making it a trusted choice for sports enthusiasts, ensuring its safety and quality standards.

3. Exceptional Purity

PartiQlar’s Nicotinamide Riboside NR boasts an impressive 98% purity level, underlining the company’s commitment to delivering a high quality product.

4. Generous Multi-Buy Discounts

PartiQlar offers substantial discounts through multi-buy options, making it even more attractive to those considering long-term use.

partiQlar NR User Reviews

Users worldwide, of both sexes, have reported significant benefits from PartiQlar NR’s remarkable anti-aging properties, enabling them to enjoy a more vibrant, fulfilling lifestyle, brimming with vitality long past their perceived peak.

Here are some personal insights from PartiQlar NR customers:

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Thomas Morrison Great product. I have significantly more energy since I have been using partiQlar NR.
Like · Answers · 11 Day(s)
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from Eve
on January 28, 2024

I started taking PartiQlar NR a few weeks ago and am now starting to notice real changes. My sleep has improved significantly, I sleep soundly and wake up feeling refreshed. In general, I feel much better since I started taking the capsules! Amazing!

Nicht hilfreich

Re: What are your experiences with partiQlar NR?

I have already tested several Partiqlar products and have always been convinced. This also applies to the NR capsules. They are well tolerated and easy to swallow. I was always very forgetful for a while, but this has improved since taking them.

  • Contribution from 03.02.2024 – 12:16

  • Author:


The overwhelming consensus among partiQlar NR reviewers is its profound effect on vitality and energy levels, which is reflected in numerous testimonials.

partiQlar NR Satisfaction Guarantee

Your purchase comes with a generous 60-day money-back guarantee. This gives you plenty of time to assess its effectiveness, essentially offering you a risk-free 60-day trial. If the results are not to your liking, simply return all packaging within the specified period and a full refund, covering both used and unused products, will be issued promptly.

Where To Order partiQlar NR

For the best service and prices, it’s best to purchase PartiQlar NR directly from the manufacturer’s official website. Not only will you benefit from competitive pricing, but you will also receive substantial discounts on bulk purchases. In addition, all orders over $50 within the contiguous United States are eligible for free shipping.

#3 Wonderfeel Youngr - Best NMN Supplement

Wonderfeel Youngr NMN
Third #3
Product details:

  • More power & energy
  • Improves skin elasticity
  • Money-back-guarantee
  • Price: 88,00 USD
  • Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Wonderfeel Youngr NMN is emerging as the premier choice among NMN supplements for individuals seeking a potent blend of anti-aging ingredients. This prestigious brand combines 450 milligrams of NMN with 50 milligrams of trans-resveratrol, a combination acclaimed for its remarkable ability to significantly increase NAD levels. The symbiosis of NMN and resveratrol is a formidable force in supporting both cognitive performance and cardiovascular vitality.

Wonderfeel Youngr NMN can help you to:

  • Combat age-related weight gain
  • Alleviate cognitive fog, promoting clarity and improved cognitive function
  • Achieve deeper, more restorative sleep for optimal energy balance
  • Accelerate recovery after exercise
  • Improve skin suppleness
  • Reduce discomfort and soreness
  • Facilitate faster recovery from jet lag and hangovers

For those considering a daily regimen, Wonderfeel recommends a dosage of two capsules per day, providing a total of 900mg of NMN.

WonderFeel Youngr High-Level Advantages

1. Emphasis On Quality Ingredients

Youngr’s WonderFeel prides itself on the careful selection of its ingredients, boasting a range that includes essential elements such as Vitamin D, NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) and Trans-Resveratrol. These ingredients have been selected for their recognised benefits in supporting overall health and vitality. Each ingredient is rigorously tested to ensure maximum potency and efficacy, reflecting the brand’s commitment to formulation excellence.

2. Innovative Packaging

Upon initial purchase, customers are greeted with a refillable glass bottle that exemplifies Youngr’s commitment to sustainability and eco-conscious practices. This thoughtful approach not only minimises waste, but also adds a touch of sophistication to the product experience. Subsequent orders will be accompanied by eco-friendly refill pouches, carefully designed to reduce environmental impact while maintaining product integrity. This innovative packaging solution reinforces Youngr’s mission to provide wellness solutions that prioritise both consumer satisfaction and environmental stewardship.

3. Commitment To Quality Assurance

Youngr’s WonderFeel is manufactured in state-of-the-art cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices) facilities, ensuring the highest standards of quality, safety and consistency. These facilities adhere to strict regulations and protocols, using the latest technology and rigorous quality control measures throughout the production process. By prioritising compliance with cGMP guidelines, Youngr guarantees that every batch of WonderFeel meets the highest standards of excellence, instilling confidence and peace of mind in its discerning clientele.

Wonderfeel Youngr User Reviews

Users of all genders from around the world have shared testimonials highlighting the remarkable anti-aging effects of WonderFeel Youngr.

Here are some personal accounts from satisfied customers:

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Sophie Lynch I started taking Wonderfeel about two months ago because I was increasingly struggling with sleep problems. For the last three to four weeks, I've been falling asleep within 10 minutes and waking up in the morning refreshed and uninterrupted. That is a huge difference. I finally have energy again.
Like · Answers · 13 Day(s)
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from Jacks
on January 17, 2024

I am now 43 years old, enjoy doing all kinds of sports, but am beginning to realize that I am no longer as fit as I was when I was 18 and have therefore ordered Wonderfeel Youngr. I've been taking it for about 6 weeks now and have noticed significant changes. My stamina has improved and I am much more efficient again. I can now do 4-5 sporting activities a week again without any problems.

Nicht hilfreich

Re: Does anyone know the NMN from Wonderfeel Youngr?

Excellent product. It is super easy for my stomach to take. Thanks to Wonderfeel I finally have more energy again and my memory has improved. I am really pleased with the results so far and will continue to take the capsules.

  • Contribution from 05.02.2024 – 16:39

  • Author:


The consensus of WonderFeel Youngr reviewers overwhelmingly emphasises its profound effect on memory enhancement, increased energy levels and improved sleep quality.

Wonderfeel Youngr Satisfaction Guarantee

Unfortunately, WonderFeel Youngr does not currently offer a satisfaction guarantee to its customers.

Where To Order Wonderfeel Youngr

For the best service and price, it is recommended to purchase WonderFeel Youngr directly from the manufacturer’s official website. This allows customers to take advantage of competitive pricing and exclusive discounts, ensuring a seamless purchasing experience.

#4 Lovita NR—Best NR Supplement With Resveratrol

Currently not recommended by us #4
Product details:

  • Boost NAD+ levels
  • Anti-Aging
  • Only a few customer reviews
  • Price: 34,99 USD

Ranking as the fourth-best NR supplement, Lovita NR combines suitable, reliably pure NR molecules with a couple of additional compounds, like resveratrol, to promote anti-aging and longevity benefits.

Lovita NR is designed to support:

  • Improved Sleep Quality
  • Boosted DNA Repair
  • Metabolic Enhancements
  • Enhanced Cellular Wellness
  • Reduced Occurrence Of Fatigue

If you’re dealing with many of the typical troubling issues that accompany aging, Lovita NR could be a good option to help you restore at least some of your youthful sprightliness.

All you’ll need to do is take 1 pill per day, ideally at the same time every day, to help you look, feel, and think more like you did in your 20s. Some benefits may appear in about 4-6 weeks. However, like all the best NR supplement options, continuous daily use is necessary to maintain long-term longevity and anti-aging benefits.

Lovita NR High-Level Advantages

Lovita NR comes with a few high-level advantages that firmly put it in the conversation for being one of the best NR supplement choices available.

These include:

1. Utilizing Good, Third-Party Authenticated NR Compounds

Every time you ingest Lovita NR, you’ll be feeding your cells with reliably good NR compounds that a third party has authenticated.

This is generally considered a “must-have” feature for an NR supplement to be considered elite.

Many subpar NR supplements use low-quality NR that isn’t third-party authenticated and may be ineffective. However, this isn’t an issue with Lovita NR.

2. Contains Excellent Ancillary Ingredients (Resveratrol & Betaine)

Lovita NR provides good NR molecules that can help you live a more vigorous life with greater longevity and also adds a pair of excellent ancillary ingredients that work cohesively to improve the overall formula.

The first is resveratrol, a compound found in the skin of red grapes known for aiding in reducing the buildup of oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which contribute to age-related decline at a cellular level.

The second is betaine, a compound highly concentrated in some foods like beets and spinach, and can help promote circulatory wellness, as well as mood and cognitive capacity.

As you see, there are multiple reasons to indicate that Lovita NR is among the best NR supplement options money can buy. The third-party tested NR, along with the additional high-quality anti-aging support ingredients, suggest great outcomes are possible.

Lovita NR User Reviews

Many women and men have raved about the longevity and anti-aging enhancements Lovita NR has helped bring them. It appears scores of individuals are living with more vitality thanks to the assistance of this NR supplement.

Here’s what a few Lovita NR users mentioned about their experience:

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Robert Clark Lovita NR is a great NR supplement. I’m 67, and I’ve struggled with age-related problems for many years. However, after using Lovita NR for a few months, I feel far more energetic and with it, so to speak. This stuff is helping me quite a lot.
Like · Answers · 16 Day(s)
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from Linda
on January 30, 2024

I’ve been using Lovita NR for almost a year, and let me tell you, it definitely helps. I’ve gotten back into my workout routine, dropped a few pounds, and just feel healthier than I did before. I’d suggest all women my age (65) use this product.

Nicht hilfreich

Re: What do you think of the NR supplement from Lovita?

Lovita NR is my go-to daily supplement. A friend recommended it to me, and she’s a sharp cookie, so I gave it a try. I have to thank her every day because this stuff has seriously helped me feel 20 years younger. It’s great.

  • Contribution from 01.02.2024 – 23:44

  • Author:


Nearly every Lovita NR user review we came across sounded similar to these. Most people discussed how the second-best NR supplement had helped restore much of the vitality that had evaded them with age. However, compared to the top 3 NR products in our comparison, we still have too few customer reviews to be 100% convinced.

Lovita NR Satisfaction Guarantee

Unfortunately, Lovita NR does not appear to have a satisfaction guarantee at this time.

Where To Order Lovita NR

We found the best prices for Lovita NR on Amazon. They also offer a 10-15% discount on all Lovita NR orders if you sign up for recurring monthly purchases.

#5 Health Thru Nutrition NR—Best NR Supplement With PQQ

Health Thru
Currently not recommended by us #5
Product details:

  • Elevates NAD+ levels
  • Revitalizing cellular energy
  • Only a few customer reviews
  • Price: 39,95 USD

Our fifth-best NR supplement is Health Thru Nutrition NR, a solid NR supplement that also includes PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone), an ancillary ingredient, and a micronutrient with some impressive anti-aging support benefits.

Health Thru Nutrition NR is formulated to support:

  • Improved Blood Flow
  • More Restful Sleep
  • Greater Muscle Performance
  • Enhanced Daily Energy Levels
  • Better Long-Term Cognitive Performance

As with many of the best NR supplement options, Health Thru Nutrition NR can help boost elements of longevity and support better aging outcomes, like those seen here.

Taking 2 Health Thru Nutrition NR capsules daily is recommended to potentially notice some benefits in approximately 4-6 weeks. However, as we’ve stated with all the best NR supplement products, continuous usage over the long run is necessary to get assistance in achieving optimal long-term benefits.

Health Thru Nutrition NR High-Level Advantages

There are numerous reasons to believe Health Thru Nutrition NR should rank among the best NR supplements on the market.

These include:

1. Contains Proprietary, Third-Party Tested NR Molecules

Health Thru Nutrition NR is designed with a proprietary form of NR (nicotinamide riboside) they call RejuvNR. This unique NR form, created by the in-house team at Health Thru Nutrition, has been tested and authenticated by a third party. Therefore, it’s been deemed to be of good quality and sufficient purity. Plus, it has no known negative side effects.

2. Utilizes PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone) For Additional Support

PQQ, or pyrroloquinoline quinone, is a chemical compound that assists in several enzymatic reactions in the human body, including some vital to supporting energy levels and metabolic wellness.

PQQ works in tandem with the proprietary NR molecules in Health Thru Nutrition NR to boost elements of cellular wellness and promote overall longevity. While it’s not quite Nicotinamide Riboside, PQQ is still a solid anti-aging compound that should deliver more benefits or at least help promote the benefits supported by NR.

The proprietary NR, RejuvNR, has been third-party authenticated. Plus, you’ll get a reliable serving or PQQ in Health Thru Nutrition NR. For those reasons, Health Thru Nutrition NR deserves to be ranked among the best NR supplement choices.

Health Thru Nutrition NR User Reviews

It appears more and more men and women are getting on board the Health Thru Nutrition NR train, often speaking highly of the impressive longevity and anti-aging outcomes it’s assisted them in experiencing.

Here’s what a few Health Thru Nutrition NR users said about their experience:

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Floyd Vargas Health Thru Nutrition NR helps me to feel younger, and live life with more positive energy. I had been seriously down in the dumps and struggling before finding this NR supplement. However, once I started using it, everything began to change for the better. I highly recommend it.
Like · Answers · 5 Day(s)
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from Janicee61
on February 02, 2024

I love Health Thru Nutrition NR. Seriously, this is my number one supplement because it supports my life force by improving my energy, supporting mental strength, and helping me wake up feeling refreshed every morning. All ladies around my age (61) should check it out.

Nicht hilfreich

Re: Does anyone have experience with NR from Health Thru?

I’ve tried a few anti-aging support supplements over the years, and this is my favorite. After a couple of months of using it daily, I noticed my body feeling stronger and my mind more limber. A few of my close friends even began using it after they saw the positive changes in my life.

  • Contribution from 13.01.2024 – 16:26

  • Author:

    Walter Knight

The reviews reflect the general consensus we have seen regarding Health Thru Nutrition NR. It seems that many Health Thru Nutrition NR users are quite happy with their results.But again, we need more customer reviews.

Health Thru Nutrition NR Satisfaction Guarantee

Health Thru Nutrition NR doesn’t allow you to use their NR supplement before deciding if it works for you. However, they do offer refunds of the purchase price if you return an unopened bottle within 60 days of purchasing.

Where To Order Health Thru Nutrition NR

We discovered the lowest prices for Health Thru Nutrition NR on Amazon. We’d recommend buying there, although large orders have no savings deals.

How Can The Best NR Supplement Help Enhance Longevity & Optimize Aging?

The best NR supplement options provide users with a research-supported serving size of NR (nicotinamide riboside) molecules. This natural compound is a precursor to a vital coenzyme known as NAD+.

In other words, when we ingest nicotinamide riboside or NR, our bodies organically convert those molecules into NAD+ through a series of enzymatic reactions.

The coenzyme NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) plays a critical role in many biochemical reactions and physiological processes that power the human body, potentially impacting everything from daily energy levels to physical strength and cognitive capacity.

Research shows adequate NAD+ levels can help to:

  • Improve Sleep Quality
  • Boost Metabolic Efficiency
  • Support Enhanced Blood Flow
  • Support & Maintain Cognitive Wellness
  • Promote Strengthened Joint Health
  • Fuel Greater Physical Strength
  • Augment Immune System Wellness
  • Maximize Libido
  • Enhance Daily Moods
  • Amplify Daily Energy

However, as we age, we tend to lose a significant portion of the NAD+ that empowered us during our more youthful or “prime” years.

A clinical review published in Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal noted that by middle age, NAD+ levels will decline by more than 50% on average and that this decline is a significant contributor to why we experience much age-related deterioration.

The good news is that using the best NR supplement options may be the ideal way for us to support optimal NAD+ levels with no known negative side effects and no necessity for a prescription but plenty of potential anti-aging and longevity benefits.

Who Should Use The Best NR Supplement Options?

The best NR supplement options are designed to help women and men aged 18 and older. However, most NR supplement users are usually in their mid to late 30s or older. That’s because, typically, NAD+ levels begin a gradual, sometimes severe, decline once we’re approaching 40 years old or so. This decline can accelerate age-related issues like:

  • Slowing Metabolism
  • Degeneration Of Neurons
  • Reduced Cardiovascular Wellness
  • Accumulation Of Oxidative Stress
  • Increased DNA Damage

So, if you’re in your mid to late 30s or older and feel like the “ever-turning wheels of time” may be catching up with you, the best NR supplement options could help you feel, look, and think like a younger, more vibrant version of yourself. Even if you’re in your 20s and are simply concerned about the aging process, the best NR supplements might also be a viable option for you. Just remember the best NR supplement options require daily use and should be used continuously to yield long-lasting benefits. Many users should see some benefits in approximately 4-6 weeks, but terminating use will cause those benefits to dissipate. If you’re new to using health supplements or have health concerns, consult a physician before starting a new supplement regimen.

Additional Ways You Can Support Greater NAD+ Levels

The best NR supplement products should be an excellent way for most people to maximize NAD+ levels. However, there are some additional practices we can all take up to ensure our NAD+ levels remain optimal.

These include:

1. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting, or restricting food intake to certain days or times of the day, has been reported to help boost NAD+ levels.

It’s believed that fasting, or calorie restriction, puts stress on cellular mechanisms and opens similar NAD+ production pathways to NR supplementation.

In recent years, more people have begun to utilize intermittent fasting, largely because of its potential anti-aging benefits.

If you’ve never tried fasting before, we’d encourage you to speak with an expert before beginning a fasting routine.

2. Exercising Often

Regular strenuous exercise, generally multiple times a week, can help activate enzymes that rely upon NAD+ to create the conditions necessary for the biochemical reactions they stimulate.

Thus, when you regularly exercise and put your muscles under healthy strain, your body may naturally respond by producing more NAD+.

Both aerobic and anaerobic exercises can help.

If you’re new to exercising, reach out to an expert to help you get started on a regimen that can help you maximize NAD+ synthesis.

3. Sleeping (Uninterrupted) 7-9 Hours Per Night

Emerging evidence suggests that inadequate or regularly interrupted sleep can wreak havoc on NAD+ levels.

Of course, this isn’t a huge surprise, as chronic sleep deprivation is associated with many health issues, including accelerated age-induced decline.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, try:

  • Keeping A Consistent Sleep Schedule
  • Keeping A Cool, Dark Sleeping Space
  • Lowering Your Caffeine Intake
  • Removing Electronics From Bed

These tips should help you get better, more restful sleep and subsequently promote greater NAD+ levels.

4. Eating A Nutrient-Dense Diet

Certain NAD+ precursors, like NR, can be found in food. However, the concentration of NR may vary wildly and often be too minimal to have much impact.

That said, regularly eating a nutrient-rich diet while avoiding processed foods, harmful fats, and excess sugar should help your body produce and regulate NAD+ more effectively.

Try eating more:

  • Turkey, Chicken, Fish
  • Spinach, Kale, Broccoli
  • Almonds, Peanuts, Sunflower Seeds
  • Mushrooms
  • Fermented Foods

These foods contain relatively high concentrations of NAD+ precursors and may help support greater NAD+ levels if eaten regularly.

5. Limiting Alcohol Consumption

When the body digests alcohol, it takes a sizable amount of NAD+ to produce the necessary enzymatic reactions.

In other words, every sip of alcohol we take requires using some of our NAD+ reserves to be used.

Over time, this can have a massive deteriorating effect.

Regularly utilizing these practices should help you produce more NAD+ or at least maintain current NAD+ levels into the future.

Ideally, you’d want to combine these “lifestyle practices” with the best NR supplement options to maximize NAD+ synthesis over the long run.

Of course, adhering to a strict health regimen can be difficult for many of us. The good news is that the best NR supplement products can help to make up the difference.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can NMN and NR supplements be used together?

There is no scientific evidence or official recommendation to support the simultaneous use of NR and NMN supplements. While some individuals may consider combining these precursors to supposedly increase NAD+ levels more efficiently, prudent supplementation emphasises moderation.

Is there a risk of adverse effects with high quality NR supplements?

Although NR supplements are generally considered safe to take, there are potential side effects. These include tingling sensations in the legs and toes, nausea, headaches, diarrhoea and itching, especially with excessive use or individual sensitivities.

What is the recommended daily dose of an NR supplement?

Some brands suggest a daily intake of 500mg of NR as a general guideline. Dosages used in research studies typically range from 250 to 1000 mg per day. Consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended to determine the appropriate dosage for your specific health needs.

Finding The Best NR Supplement Conclusion

As you know, aging can be a real pain. What were once minor issues tend to balloon into significant problems. We may feel substantially more exhausted, more unhappy, and more fed up with the difficulties we face on a daily basis.

Fortunately, emerging scientific studies are reporting that much of this age-induced deterioration can be linked to deteriorating NAD+ levels.

We live in a day and age where the best NR supplement options may be able to help correct what were previously thought to be uncorrectable issues.

So, we’d encourage you to choose the best NR supplement for you and start living life on your terms.


  1. „The Science Behind NMN–A Stable, Reliable NAD+Activator and Anti-Aging Molecule.“ PubMed. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Click for Details.
  2. „A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial of nicotinamide riboside in obese men: safety, insulin-sensitivity, and lipid-mobilizing effects“. ScienceDirect. Click for Details.
  3. „Improvement of tissue‐specific distribution and biotransformation potential of nicotinamide mononucleotide in combination with ginsenosides or resveratrol.“ PubMed. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Click for Details.
  4. „Long-term administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide mitigates age-associated physiological decline in mice.“ PubMed. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Click for Details.

How To Use Grapefruit Oil For Weight Loss – Benefits, Tips & Risks 2024

How To Use Grapefruit Oil For Weight Loss

Looking to lose some weight? Grapefruit essential oil might be the solution, for you. This powerful extract comes from the Citrus paradisi grapefruit plant, which originated in the islands around 1750. It’s a blend of sweet orange and pomelo packed with beneficial nutrients and antioxidants that can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation which are known to contribute to various diseases.

The active ingredients in grapefruit oil help to increase metabolism and reduce appetite. Inhaled or applied topically, grapefruit oil helps reduce hunger and cravings, making it an effective tool for fast, healthy weight loss. While grapefruit oil isn’t a stand-alone solution, its combination with diet and lifestyle changes can yield remarkable results, much like CBD oil. Learn more about the beneficial properties of grapefruit oil that can help you shed those extra pounds.

Benefits Of Grapefruit Essential Oil

  • Increases metabolic rate
  • Balances Blood Sugar Levels
  • Eliminates bloating and dissolves cellulite
  • Reduce cravings for sugar
  • Aids digestion
  • Helps relieve hangover symptoms

What Is Grapefruit Oil?

Grapefruit oil is a citrus oil derived from the peel of the grapefruit. It is well known for its refreshing and revitalizing fragrance frequently employed in aromatherapy practices. Packed with antioxidants and vitamin C it is believed to offer advantages such, as uplifting mood promoting healthier skin and even possessing potential antibacterial properties. It can be commonly found in perfumes, cosmetics and also used as a flavoring ingredient.

Benefits Of Grapefruit Essential Oil For Weight Loss

Increases Metabolism

Grapefruit increases metabolism and reduces hunger due to its digestive enzymes. As a result, you feel fuller and burn more calories. Ultimately, the balance of calories consumed and calories burned is the key to your weight loss success – amazing!

Stabilizes Glucose Levels

Phytochemicals found in grapefruit compounds aid in reducing insulin levels promoting the conversion of food into energy, than storing it as fat.

Reduces Bloating And Dissolves Cellulite

As an exceptionally potent diuretic and lymphatic enhancer (the system of tissues and organs that is critical to the elimination of toxins), grapefruit and its essential oil help to eliminate waste and toxins from the body.

Applying a quantity of grapefruit essential oil directly onto your skin can assist in reducing water weight and eliminating toxins from your body. Bid farewell to toxins once and for all! If you’re worried about your skins tone grapefruit essential oil can be truly beneficial. It aids in minimizing cellulite. Promotes detoxification, by improving blood circulation when applied topically.

Curb Sugar Cravings

If sweet cravings dominate your eating habits, grapefruit essential oil may be your solution, as it can reduce and sometimes eliminate sugar cravings. Embrace grapefruit essential oil and say goodbye to those tempting sweets that spike your sugar levels.

Supports Digestion

Grapefruit is known to support digestion providing relief from occasional heartburn and indigestion.

Helps Alleviate Hangover Effects

Grapefruit essential oil is a powerful stimulant for the gallbladder and liver, so it can relieve headaches, cravings and lethargy after a day’s drinking.

Are There Any Scientific Studies?

Some scientific studies suggest that grapefruit oil might play a role in weight loss although these studies are quite limited and mostly conducted on animals. For instance one study observed that the aroma of grapefruit oil activated the nerve responsible for white adipose tissue, in rats. This exposure resulted in reduced food consumption and body weight among the rats. Similarly another animal study conducted in 2014 discovered that inhaling grapefruit oil could potentially promote breakdown.

In addition, grapefruit contains phytochemicals that can lower insulin levels, potentially causing the body to use food for energy instead of storing it as fat. This process can contribute to weight loss and fat burning.

How Can Grapefruit Essential Oil Be Used To Lose Weight?

Grapefruit Oil Scientific Studies

Grapefruit essential oil can be used in a variety of ways, including sniffing, swallowing and massage.


You can enhance the flavor and benefits of water or tea by adding a couple of drops of essential oil. Drink this mixture times throughout the day. It’s crucial to use glass containers for mixing as plastic water bottles may react with the oil and degrade over time.


Sniff grapefruit essential oil whenever you have a sweet craving. Using a diffuser continuously throughout the day can have a noticeable effect. Essential oil pendants are very useful in this context. Simply drip a few drops onto the aroma bead, place it in the pendant and continue to inhale. As well as being aesthetically pleasing, it acts as a mobile diffuser hanging around your neck.

Use As A Massage

You can give yourself a massage by gently rubbing grapefruit essential oil mixed with a base oil like coconut, olive or jojoba on your wrists, neck or chest. Just remember not to use the oil on your skin without diluting it first. If you apply oil and then expose your skin to direct sunlight it may cause irritation. To achieve the concentration its recommended to dilute 12 drops of grapefruit essential oil in 2 teaspoons of base oil for every 10ml container. Before using the mixture make sure to do a patch test on a small area of your skin and wait for any possible reactions, within 24 hours.

Grapefruit Essential Oil For Weight Management

D-limonene improves metabolism and clears impaired cells from the lymphatic glands (adaptive immune system), allowing them to transport essential nutrients between cells and the bloodstream. Essentially, grapefruit essential oil offers significant health benefits and can be used aromatically, topically or even ingested. Grapefruit contains an organic compound called nootkatone, which increases energy metabolism and reduces the build-up of belly fat.

Nootkatone, found in grapefruit has the ability to activate AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) a metabolic regulator that enhances the rate of reactions involved in metabolism. It also aids in lipolysis the process of breaking down fats and proteins in the body. This effect is further supported by limonene, another occurring compound present, in grapefruit.

Grapefruit essential oil is extracted from the flesh and peel of the grapefruit. Similar to other essential oils, it helps reduce sugar cravings and promotes a feeling of fullness. With antioxidants, the oil reduces oxidative stress, reduces fluid retention and boosts the immune system. Inhalation produces a “revitalising and uplifting sensation”, indicating stimulation of sympathetic nerve activity, which is beneficial for weight management.

How Much Does Grapefruit Oil Cost?

The cost of grapefruit oil varies depending on factors such as quality, size and production method. Prices can vary as follows:

  • Small bottles (about 1 fluid ounce) typically cost between $8 and $10.
  • Medium-sized options (about 4 ounces) can be found for around $10.
  • Higher-end versions, especially those with special production methods or certifications, can cost significantly more, up to $64 for a standard size or as much as $85 for larger quantities.

These price variations are indicative of the diverse grapefruit oil market, catering to different preferences and uses.

How Does Using Grapefruit Essential Oil Help With Weight Loss?

Grapefruit oil is widely regarded as an effective aid for weight loss and fat burning. Although grapefruit essential oil can be an asset in any weight loss program it’s important to note that it alone cannot guarantee the elimination of all body fat. It does not possess the ability to block absorption or prevent the body from storing excess calories. However what it does offer is support in making choices and staying committed to your weight loss journey. This oil stimulates enzymes like D limonene within the body, which play a role, in breaking down stored body fat.

Grapefruit Nutrient-Rich Yet Low In Calories

Grapefruit stands out as a nutritious fruit with significant health benefits. This is due to its high concentration of essential nutrients compared to its smaller relative, the orange, yet it remains low in calories. It has one of the lowest calorie counts of any fruit. It contributes a respectable amount of fibre, along with over 15 vitamins and minerals that are beneficial.

Here are some of the key nutrients found in half a medium grapefruit:

  • Calories: 52
  • Carbohydrates: 13 grams
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Dietary Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin C: 64 percent of the Daily Value
  • Vitamin A: 28 percent of the Daily Value
  • Potassium: 5 percent of the recommended dietary allowance
  • Thiamine: 4 percent of the recommended dietary allowance
  • Folate: 4 percent of the recommended dietary allowance
  • Magnesium: 3 percent of the recommended dietary allowance

It also contains powerful antioxidants that protect cells from dangerous bacteria and viruses.

Does Grapefruit Oil Have Any Side Effects?

Like any essential oil grapefruit oil can have potential side effects especially when used improperly or by individuals, with specific sensitivities. It is important to be aware of the following side effects:

  • Phototoxicity: Grapefruit oil is known to be phototoxic. When applied to the skin, it may make the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet light, leading to sunburn or skin irritation when exposed to sunlight.
  • Allergic reactions: Some people may experience allergic reactions to grapefruit oil, especially if they have a history of allergies to citrus products. Symptoms may include skin rash, itching, or redness.
  • Interference with medicines: Grapefruit, including its oil, has been known to interact with certain medications, altering their effectiveness. This is due to compounds in grapefruit that interfere with enzymes that metabolise certain drugs in the body.
  • Irritation and sensitivity: In some individuals, particularly those with sensitive skin, grapefruit oil may cause irritation or sensitisation when applied topically.
  • Risks of internal use: Ingestion of grapefruit oil may not be safe. It should only be used externally under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does grapefruit oil assist with weight loss?

Grapefruit oil has compounds like limonene that are believed to have the potential to enhance metabolism elevate energy levels and reduce appetite. It is thought to activate the nervous system aiding in the breakdown of body fat. However while there is some evidence supporting its impact, on weight loss it is important to note that a rounded diet and regular exercise should not be replaced by solely relying on grapefruit oil.

How Do You Use Grapefruit Oil for Weight Loss?

Grapefruit oil can be used in aromatherapy, either inhaled directly or diffused into the air. It can also be added to bath water or applied topically when diluted with a carrier oil. Always patch test for skin sensitivity before topical use.

How long does it take to see weight loss results from grapefruit oil?

The effects of grapefruit oil can differ significantly from one individual to another. Some people may experience a shift in appetite or energy levels whereas it may take longer for others to observe any potential weight loss advantages. It’s crucial to remember that grapefruit oil should be used in conjunction with a lifestyle rather than being seen as a substitute, for it.

What Precautions Should Be Taken When Using Grapefruit Oil?

Grapefruit oil may interact with certain medicines, especially those metabolised by the liver. It’s important to consult a healthcare professional before using it. In addition, direct sunlight should be avoided after topical application as it may increase photosensitivity.

Can Grapefruit Oil Replace a Healthy Diet and Exercise for Weight Loss?

No using grapefruit oil is not a sufficient replacement, for maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular exercise. While it can be utilized as a measure achieving effective weight loss typically entails making comprehensive lifestyle changes that incorporate healthy eating habits and physical activity.


Achieving weight loss requires a sustained effort, and to maintain a healthy, weight-controlled body, you need to cultivate consistent, healthy habits. This includes making specific changes to your daily routine, such as eating a nutritious diet, getting regular moderate exercise and taking part in additional physical activities. Choose natural options that provide lasting fitness and health benefits. Grapefruit is an example of such a choice, offering not only weight control but a host of other health benefits.

Grapefruit is considered one of the fruits available, packed with vital vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support a well functioning metabolism and provide detoxifying benefits. Whether you use grapefruit oil topically aromatically or consume it orally it can energize you. Uplift your mood. In general grapefruit oil may assist in weight management by curbing food cravings and boosting self confidence. Remember that alongside incorporating essential oils into your routine maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular exercise are crucial, for overall physical well being. These oils can serve as a tool to help you reach your health and fitness objectives.


  1. Deng, W., Liu, K., Cao, S., Sun, J., Zhong, B., & Chun, J. (2020). Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, and Antiproliferative Properties of Grapefruit Essential Oil Prepared by Molecular Distillation. Molecules, 25(1), 217. Read Article.
  2. Journal of Essential Oil Research. (2017). Assessment of Essential Oil as a Potential Anti-obesity Agent: A Narrative Review. Read Article.
  3. Fujioka, K., Greenway, F.L., Sheard, J., & Yu, Y. (2006). The Effects of Grapefruit on Weight and Insulin Resistance: Relationship to the Metabolic Syndrome. Journal of Medicinal Food, 9(1), 49–54. Read Article.
  4. Razavi, B.M. & Hosseinzadeh, H. (2019). A Review of the Effects of Citrus paradisi (Grapefruit) and Its Flavonoids, Naringin, and Naringenin in Metabolic Syndrome. Elsevier eBooks. pp. 515–543. Read Article.
  5. Murase, T., Misawa, K., Haramizu, S., Minegishi, Y., & Hase, T. (2010). Nootkatone, a Characteristic Constituent of Grapefruit, Stimulates Energy Metabolism and Prevents Diet-Induced Obesity by Activating AMPK. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 299(2), E266–E275. Read Article.
  6. Murphy, M.M., Barraj, L.M., & Rampersaud, G.C. (2014). Consumption of Grapefruit is Associated with Higher Nutrient Intakes and Diet Quality Among Adults, and More Favorable Anthropometrics in Women, NHANES 2003–2008. Food & Nutrition Research, 58(1), 22179. Read Article.

Effective Ways To Lose Weight With Coffee – Benefits, Tips & Risks 2024

Effective Ways To Lose Weight With Coffee

If you’re looking to drop some weight and trim body fat after experimenting with diets it’s common to wonder “Can coffee assist in weight loss?” You might have encountered assertions regarding coffees impact on shedding pounds. Their accuracy could be questionable. The connection between coffee and its effects on cells or cravings for sugar is complex and subject to varying perspectives. This piece aims to clarify whether coffee plays a role, in aiding weight loss.

We will answer questions such as “How does coffee help with weight loss?” by reviewing the science behind coffee and its potential effects on metabolism, hunger control and overall well-being.

Can Coffee Help With Weight Loss?

Coffees ability to help with losing weight is attributed to its caffeine levels, which can increase metabolism and curb hunger. Nevertheless it's crucial not to depend on coffee for weight management and to consume it in moderation. Integrating a rounded diet and regular exercise routine along with a coffee habit could potentially be the most effective approach, to losing weight and enhancing overall well being.

How Can Coffee Improve Performance When Taken Before Exercise?

Coffee, which contains caffeine, can improve exercise performance. It increases alertness and concentration, reduces fatigue and increases endurance. Caffeine improves fat utilisation, conserving glycogen reserves for longer endurance. However, its effects vary with individual tolerance.

How Does Coffee Affect Your Weight?

Studies have indicated that consuming caffeine can support weight loss. How does black coffee specifically aid in shedding pounds? The impact it has on metabolism and appetite might be significant. Research indicates that the caffeine found in coffee can boost the breakdown of fats and increase burning ultimately aiding in weight loss. Interestingly consuming coffee, in the afternoon seems to have a more pronounced effect compared to morning consumption. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and boosts adrenaline production potentially ramping up metabolism and fat burning processes.

Adrenaline increases metabolism by activating the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in the mobilisation of stored energy from adipose tissue and glycogen in the liver. This energy is then used by your body to support the body’s response to the stress of weight loss. Caffeinated coffee can also reduce appetite and decrease food consumption, sweet cravings and total calorie intake. Caffeine’s ability to increase adrenaline also plays a role in reducing hunger and increasing satiety.

Moreover coffee has the ability to boost the production of YY, a hormone originating from the gut that signals to the brain when the body is satisfied. Interestingly studies suggest that caffeine itself does not impact YY levels. Surprisingly it was found that decaffeinated coffee had the notable effect in increasing this hormone particularly during evening hours indicating that caffeines appetite suppressing properties may be more prominent later, in the day.

Which Type Of Coffee Is Most Effective For Weight Loss?

Weight Reduction Specialty Blends

A final intriguing coffee variant that may address the query, does coffee aid in weight reduction, is the use of weight reduction specialised coffee blends. These blends are often advertised as weight reduction coffees and contain elements such as green tea extract, garcinia cambogia, lemon and others that research confirms aid in shedding pounds. Several of these ingredients, combined with caffeine, work effectively together.

For those curious about whether adding lemon to coffee aids in weight loss the response is yes. To a limited extent. Lemon, a fruit low in calories and abundant in vitamin C and antioxidants when combined equally with coffee can enhance hydration and digestion. Some suggest that lemon water aids weight loss, by boosting metabolism and curbing hunger. Nevertheless recent scientific studies do not back up these assertions.

Black And Light Roast Coffee Blends

For your weight loss efforts, the three most important coffee choices are black coffee, light roast coffee and weight loss specific coffee blends. Black coffee, as a low-calorie beverage, can help reduce calorie consumption and potentially support weight loss through caffeine’s ability to increase metabolism and suppress appetite.

Roasted coffee beans contain higher levels of chlorogenic acid compared to darkly roasted ones. This acid can inhibit carbohydrate digestion resulting in reduced blood sugar levels and potentially facilitating weight loss. Moreover roasted coffee packs a stronger caffeine punch, than its darker counterparts stimulating your bodys metabolism and promoting fat burning.

Guidelines For Coffee Consumption For Weight Loss

To use coffee effectively as a weight loss tool, it’s important to consume it in a way that is consistent with your weight loss goals. For starters, avoid high-calorie caffeinated beverages in favour of plain black coffee, lightly roasted coffee, or caffeine-based fat-burning supplements with minimal additives. Avoid added sugars such as sprinkles, candy, caramel and other calorie enhancers. Also, consider shifting your caffeine intake to later in the day.

Are There Any Scientific Studies?

Research indicates that drinking coffee could potentially aid in weight loss. Various scientific studies, including one conducted by Harvard University have shown that consuming four cups of coffee daily might result in a decrease in body fat approximately, around 4%. Moreover incorporating unsweetened coffee into your diet is linked to a small amount of weight loss potentially attributed to caffeines ability to stimulate brown fat activation leading to calorie burning.

Further Health Benefits Of Coffee

Benefits of coffee

The potential health benefits are many. Here are some of the most commonly reported benefits:

  1. Increased alertness and concentration: Caffeine may help you feel more alert and focused.
  2. Reduced likelihood of certain diseases: Habitual coffee drinking may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, liver disease, Parkinson’s disease and some types of cancer.
  3. Reduced depression: Some research suggests that regular coffee drinkers may have a reduced risk of depression.
  4. Increased athletic performance: Caffeine may improve physical performance [18], which is why it’s a popular choice for athletes.

It’s important to recognise that while coffee has many health benefits, it’s important to consume it wisely and be aware of any personal health risks.

Coffee’s Verdict Remains Unclear

These slimming coffee mixes come with a catch; the research backing them up is still relatively new or in some cases, existent. Consider the conflicting information, about coffee as an example. It’s crucial to approach these assertions with caution and thoroughly inspect the labels to confirm the ingredients safety and effectiveness. Importantly make sure to conduct your own investigation!

The dark, lightly roasted, caffeine-enriched, fat-reducing coffees are viable substitutes for high-calorie coffee blends and provide a similar or greater caffeine boost. Decaffeinated coffee may not directly facilitate weight loss, but it can contribute to an overall weight loss strategy due to its low calorie content and its potential to increase satiety by increasing peptide YY levels.

What Factors Influence Weight Loss With Coffee?

Coffee impacts weight loss in ways. It boosts metabolism leading to calories burned. The caffeine in it can curb appetite aiding in reducing calorie consumption. Moreover caffeine enhances performance potentially improving the effectiveness of exercise and promoting fat burning. Furthermore coffee acts as a diuretic causing weight loss by shedding fluids rather, than fat.

Risks And Precautions

A coffee diet can help with weight management due to its appetite-suppressing properties, but moderation is key. Drinking about four to five cups a day, which equates to 400 milligrams of caffeine, is considered safe by the FDA and can help with weight loss when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Drinking coffee can lead to issues with digestion like reflux or an upset stomach particularly when you have it before eating anything. Since coffee is acidic it can raise the acidity levels in your stomach if you drink it on a stomach. If you’re sensitive, to caffeine you might experience some jitters and feelings of anxiety but these effects are typically harmless and tend to lessen as your body gets used to caffeine over time.

However, extreme caffeine consumption can pose serious health risks, including increased blood pressure, poor sleep quality, dehydration and impaired appetite control. It’s also important to note that people react differently to coffee. Some may have a genetic sensitivity to caffeine, resulting in more severe side effects. In addition, genetic variations in certain individuals may cause caffeine to negatively affect physical performance.

Does Coffee Contribute To Weight Gain?

Have we considered if consuming caffeine aids, in weight loss or could it potentially lead to weight gain instead? There are instances where drinking coffee might actually result in gaining weight.

Your efforts to lose weight could be hindered by inappropriate coffee drinking habits. This is especially true if you consume high-calorie coffee drinks, such as those with added sugars, toppings and creams, which can undermine the potential weight-loss benefits of coffee.

Drinking coffee alongside a diet rich, in fatty foods and lacking physical activity could result in gaining weight. Nonetheless coffee might offer some health advantages.

Who Should Not Drink Coffee To Lose Weight?

Coffee may not be suitable for weight loss in people with certain health conditions or sensitivities. These include people with

  1. Caffeine sensitivity: May cause adverse effects such as anxiety, palpitations or insomnia.
  2. Gastrointestinal problems: Coffee may worsen acid reflux or irritable bowel syndrome.
  3. Heart problems: Caffeine may increase heart rate and blood pressure.
  4. Anxiety or sleep problems: Caffeine may make these conditions worse.
  5. Pregnant or breastfeeding women: Caffeine intake should be limited due to possible harm to the fetus or infant.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much coffee should I drink to help me lose weight?

In moderation having 1 2 cups of coffee per day can offer metabolic advantages without any drawbacks. However excessive intake of coffee may lead to effects and interfere with sleep a crucial factor, in managing weight.

How does the caffeine in coffee affect weight loss?

Caffeine, a natural stimulant found in coffee, can increase metabolism and fat burning. It can also increase energy levels and improve exercise performance, potentially resulting in more calories burned. However, individual responses to caffeine vary.

Does the type of coffee affect weight loss?

Sure the kind of coffee you choose can impact how well it works for helping you lose weight. Opting for coffee without extra sugar or high calorie creamers is your best bet. Those fancy coffee concoctions loaded with sugar and calories could cancel out any weight loss perks.

Are there any risks associated with using coffee for weight loss?

Too much coffee can have negative side effects such as insomnia, nervousness, increased heart rate and gastrointestinal problems. It’s important to consume it in moderation and to be aware of your caffeine tolerance.

Can coffee replace a healthy diet and exercise for weight loss?

Absolutely not! Coffee should never be seen as a replacement, for a rounded diet and consistent exercise routine. While it can support weight loss endeavors, the way to lose weight involves incorporating a nutritious diet staying active and making sustainable lifestyle adjustments.


Coffee consumption may offer some weight loss benefits, but it’s important to be thoughtful and balanced. Moderate consumption of black, light roast or dietary coffee can help achieve weight management goals. However, excessive caffeine intake can lead to increased blood pressure and other health problems.

The idea that simply drinking coffee can work wonders for weight loss is not entirely accurate. Depending on coffee to shed pounds may not be effective and could potentially be harmful. The debate around whether having coffee in the morning or skipping breakfast aids in weight loss is ongoing. Various factors like individual body composition, genetics, metabolism, daily routines and natural body rhythms can play a role, in how these practices impact weight management.

On critical questions such as whether black coffee helps you lose weight or whether drinking coffee on an empty stomach is beneficial, the truth is that it can help, but it can upset the stomach if consumed without food. Therefore, avoid skipping breakfast while enjoying your coffee drinks. In summary, effective fat loss and maintenance of a healthy weight depends on a harmonious approach that includes regular physical activity, a nutritious diet and lifestyle, and careful consumption of coffee and other caffeinated beverages.


  1. Ramírez-Maldonado, M., Jurado-Fasoli, L., Juan Del Coso, Ruiz, J.R., and Amaro-Gahete, F.J. (2021). “Caffeine increases maximal fat oxidation during a graded exercise test: is there a diurnal variation?” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 18(1). Read Article.
  2. Fiani, B., Zhu, L., Musch, B., Briceno, S., Andel, R., Sadeq, N.A., and Ansari, A.Z. (2021). “The Neurophysiology of Caffeine as a Central Nervous System Stimulant and the Resultant Effects on Cognitive Function.” Cureus. Read Article.
  3. Brown University. (2022). “What are the effects of caffeine? | Health Promotion | Brown University.” Read Article.
  4. Verberne, A.J.M., Korim, W.S., Sabetghadam, A., and Llewellyn-Smith, I.J. (2016). “Adrenaline: insights into its metabolic roles in hypoglycaemia and diabetes.” British Journal of Pharmacology, 173(9), pp.1425–1437. Read Article.
  5. Ans, A.H., Anjum, I., Satija, V., Inayat, A., Asghar, Z., Akram, I., and Shrestha, B. (2018). “Neurohormonal Regulation of Appetite and its Relationship with Stress: A Mini Literature Review.” Cureus. Read Article.
  6. Annual Reviews. (2014). “The Role of Gut Hormone Peptide YY in Energy and Glucose Homeostasis: Twelve Years On.” Read Article.
  7. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. (2013). “Coffee, Hunger, and Peptide YY.” Read Article.
  8. Rynders, C.A., Morton, S.U., Bessesen, D.H., Wright, K.P., and Broussard, J.L. (2020). “Circadian Rhythm of Substrate Oxidation and Hormonal Regulators of Energy Balance.” Obesity, 28(S1). Read Article.
  9. Watanabe, T., Kobayashi, S., Yamaguchi, T., Hibi, M., Fukuhara, I., and Osaki, N. (2019). “Coffee Abundant in Chlorogenic Acids Reduces Abdominal Fat in Overweight Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial.” Nutrients, 11(7), pp.1617–1617. Read Article.
  10. Meng, S.-X., Cao, J., Feng, Q., Peng, J., and Hu, Y.-Y. (2013). “Roles of Chlorogenic Acid on Regulating Glucose and Lipids Metabolism: A Review.” Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013, pp.1–11. Read Article.

Safe Ways To Lose Weight Fast – Methods, Tips & Risks 2024


The rise in popularity of diets that claim to help you shed up to 10 pounds in a week has led to an overwhelming desire for rapid weight loss. However giving in to these diets often leads to a cycle of fluctuating weight loss and gain commonly referred to as yo yo dieting, which ultimately hampers your progress, towards achieving your weight loss goals.

A handful of lifestyle changes can improve your metabolism and help you lose weight, but there is no magic bullet or diet for instant, significant weight loss. In addition, losing weight too quickly can be unsafe and unsustainable. The aim of this article is to explore methods of losing weight quickly but safely to help you achieve your health and fitness goals this year.

9 Science-Based Strategies For Fast And Safe Weight Loss

  • Keep a food diary to monitor your diet
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast
  • Reduce highly processed carbohydrates and sugary foods
  • Maintain adequate hydration
  • Consume plenty of fibre, protein and healthy fats
  • Prioritise adequate sleep
  • Consume food mindfully
  • Exercise regularly
  • Practice intermittent fasting

Is Rapid Weight Loss Suitable For Beginners?

Losing weight quickly is typically not advised for those who’re new to it. It can result in nutrition, muscle loss and other health issues. Opting for a gradual and consistent weight loss approach through a rounded diet and regular physical activity is safer and more sustainable. Before embarking on any weight loss program it is crucial to seek guidance, from a healthcare professional.

How To Lose Weight Quickly And Safely

A healthy, safe weight loss rate of one to two pounds per week for six months can help you lose pounds fairly quickly. You need to reduce your calorie intake and increase your physical activity by 500-1,000 calories a day. To shed pounds and keep them off, it’s important to develop long-term healthy habits that you can stick to consistently.

Keep A Food Diary

Maintaining a food journal can enhance your understanding of your eating patterns and behaviors ultimately supporting weight loss efforts. A particular study observed 142 individuals who were overweight or obese and participated in a weight loss program. Throughout the course of six months they diligently recorded their food consumption. The findings revealed that those who consistently tracked their food intake experienced the significant weight loss. Interestingly on average participants spent 15 minutes, per day monitoring their meals.

Build A Better Morning Meal

Fast weight loss is often achieved by eating a nutritious, balanced morning meal. A top choice for a fast weight loss breakfast is usually between 300 and 500 calories, with protein, healthy fats and fibre to keep you full until the next meal.

Some nutritious breakfast suggestions include:

  • Hard boiled eggs with avocado slices and a bowl of berries Plain
  • Greek yoghurt sprinkled with berries and a mixture of nuts or seeds
  • Protein shake with almond milk, mixed frozen fruit, spinach, protein powder and plain yoghurt

Reduce Highly Refined Carbohydrates And Sugary Sweets

Typically ultra processed foods consist of components like added sugars, trans fats and different types of starches. They may also include flavorings, colorings, preservatives or other synthetic substances. Due to their affordability and convenience in cooking processed foods often play a significant role in the diets of many Americans. However relying on these foods can pose challenges, to reaching your weight management objectives. Potentially jeopardize your overall health.

For example, one study analysed 20 healthy men and women who followed either a minimally processed diet or a highly processed diet for two weeks. Each person experienced both diets for two weeks. The diets consisted of three daily meals and snacks with identical calorie, sugar, fat and carbohydrate levels. The participants were free to eat as much or as little as they wanted.

On average individuals consumed 500 additional calories per day from fats and carbohydrates (carbs) when following the highly processed diet as compared to the minimally processed diet. As a result they experienced a weight gain of two pounds over the course of two weeks. In contrast those, on the low fat diet experienced a weight loss of two pounds.

Foods to minimise in the highly processed categories

  • Certain types of bread
  • Energy drinks
  • Pizzas
  • Packaged biscuits
  • Ready meals
  • Sausages and processed meats

Keep Hydrated

Research indicates that maintaining hydration and consuming an adequate amount of water can contribute to weight loss through various means. For instance a study discovered that individuals who consumed two glasses of water prior to meals ate 22% less compared to those who didn’t hydrate beforehand. It is also believed that water aids, in curbing appetite enhancing the impact of activity and boosting metabolism. In general it is advisable for individuals to strive for drinking an amount of water to half their body weight.

However, those who often work or exercise outdoors may need extra water. It’s important to note that increasing water intake alone is unlikely to lead to significant weight loss. Proper hydration should be combined with reduced calorie intake and an overall healthy lifestyle.

Getting Enough Fibre, Protein And Good Fats

Getting Enough Fibre Protein And Good Fats

Of completely cutting out certain food groups it might be beneficial to include more natural foods in your meals. Not do natural foods provide a satisfying feeling but they also contain essential nutrients that offer a wide range of health advantages.


Incorporating vegetables into your diet is crucial for embracing food choices. Vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber. They have the added benefit of keeping you full. Opting for starchy vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, spinach, cauliflower and various leafy greens can be excellent low calorie options. On the hand starchy vegetables such as corn, peas and sweet potatoes are nutritious and high, in fiber; however they do have more carbohydrates and calories. Therefore it’s best to consume them in moderation.


Protein is perhaps the most important nutrient for weight management. Research shows that a diet high in protein – 1.2 to 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight – can improve satiety, control weight and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. As a guideline, aim for 25 to 30 grams of protein per meal.

Excellent sources of protein include:

  • Lean cuts of chicken, pork, turkey and beef
  • Fish such as salmon, trout, tuna and prawns
  • Eggs
  • Plant proteins such as pulses, beans, quinoa and tofu

Beneficial fats

For years fat has received unfair criticism in the American diet. The truth is, healthy fats are necessary and should be included in an eating plan. Research indicates that healthy fats play a role in managing appetite and can help you feel full, for longer periods of time.

Good sources of healthy fats include:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Fish such as salmon
  • Various nuts
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Avocados

The American Heart Association recommends that saturated fat from sources such as butter, red meat and coconut oil should make up no more than 5-6% of your total daily calories. This equates to about 11-13 grams of saturated fat in a 2,000-calorie diet.

Improve Your Sleep

Getting sleep at night plays a crucial role in aiding weight management. It’s worth noting that inadequate sleep can impede weight loss progress and potentially result in weight gain. For instance experts recommend that sleep while dieting can hinder weight loss and trigger overeating. To enhance your sleep quality it’s advisable to minimize stress levels refrain from eating before bedtime establish a consistent sleep routine and avoid exposure, to artificial light before turning in for the night.

Eating Consciously

Eating consciously means focusing on the food you eat. This includes buying, preparing and eating your meals. As our daily routines become more hectic, it’s common to develop habits such as eating at your desk, browsing social media during meals, or eating in the car. Here are some suggestions on how to get started with mindful eating:

  • Start with smaller portions: Aim for a plate size of no more than 9 inches.
  • Eat seated: Eating at a table helps you focus on and appreciate your meal and your surroundings.
  • Eat in small bites: Eating in smaller portions allows you to enjoy the texture, flavour and aroma of the food. Try to put your plate down after each bite.
  • Chew properly and eat slowly: Chewing your food properly helps extract the flavours for your enjoyment. It may take 20 to 40 chews to fully digest a bite.


While exercise alone may not be essential for losing weight it cannot compensate for a diet. Nonetheless combining resistance training can have a substantial impact on weight loss and overall body composition. Engaging in physical activity aids, in burning calories and contributes to maintaining and developing lean muscle mass.

Strength training is particularly effective for faster weight loss. Lifting weights builds lean muscle, which burns calories more efficiently than fat, even at rest. Both the Centers for Disease Control and the American College of Sports Medicine recommend that healthy people get 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise at least five days a week. They also recommend strength training at least twice a week.

Periodic Fasting

Periodic fasting, also known as PF entails selecting time intervals for eating and fasting. For instance you could opt to consume your meals within an eight hour window each day. Then fast for the subsequent 16 hours. An analysis of 40 studies indicates that intermittent fasting may result in a weight reduction ranging from seven to 11 pounds over a period of ten weeks. However it is crucial to acknowledge that the trials included in this analysis differed in terms of their design, participant characteristics and methodology.

During the fasting intervals, insulin levels fall, causing cells to release stored glucose for energy. This cycle, when repeated as in PF, can contribute to safe weight loss similar to PF. In addition, PF often leads to a reduction in total calorie intake, which promotes weight loss.

Can Skipping Meals Help Me Lose Weight Faster?

Skipping meals might give you a temporary weight loss boost. Its not a sustainable or healthy strategy. In the run it can actually slow down your metabolism and make it more challenging to shed pounds. Additionally it may result in deficiencies and increase the chances of overeating later due to heightened hunger. For an approach, to weight loss it’s best to follow a well balanced plan that includes regular nutritious meals and exercise.

What Can You Expect From A Nutritious Fast Weight Loss Programme?

Many people find that the number on the scale drops by a few pounds in the first week after starting a new diet. This usually reflects a mixture of actual weight loss and water loss. After the first week, a steady, safe weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week is expected. If you consistently lose more than 2 pounds a week, you may need to change your diet or exercise routine.

Losing weight quickly may appear advantageous. Its important to note that losing too much weight beyond safe boundaries can put your health at risk and lead to nutritional imbalances. On the hand if you don’t observe steady weight loss within a few weeks it might be necessary to consider making adjustments to your diet or exercise regimen. Gradual weight loss, 5 10% of your overall body weight can start contributing towards improving your health by bringing certain benefits such as…

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower triglyceride levels
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Reduced joint discomfort
  • Improved insulin sensitivity

How Can I Maintain Muscle Mass While Losing Weight Fast?

To maintain muscle mass while losing weight quickly, prioritise protein intake as it’s essential for muscle maintenance. Include regular resistance training to stimulate muscle growth and maintenance. Include some aerobic exercise, but don’t overdo it as excessive cardio can lead to muscle loss. Stay hydrated and get enough sleep for muscle recovery.

Finally, consider a moderate calorie deficit rather than an extreme diet, as drastic calorie reduction can lead to muscle loss. Consult a health professional or fitness trainer for personalised advice.

What Are The Potential Risks Of Rapid Weight Loss?

Losing weight quickly can have health implications. One of the concerns is that it may result in deficiencies since rapid weight loss is often linked to inadequate intake of essential nutrients. This in turn can weaken the system and have a negative impact on overall well being. Another aspect to consider is the loss of muscle mass as the body might break down muscle tissue for energy. Additionally sudden changes in diet during weight loss can contribute to issues, like gallstones and digestive problems.

In addition, rapid weight loss can have a negative impact on mental health and can lead to eating disorders. It’s important to lose weight gradually and under medical supervision for safety and sustainability.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much exercise should I do to lose weight quickly?

Try to engage in least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of intense activity, per week and make sure to include strength training twice a week. While increasing your exercise duration can accelerate weight loss it’s important to do gradually.

Are there any quick-fix weight loss solutions?

Quick fixes like extreme diets or pills are usually not sustainable or healthy. Long-term lifestyle changes are more effective for permanent weight loss.

How important is water intake in losing weight fast?

Drinking plenty of water is essential. It boosts your metabolism, helps with digestion and can act as an appetite suppressant. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses a day.

Is it safe to lose weight fast?

Rapid weight loss can be safe if done correctly, but it’s generally safer and more sustainable to lose weight gradually, about 1-2 pounds per week.

How can I stay motivated during rapid weight loss?

Set realistic goals, track your progress, find a support group and remember why you started. Celebrate small wins to stay motivated.


Losing weight is a process that demands dedication, patience and determination. By embracing eating habits reducing your calorie intake and incorporating more nutritious whole foods into your meals you can shed pounds efficiently without feeling deprived. Engaging in physical activity can also boost your daily calorie burn and complement a low calorie diet.

Although gradual weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week is considered safe and beneficial, the rate of weight loss may vary from person to person. If you want to lose weight more quickly than recommended, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor first because of the potential health risks.


  1. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2022). Key Recommendations. Read Article.
  2. McManus, K.D. (2020). What are ultra-processed foods and are they bad for our health? – Harvard Health. Read Article.
  3. National Institutes of Health (NIH). (2019). Eating highly processed foods linked to weight gain. Read Article.
  4. Mayo Clinic. (2020). Can you boost your metabolism? Read Article.
  5. Leidy, H.J., et al. (2015). The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 101(6), pp.1320S-1329S. Read Article.
  6. The Nutrition Source. (2020). Mindful Eating. Read Article.
  7. Nedeltcheva, A.V., et al. (2010). Insufficient Sleep Undermines Dietary Efforts to Reduce Adiposity. Annals of Internal Medicine, 153(7), p.435. Read Article.
  8. St-Onge, M.-P., et al. (2012). Sleep restriction leads to increased activation of brain regions sensitive to food stimuli. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 95(4), pp.818–824. Read Article.
  9. Mayo Clinic. (2020). Fast weight loss: What’s wrong with it? Read Article.
  10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2022). Losing Weight. Read Article.

Best NMN Supplement Reviews 2024: Benefits, Dosage, Buy, Price & Side Effects, Our Top 7 NMN Supplements Review

Best NMN Supplement Cover Image

In an aging society, numerous advertisements tout products that claim to halt the aging process, leaving consumers searching for solutions to maintain their appearance and well-being. However, not all anti-aging supplements offer the same benefits.

The market offers various products that target both internal and external aging. Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is one anti-aging supplement that is gaining attention. This article reviews some of the best NMN Supplements available.

   Best Product
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EffectsMore power
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Side Effects
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Content60 capsules60 capsules60 capsules
Dosage2 capsules daily1 capsule daily1 capsule daily
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After introducing you to the topic and highlighting our three top picks, we have further compiled a list of the best NMN supplements for 2024 and conducted extensive research on all the relevant information. By reading our article, you’ll have access to everything you need to know about Nicotinamid-Mononukleotid.

Best Product: GenuinePurity Liposomal NMN Supplement

GenuinePurity Liposomal NMN
Test Winner #1
Product details:

  • High quality ingredients
  • More vitality & energy
  • Highest bioavailability
  • Price: 69,95 USD
  • Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

GenuinePurity is a renowned manufacturer of premium NMN supplements that are gluten-free, GMO-free, additive-free, preservative-free, soy-free and dairy-free. Manufactured under strict GMP and U.S. standards, these capsules undergo third-party laboratory testing at every stage of production and are FDA-regulated for safety and efficacy.

A key benefit of Liposomal NMN+ capsules is their antioxidant content, which promotes healthy NAD+ levels and slows aging. In addition to quality products, Liposomal NMN+ offers rewards and loyalty programs for customers to earn redeemable points through referrals or subscription length.

In terms of pricing, GenuinePurity Liposomal NMN offers competitive pricing with products ranging from $58.95 to $69.95. A 500mg bottle costs $1 per count, while a 300mg bottle costs $2 per count. As a result, this NMN Supplement is our clear test winner!

Product features:

Manufacturer: GenuinePurity Liposomal NMN
Pros: Tested by independent laboratories, money-back guarantee, highly effective, top ingredients
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Second Place: PartiQlar

PartiQlar NMN
Second #2
Product details:

  • More energy, power and health
  • Improves endurance and strength
  • Good value for money
  • Price: 64,99 USD
  • Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Welcome to the enchanting realm of Partiqlar’s Pure NMN supplement, where endless possibilities await. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey filled with extraordinary experiences and profound health benefits. PartiQlar NMN is no ordinary product; it is a catalyst for positive change and the epitome of excellence.

Step into a new era of vitality and wellness as PartiQlar’s Pure NMN exceeds all expectations. This exceptional product is meticulously crafted to increase your energy levels, promote rejuvenation and optimize your overall health. With its unparalleled formulation, PartiQlar NMN is at the forefront of health supplements, offering a unique blend of efficacy and innovation.

Immerse yourself in the wonders of PartiQlar’s Pure NMN supplement and experience a newfound vitality that permeates every aspect of your life. Embrace the invigorating sensation as your energy soars and your mental clarity sharpens. Say goodbye to exhaustion and embrace a life filled with renewed vitality, productivity, and enthusiasm. PartiQlar Pure NMN is not just a product; it is a gateway to a revitalized version of yourself.

Product features:

Manufacturer: PartiQlar
Pros: Delays aging, boosts energy levels, improves endurance & strenght
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Third Place: Wonderfeel Youngr NMN Supplement

Wonderfeel Youngr NMN
Third #3
Product details:

  • More power & energy
  • Better performance
  • Money-back-guarantee
  • Price: 88,00 USD
  • Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Youngr NMN supplement, offered by Wonderfeel, aims to support healthy aging with antioxidants, sirtuin activators, and 900mg of NMN. Users report benefits such as improved energy, memory, skin elasticity, and sleep. The supplement is recommended to be taken in the morning with high-fat, healthy foods to increase the bioavailability of resveratrol and slow down aging.

Wonderfeel is currently offering an introductory price for both subscriptions and one-time purchases, allowing customers to save $15 and lock in the price. The Wonderfeel website provides access to customer reviews for more information on the product.

It is important to remember that while NMN supplements offer benefits, they are not a substitute for medical treatment. Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider are still recommended for optimal health.

Product features:

Manufacturer: Wonderfeel
Pros: The product features a patented formula created by a Harvard MD and provides a potent 900mg dose of NMN per serving, customers have left exceptional reviews citing its many benefits such as improved energy, memory, and skin elasticity
Cons: Limited range of size options available
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Fourth Place: Wow!Health Ageless

WOW!Health Ageless
Fourth #4
Product details:

  • More power & energy
  • Improved neural function in the brain
  • Money-back-guarantee
  • Price: 69,99 USD
  • Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Wow!Health NMN supplements domestically in the United States in facilities that meet GMP and HACCP standards. These premium nicotinamide mononucleotide capsules are plant-based and 100 % pure.

The use of innovative technology enhances the bioavailability of the supplement, ensuring that the intended amount of NMN effectively penetrates cells and tissues. In addition to 100 % pure NMN, each Wow!Health capsule contains valuable trace substances and minerals

For optimal results, Wow!Health recommends taking two capsules of the NMN supplement daily – once in the morning on an empty stomach and again in the afternoon. While the manufacturer offers free shipping within the United States, they do not currently offer a monthly subscription model. However, significant discounts are available for both regular customers and first-time buyers.

Product features:

Manufacturer: Wow!Health
Pros: Money-back guarantee, plant-based, highly effective & vegan
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Fifth Place: OMRE NMN Supplement

Omre NMN
Currently not recommended by us #5
Product details:

  • More energy, power and agility
  • Good value for money
  • Third-party tested
  • Price: 49,97 USD

The Omre NMN supplement undergoes comprehensive purity and safety testing at every stage of production, conducted by independent laboratories. The supplement is priced at $4.05 per gram. Furthermore, a 60-count bottle containing 300mg capsules is available for $44.80, currently discounted to $42.57 on Amazon.

Omre provides several discounts and benefits; however, purchasing in bulk may not always result in savings. Orders over $75 qualify for free shipping, while orders under $75 incur a shipping fee of $4.99 for first-class shipping or $12 for FedEx shipping, ensuring delivery within two days.

Omre places great emphasis on the quality and safety of its NMN supplements, backed by extensive testing. The company also offers multiple pricing and shipping options to cater to different customer preferences and needs.

Product Features:

Manufacturer: Omre
Pros: The supplement boasts high absorbability and is free from chemical solvents or artificial additives. Additionally, it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Cons: Unfortunately, this product cannot be purchased online, and information regarding third-party testing and results is currently unavailable.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Sixth Place: Quicksilver NAD+ Platinum

Quicksilver NAD+ Platinum
Currently not recommended by us #6
Product details:

  • More power & energy
  • Very positive customer reviews
  • Tested by third-party laboratories
  • Price: 112,00 USD

The QuickSilver NMN supplement is regularly tested by third-party laboratories for purity and stability. The supplement uses a unique formulation with platinum and special liposomal technology that mimics NMN transport in the body. This delivers essential components to precise locations where they can be efficiently utilized, with a liquid consistency for high absorption and effectiveness.

Ideal for those seeking quick results, the supplement also contains vitamin B12 to maintain blood and nerve cells, and riboflavin to reduce inflammation, slow aging, and provide antioxidant benefits.

Product features:

Manufacturer: Quicksilver
Pros: The product is GMO free and vegan friendly. It is third-party tested and uses liposome technology. Customers have left excellent reviews for this product.
Cons: The products require immediate refrigeration after purchase and have a no-return policy for unsatisfactory or damaged items. Some customers find them expensive.
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Seventh Place: Double Wood NMN Supplement

Double Wood
Currently not recommended by us #7
Product details:

  • Fast & positive effects
  • Medically tested
  • Natural ingredients
  • Price: 79,99 USD

This NMN supplement is made in the USA with high quality ingredients and has undergone extensive third party laboratory testing to ensure its purity and potency. The recommended daily dosage of NMN typically ranges from 250 mg to 1500 mg, but this brand’s products only use 250 mg to 500 mg.

To achieve a 250 mg dose, users can take a 125 mg capsule in the morning and another in the afternoon, or take a 125 mg capsule in the morning and additional capsules within one to three hours to achieve a higher dosage. For new customers, a 60-count bottle of 125 mg is priced at $48.95, while returning and new subscribers can purchase it for $43.08.

Product features:

Manufacturer: Double Wood
Pros: GMO- and gluten-free, tested by third-party laboratories, regulated by the FDA
Cons: Not widely available, not affordable
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

What Is NMN?

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) is a supplement that is believed to increase the levels of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) in the human body, potentially supporting anti-aging benefits both internally and externally. NAD plays a critical role in the body by regulating energy metabolism, repairing DNA damage, and responding to stress.

While human studies are ongoing, it is believed that taking an NMN supplement may have a significant impact on ageing, including not only physical appearance, but also internal aspects such as vascular health, blood flow, muscle health and overall disease risk.

How To Choose The Best NMN Supplement?

When choosing a NMN supplement, look for a reputable product in the industry that contains enough NMN for the desired health benefits and has specific characteristics.

Key factors to consider include:

  1. Third-party testing – Choose a product that has been tested by an unbiased third party that adheres to good manufacturing practices, ensuring pharmaceutical-grade NMN that is free of heavy metals.
  2. Company commitment to supplement purity.
  3. Excellent Customer Service – Prioritize customer satisfaction and affordability, easily researched through customer reviews that provide insight into real user experiences.
  4. Affordability – Choose a product within your budget, as supplements are effective when taken correctly and consistently, requiring ongoing purchases.

By following these recommendations, you can confidently choose a quality NMN supplement that meets your needs.

How NMN & NAD+ Work (Simple Explanation)

Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) helps produce the essential energy molecule NAD. Without it, life would cease within 30 seconds. It is essential for every cell and over 500 enzymes in the body. NAD’s vital functions include

  • Activating anti-aging proteins, sirtuins, to slow aging
  • Boosting energy through the Krebs cycle
  • Repairing damaged DNA via PARP1
  • Hormone synthesis
  • Promoting muscle growth
  • Enhance recovery
  • Sirtuins, which support the body’s natural defenses, are exciting leading scientists, but their effectiveness depends on adequate levels of NAD.

Ageing gradually depletes NAD, with a 50-year-old having about half the levels of a 20-year-old. Low levels of NAD can accelerate ageing and reduce lifespan, so taking an NMN supplement is vital. NMN, a synthetically produced nucleotide and direct precursor of NAD, is essential for proper cellular function. For more information, listen to David Sinclair on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.

NMN Supplement Delivery Technologies: A Buyer’s Guide

The most potent NMN will have little impact if it isn’t absorbed effectively. It’s essential to understand the NMN delivery method as it can influence the effects, potency, side effect profile, and cost of the NMN supplement.

 Pure NMNSublingual NMNIntranasal NMNLiposomal NMN
DurationShortMediumShortUp to 24 hours
Dose RequiredHighMediumLowLow
FeatureCon-venienceNoticeable energy boostNeuroprotective, clears brain fogExtended release, highest bioavailability
PriceLeast expensiveModerateModerateMost expensive

Caption: NMN Comparison Table – Oral, Sublingual, Liposomal, and Intranasal

Normal NMN Powder

Conventional NMN supplements in powder form are the most affordable and researched option, with the majority of products falling into this category. Unfortunately, they also have the lowest absorption rate. Stomach acid breaks down unprotected NMN and NR into nicotinamide (NAM) before it can reach vital tissues. High doses of NAD boosters to counteract low absorption cause an excessive increase in NAM, which can be detrimental to health by inhibiting sirtuins – essential proteins responsible for cell health and longevity.

Sublingual NMN Supplements

Sublingual NMN supplements involve dissolving the compound under the tongue.Some companies utilize special technologies to bypass the liver, allowing rapid diffusion into the bloodstream and resulting in improved absorption. Generally, it costs more than standard powders. Sublingual NMN users often report experiencing an immediate surge of energy. However, limited research exists on the exact increase in bioavailability compared to oral consumption. If you’re uncertain about the efficacy of your supplements, sublingual NMN’s noticeable effects may provide reassurance.

Intranasal NMN

Intranasal administration is an emerging NMN delivery method. It is unique in its ability to bypass the blood-brain barrier and increase NAD levels in the brain. Compared to oral administration, intranasal delivery requires significantly lower doses, has fewer side effects, and shows a more potent effect on the brain. Preliminary research also shows promise in restoring energy after traumatic brain injury. Intranasal NMN supplements are more expensive due to limited supply.

Liposomal NMN Supplements

Liposomal NMN supplements offer faster, more efficient absorption without degradation in the gut compared to traditional oral forms. This is true for many supplements, with liposomes providing sustained release NMN that increases NAD levels over a 24-hour period. Essentially, liposomes are small fatty “shells” similar to human cell membranes that prevent degradation by stomach acid, allowing for greater utilization throughout the body. In use since the 1960s, some formulators consider liposomal technology a significant breakthrough.

However, researchers remain divided on the impact of liposomal technology for NMN. The work of Christopher Shade, Ph.D., suggests that liposomes generally increase the absorption of dietary supplements by a factor of 3-10, providing better value by requiring smaller doses. Despite this, liposomal NMN supplements remains the most expensive option due to the complex manufacturing process.

NMN Dosage

Each NMN product label will provide the user with the recommended dosage for the supplement and there is no universal set dose for NMN supplements. It is recommended to take a dose of NMN in smaller amounts several times a day rather than a single high dose for optimal results.

Nicotinamide mononucleotide comes in several forms: powder, capsules, sublingual powder, and intranasal. Intranasal NMN is a nasal spray. Some believe that intranasal Nicotinamide mononucleotide and sublingual powder are the most effective forms. The dose of NMN that works for you may not work for someone else. We recommend starting with a low dose of Nicotinamide mononucleotide and gradually increasing it to achieve the desired health benefits.

However, be sure to follow the directions on the supplement label, as each NMN supplement comes in different dosages. In addition, we highly recommend that you consult with your health care professional before starting any new supplements, especially if you are currently taking any medications or other supplements.

NMN Supplement Benefits

Supplementation with NAD+ works in specific body systems, but Nicotinamide mononucleotide boosts cellular NAD systemically, restoring energy to aging tissues that need it most. NMN is a popular compound in longevity research and of great interest to doctors and health professionals. It is often discussed by:

  • David Sinclair
  • Dr. Axe
  • Dr. Berg
  • Dr. Hyman
  • Dr. Rhonda Patrick
  • Dr. Peter Attia

Benefits come from both the molecule itself and from increasing NAD+ levels, with scientists discovering new health effects daily.

Some NMN Supplement Benefits Include:

  1. Increases energy metabolism
  2. Improves insulin sensitivity
  3. Protects against diabetes, fatty liver disease, and obesity
  4. Rejuvenates mice
  5. Enhances cognition in Alzheimer’s patients
  6. Defends against neurodegeneration
  7. Improves memory
  8. Reduces fat mass
  9. Increases lean mass
  10. Radically increases NAD+
  11. Improve immune function
  12. Resistance to microbes and immunodeficiency
  13. Better blood flow
  14. Confers benefits of calorie restriction
  15. Protects the heart
  16. Enhancing human performance
  17. Re-establishing mobility in the elderly
  18. Potentially useful in treating COVID
  19. Restores fertility
  20. Improves mitochondrial health
  21. Greater wellbeing
  22. Reduces biological age
  23. Promotes DNA repair

Taking an NMN supplement helps protect your body and brain. Emerging research finds that Nicotinamide mononucleotide optimizes NAD and helps restore organ systems to a healthy state.

How To Increase NAD Naturally

You can increase NAD levels by two primary methods:

  • 1. Supplementation: specially formulated boosters
  • 2. Optimizing: the current process (upregulating the salvage pathway)

You’ll get better, longer-lasting results with the latter.

Some natural ways to boost your NAD levels without taking an NMN supplement include the following:

  • Raw honey
  • Fermented foods
  • Sauna sessions
  • Pau D’Arco tea
  • Fasting

In addition, you can increase your intake of certain foods that contain trace amounts of NMN:

  • Broccoli
  • cucumber
  • Kale
  • Avocado
  • Tomatoes
  • Edamame

By incorporating these practices and foods into your daily routine, you can help boost your NAD levels naturally without relying solely on NMN supplements.

Frequently Asked Questions

NMN vs. NR: Which is better?

NMN is more stable than NR, and this stability provides additional health benefits. To use NR, your body must first convert it to Nicotinamide mononucleotide. If the conversion enzyme NRK doesn’t work well, NR will not increase NAD levels. Many longevity researchers prefer NMN to NR.

Is NMN safe?

NMN has been shown to be safe in animals. Human studies to date show impressive safety. Follow-up studies have shown similar results. NMN has been shown to be safe and non-toxic, even at high concentrations. Be sure to purchase high quality, contaminant-free products from reputable sources.

How do I know if an NMN supplement is working?

If you want proof that your NMN is high quality and working, I suggest either doing an intracellular NAD test or measuring your “biological age”. Do this before supplementation and again after six months. For more information and science on how this works, check out my InsideTracker review.

What is the best dose of NMN?

Research suggests that the ideal dose of nicotinamide mononucleotide is between 100 mg and 500 mg daily, depending on the form. Some experts advocate higher doses of around 1,000 mg per day. Although minimal, side effects increase with higher doses.

Should I take trimethylglycine (TMG) with NMN?

I recommend taking an amino acid called betaine (or TMG) with Nicotinamide mononucleotide to support the body’s natural methylation process. TMG is believed to reduce potential side effects, especially when using oral NMN powder over the long term. TMG may be less necessary for liposomal and sublingual NMN.

Are there any side effects to NMN supplements?

Studies have not reported any clear side effects from supplementing with Nicotinamide mononucleotide within the recommended dosages. However, nicotinamide riboside may impair athletic performance. Athletes should consider NMN over NR.

Will MIB-626 replace NMN?

MIB-626 is a novel and stable NAD booster manufactured by David Sinclair’s MetroBiotech. MIB-626 is being studied for maintaining muscle mass, improving cognitive performance, and slowing aging. Since it’s “new,” it will be patented and make Metro huge profits. There’s virtually no research on MIB626 compared to thousands of studies on NMN.

Why take NMN instead of NAD?

Counterintuitively, direct supplementation with regular NAD powder isn’t effective. The molecules are too large and are quickly broken down. Liposomal and intranasal NAD supplementation technology overcomes this barrier and works well.

Best NMN Supplement To Boost Your NAD Levels Conclusion

Without enough NAD, we’d die within seconds. You’re reading this, so that’s not the problem. Partially depleted of this cellular ‘fuel’, many of us unknowingly spend our days performing below our potential. That’s why many of the world’s top anti-aging and longevity researchers take a daily NMN supplement. Nicotinamide mononucleotide is arguably the best NAD-boosting supplement available. Users often report profound changes in energy and overall health.

I always recommend starting with the inexpensive NAD+-boosting precursors. However, certain genes and lifestyle choices can dramatically increase your need for supplementation:

Alternatively, you can do an intracellular NAD test to get a real-time snapshot of your status. Then retest 3-6 months after supplementation. This is one way to make sure you’re getting the real, unadulterated molecule. Knowing your underlying biological needs can help you decide whether spending hundreds of dollars on NMN is worth it.

Counterfeit and adulterated products have flooded the NAD supplement scene. Many contain no Nicotinamide mononucleotide at all. Aside from wasting your money, using a contaminated product can do more harm than good. Choose a quality NMN supplement from a reputable brand to slow aging, boost energy, and feel your best.

Questions or comments about any of this? Let me know your experience with NAD boosters in the comments below!

The Best TRT Benefits For A Fitter You 2024


One of the most powerful hormones in our system, testosterone serves as the primary sex hormone in men, defining their masculinity. During the onset of puberty, testosterone floods the male body, and these levels rise steadily until the late twenties. After this period, it is common for men to experience a decline in testosterone levels.

For some, however, this decline can be so pronounced that it begins to have a detrimental effect on their quality of life. Fortunately, in this day and age, there is a solution: testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). However, as with any endeavor that promises to change your life, it is important to understand the science behind it. So let’s break down the barriers surrounding TRT therapy and arm you with the knowledge you need to reclaim your vitality.

Unlocking Vitality: The Science Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

  • Testosterone: Testosterone is a crucial hormone in men, defining masculinity and peaking during puberty.
  • Testosterone levels: Testosterone levels typically decline in men after their late twenties, affecting quality of life for some.
  • Testosterone replacement theory: Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) offers a solution to address low testosterone levels and improve vitality.
  • Science behind TRT: Understanding the science behind TRT is essential before considering this therapy.

What Are Androgens And Is Testosterone An Androgen?

Androgens are a group of hormones that are primarily found in both males and females, although in different amounts. Testosterone, one of the best known androgens, plays a crucial role in the development of male sexual characteristics such as facial hair and a deep voice. But it’s not just about masculinity; androgens like testosterone also influence bone density, muscle mass, and overall energy levels.

Although often associated with men, women also produce androgens, albeit in smaller amounts, which are essential for maintaining their health and well-being. In essence, androgens are like the subtle conductors of our body’s symphony, orchestrating the delicate balance of sex characteristics and overall vitality.

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone, an androgenic steroid hormone, is synthesized primarily in the testes of males, with smaller amounts produced in the ovaries of females. In males, this hormone plays a key role in the development of reproductive organs such as the testes and prostate, as well as the emergence of secondary sexual characteristics during puberty, such as increased muscle mass, body hair growth, and voice modulation.

In addition, testosterone plays a critical role in sperm production and maintaining a healthy libido. Adequate levels of testosterone are essential for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system. In addition, testosterone contributes to the production of red blood cells, which are essential for physical exertion and performance during exercise.

Females also depend on testosterone for the development of reproductive tissues and a robust sexual drive. However, testosterone levels are significantly lower in women than in men, which contributes significantly to the difference in muscle mass between the sexes. In addition to its reproductive functions, testosterone influences several non-reproductive processes in both men and women.

These include maintaining bone density, promoting muscle growth, and facilitating red blood cell production. In addition, testosterone affects the rate of protein synthesis, thereby enhancing muscle building. It also affects aspects such as mood, energy levels, and overall well-being in both sexes.

Fountain TRT
Break free from Low Testosterone!
Product details:

  • Accurate testosterone measurement
  • Appointment with a doctor
  • Cream and injection options
  • Price: $35 – $199
  • Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Fountain TRT helps men restore their testosterone to healthy, normal levels through testosterone therapy. Treatment is a breeze with an online doctor visit. Start your personalised assessment…

What Causes Low Testosterone?

Our natural testosterone levels tend to decline as we age. However, it’s important to note that declining testosterone levels are not solely due to aging, but rather to lifestyle choices that typically coincide with the aging process. Below are some of the major factors that contribute to lower testosterone levels:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Lack of sleep
  • Physical inactivity

One of the biggest contributors to testosterone deficiency is physical inactivity, and fortunately, it’s relatively easy to address. The adage “use it or lose it” seems to hold true when it comes to testosterone levels. A sedentary lifestyle and lack of regular exercise can lead to a decline in testosterone levels. If you don’t currently have a workout routine, consider adding a well-rounded exercise plan that includes some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions to your weekly schedule.

What Is The Role Of Hormones In Metabolism?

Hormones are like the metabolic maestros of our bodies, choreographing the intricate dance of energy conversion and utilization. They act as messengers, signaling our cells to either rev up the metabolic engine or take a breather. For example, insulin, produced by the pancreas, facilitates the uptake of glucose into cells, ensuring that our energy needs are met.

Thyroid hormones set the pace for our basal metabolic rate, which determines how quickly or slowly we burn calories at rest. Cortisol, our stress hormone, can affect appetite and fat storage. In short, hormones are the conductors of our metabolic orchestra, playing a key role in whether we feel energetic and active or sluggish and lethargic.

What Is TRT?

TRT, or Testosterone Replacement Therapy, is a medical approach used to treat hypogonadism in men. Hypogonadism is a condition in which men have low levels of testosterone. Typically, the average testosterone level in men is between 300 and 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl), and hypogonadal men have testosterone levels below this range.

Various forms of testosterone therapy have been used in the past, but testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has proven to be the most effective. TRT differs from other approaches in its specific mechanism of action. Unlike other approaches that aim to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone, TRT involves the direct administration of synthetic testosterone into the body.

This allows for precise control over the amount of testosterone a patient receives. The use of TRT has seen a significant increase in popularity over the past decade, thanks in part to widespread access to information on the Internet, which has helped reduce the stigma associated with it.

It’s important to note that the term “testosterone” is sometimes associated with illegal steroids, but this is a misconception. The testosterone used in TRT is also synthetic, but TRT products are manufactured in licensed medical laboratories. In addition, TRT requires a prescription and close medical supervision for its use.

Top Benefits Of TRT

Top benefits of TRT image

Wondering about the benefits of Testosterone Therapy (TRT)? There are numerous compelling reasons to consider TRT, as it can have a profound impact on several aspects of a man’s life.

Increases Sex Drive

Testosterone is a key sex hormone, and it significantly affects your libido. Research, such as a 2006 study, has shown a strong correlation between low testosterone levels and decreased sexual desire. This study showed that as testosterone levels decrease, so does the frequency of sexual desire, ranging from daily, to 2-3 times a week, to virtually none. Fortunately, TRT has been shown to increase sexual desire in men with low testosterone levels.

Improves Sexual Function

Hypogonadal men not only experience reduced sexual desire, but also face challenges with sexual performance. Many men with low testosterone levels experience some degree of erectile dysfunction. While it’s important to recognize that erectile dysfunction can have multiple causes, including various underlying factors, low testosterone has been identified as a contributing factor. Most studies indicate that TRT can improve erectile function and even alleviate mild erectile dysfunction.

Increases Metabolism

Metabolism refers to the process of breaking down fats for energy, and testosterone plays a critical role in this aspect of metabolism. Low testosterone levels can interfere with the body’s ability to effectively use stored fats for energy. This can contribute to lower energy levels and increased body fat.

Fortunately, studies have shown that TRT can reverse this metabolic adaptation and increase the body’s ability to use stored fat for fuel by approximately 10%. This increased fat utilization leads to an increase in the patient’s BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), which represents the number of calories the body burns at rest. In simple terms, TRT can increase the number of calories burned at rest, for example, from 2,000 to 2,200.

Improves Body Composition

Testosterone has a positive effect on lean body mass, especially at healthy levels. As mentioned earlier, TRT can increase BMR by 10%, coupled with increased energy levels and increased physical activity. Together, these factors contribute to improved body composition. It’s important to clarify that this is not just about weight loss, but also about reducing body fat, maintaining or gaining muscle mass, and even improving bone density.

Increases Muscle Mass & Strenght

Men naturally have more muscle mass than women, largely due to differences in testosterone levels. Although low testosterone levels in men are typically higher than normal levels in women, they can still drop low enough to hinder the growth of new lean muscle mass and even lead to muscle loss, especially if you start with a significant amount of muscle. Numerous studies have found a link between declining testosterone levels and the increased incidence of sarcopenia with age.

Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle tissue that occurs with aging. These studies have consistently shown a direct correlation between declining testosterone levels and increased sarcopenia. In addition, TRT has been shown to increase muscle mass in older men. It’s worth noting that this is accomplished by restoring low testosterone levels to a normal range, without the need to raise them excessively to see positive results.

Improves Emotional State

One of the primary benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is its impact on an individual’s psychological well-being. Extensive research has been conducted in recent years to examine the effects of testosterone on the mental states of not only men, but also women. These studies have found a clear link where factors such as depression, self-confidence and overall outlook on life are influenced by testosterone levels.

It’s important to note that this relationship doesn’t seem to depend directly on dosage. In other words, someone with a testosterone level of 505 won’t necessarily be happier than someone with a level of 500. Rather, individuals with healthy or elevated testosterone levels tend to experience greater happiness than those with below-average levels.

This is important because our emotional well-being can permeate virtually every facet of our lives. For example, depression can manifest itself in several symptoms associated with low testosterone, such as increased body fat and decreased sexual function. When combined with truly low T levels, it creates a damaging cycle.

Increases Vitality

“I feel rejuvenated, like I’m back in my youth” aptly describes the feeling many men report after starting TRT. Research has shown that men typically experience an increase in vitality after about 3-4 weeks of therapy, and their sense of lethargy disappears.

If you’ve ever woken up on a random morning and felt like you could conquer the world, that’s similar to the experience of TRT. Unlike before, when such feelings depended on getting enough sleep and waking up at the right time, your newfound reservoir of energy comes from elevated testosterone levels.

Improves Cognitive Function

While the exact mechanisms remain unclear, there is a demonstrable link between testosterone and cognitive function. For example, spatial abilities seem to be particularly affected, along with improvements in memory, learning, and recall. In addition, TRT may also play a role in combating more serious conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

A comprehensive 2016 meta-analysis looked at seven different studies involving 240 cases of Alzheimer’s. The results showed a clear link, with researchers claiming that “low plasma testosterone levels were significantly associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease in older men”.

Potential Downsides Of TRT

Keep in mind that testosterone is a powerful substance with significant effects on the human body. Therefore, it is critical that TRT be used only under the guidance of a licensed physician. Common side effects may include:

  • Increased acne
  • Increased hair loss
  • Breast tissue growth
  • Risk of liver damage
  • Possible enlarged prostate or prostate cancer
  • Impotence or erectile dysfunction

Fortunately, all potential TRT-related side effects are easily preventable. All you need to do is take your testosterone replacement therapy under the supervision of a medical professional at an accredited TRT clinic.

Which Sports Exercises Can Have A Positive Effect On Hormone Production?

Certain sports and exercises can act as natural hormone boosters, promoting both physical and mental well-being. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and resistance training, such as weightlifting, stimulate the release of growth hormone and testosterone, which help build muscle and lose fat.

Yoga and meditation, on the other hand, can lower stress hormones such as cortisol, contributing to a more balanced hormonal profile. Aerobic activities like running and swimming can trigger the release of endorphins, our body’s natural mood-lifters. So choosing the right sports and exercises can be a harmonious symphony for our hormones, keeping us feeling healthy and motivated.

How To Get A Testosterone Prescription

Compared to a decade ago, getting a prescription for testosterone replacement therapy has become much easier. All it takes is a simple blood test, and with the proliferation of TRT clinics, almost anyone can start the process right away. In this digital age, you have two options:

  • In-person clinic
  • Online clinic

Both options have their pros and cons, so you need to choose the one that works best for you. Some people prefer face-to-face interaction and find it more comfortable. However, this approach can be more demanding because you need to find a nearby clinic and allow time to travel to your appointments.

Conversely, online clinics are extremely convenient, and advances in technology have made it possible to provide high-quality virtual consultations. Considering that the doctors you work with have undergone extensive training and are experienced in online consultations, I personally find them appealing. One of the best online trt clinics is Fountain TRT.

They offer a free personalized evaluation for TRT, which includes a testosterone assessment that you then discuss with a Fountain TRT healthcare provider during a one-on-one video conference. During your consultation, your symptoms will be assessed and your provider will order blood tests to determine if your testosterone levels are low. Once the blood work is complete, you will work with your provider to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Fountain TRT
Break free from Low Testosterone!
Product details:

  • Accurate testosterone measurement
  • Appointment with a doctor
  • Cream and injection options
  • Price: $35 – $199
  • Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Fountain TRT helps men restore their testosterone to healthy, normal levels through testosterone therapy. Treatment is a breeze with an online doctor visit. Start your personalised assessment…

Who Should Consider Testosterone Replacement Therapy

While testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can be an effective treatment, it’s not for everyone. Choosing TRT is an important decision and should be considered by those who truly need it. Let’s discuss who should consider TRT before we delve into a list of who shouldn’t. The primary group of men who should explore a reputable treatment facility are those who meet certain criteria. First, they should be over the age of 30.

Any problems that manifest themselves before this age may be temporary and correctable. Second, they should be experiencing at least some symptoms of low testosterone. As mentioned earlier, having just one symptom does not necessarily warrant the use of external testosterone.

For example, erectile dysfunction may sometimes be due to psychological factors, while fatigue may be due to poor sleep. Finally, they should undergo testing to confirm their actual low testosterone levels. As mentioned above, none of the symptoms associated with low testosterone are exclusive to this condition.

They can be caused by several other underlying problems. Therefore, a diagnosis of low testosterone should not be made based solely on the presence of certain symptoms. If you fall into this category, the good news is that there are many options available to help you. In addition, access to testosterone treatment has become more convenient than ever before.

Who Should Avoid Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

Although the following individuals may not experience immediate adverse effects from TRT, it is likely to be unnecessary, costly, and could potentially lead to long-term problems. TRT may not be the best choice for you if:

  • You are experiencing short-term symptoms of low testosterone: In our fast-paced world, men may occasionally experience “off” days. If you find yourself feeling tired or having difficulty getting an erection one day, several factors such as stress or lack of sleep could be contributing to these problems. Many symptoms of low testosterone can overlap with other health conditions, so it’s wise not to jump to conclusions.
  • You have only one symptom of low testosterone: Typically, healthcare professionals prefer to observe multiple symptoms of low testosterone in conjunction with low testosterone levels (<300 ng/dl). If a person has low testosterone but only one symptom, it may indicate the presence of another underlying problem. Alternatively, your low testosterone may be a temporary, mostly symptom-free condition that will resolve on its own over time. Either way, your doctor will probably want to wait or run additional tests before considering TRT.

What Are The Negative Effects Of Too Much Testosterone In The Body?

While testosterone is essential for various bodily functions, too much of this hormone can create a discordant symphony of health problems. Excessive testosterone levels can cause mood swings, aggression, and irritability, often referred to as “roid rage. It can also lead to acne breakouts, oily skin, and even hair loss. In men, excess testosterone can disrupt sperm production and cause fertility problems.

In both sexes, it can raise cholesterol levels, potentially increasing the risk of heart disease. In some cases, excessive use of testosterone in sports or bodybuilding can lead to serious side effects such as liver damage or kidney dysfunction. So, as with any virtuoso, maintaining the right balance of testosterone in the body is crucial for overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are testosterone boosters?

Testosterone boosters are a type of testosterone therapy that uses various compounds to stimulate the body’s own production of testosterone.

How long does it take to see the benefits of TRT?

Most men begin to feel the benefits fairly quickly, usually within 3-4 weeks, but results can vary from person to person.

What are the costs of TRT?

From our perspective, when the many benefits of TRT are weighed against the cost, it is one of the most budget-friendly medical treatments available. Most men will spend between $1,500 and $3,000 per year for injections. Liquid testosterone, which is intended for injection, is available for as little as $50-$100 for a 10ml vial containing 200mg/ml.

Does insurance cover TRT?

Numerous insurance companies have begun to cover TRT. However, some may require an out-of-pocket expense, albeit a relatively modest one. It is advisable to contact your specific insurance company for a definitive answer.

How can I optimize my TRT results?

To optimize your results, examine certain aspects of your lifestyle that may be contributing to your low testosterone levels. Once identified, you can take steps to correct them. The most important of these include maintaining a nutritious diet, following a resistance training program, quitting smoking, and drinking alcohol in moderation.


In this day and age, we have access to various medical therapies to treat a variety of conditions, including low testosterone. While low testosterone can have a significant impact on various aspects of a man’s life, such as sexual health, energy levels, cognitive function, and overall well-being, it’s important to recognize that experiencing low levels is a natural and expected part of the aging process for men.

However, as mentioned above, TRT has the potential to completely rejuvenate your life. If you are currently experiencing symptoms associated with low testosterone, we strongly encourage you to complete the free Personalized TRT Evaluation. It could prove to be one of the most beneficial decisions you make for your overall health and well-being.


  1. Kumagai, H., Zempo-Miyaki, A., Yoshikawa, T., Tsujimoto, T., Tanaka, K., & Maeda, S. (2016). Increased physical activity has a greater effect than reduced energy intake on lifestyle modification-induced increases in testosterone. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. Click for details.
  2. Thomas G. Travison and others, The Relationship between Libido and Testosterone Levels in Aging Men, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 91, Issue 7, 1 July 2006. Click for details.
  3. Welle, S., Jozefowicz, R., Forbes, G., & Griggs, R. C. (1992). Effect of testosterone on metabolic rate and body composition in normal men and men with muscular dystrophy. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 74(2). Click for details.
  4. De Maddalena C, Vodo S, Petroni A, Aloisi AM. Impact of testosterone on body fat composition. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2012;227. Click for details.
  5. Kelly, D. M., & Jones, T. H. (2013). Testosterone: a metabolic hormone in health and disease. The Journal of Endocrinology, 217(3), R25–R45. Click for details.
  6. Yuki, A., Otsuka, R., Kozakai, R. et al. Relationship between Low Free Testosterone Levels and Loss of Muscle Mass. Scientific Reports, 3. Click for details.
  7. Peter J. Snyder and others, Effect of Testosterone Treatment on Body Composition and Muscle Strength in Men Over 65 Years of Age, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 84, Issue 8, 1 August 1999. Click for details.
  8. Giacomo Ciocca, PhD, PsyD and others, Is Testosterone a Food for the Brain?, Sexual Medicine Reviews, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 15–25. Click for details.
  9. Celec P, Ostatníková D, Hodosy Jã. On the effects of testosterone on brain behavioral functions. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2015;9(12). Click for details.

How To Use Probiotics For Weight Loss – Everything You Need To Know In Our Guide 2024

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In years scientists have conducted extensive research on probiotics. Interestingly new findings suggest a connection, between probiotics and weight loss!

Almost every health issue is related to gut health and microflora. Therefore, probiotic supplementation can have many positive effects on your overall health. One of the main areas that has attracted a lot of attention is the potential of probiotic supplementation for weight loss.

Although there is still a lot to discover regarding the mechanisms of probiotics within the body and their effectiveness in promoting weight loss there is some evidence indicating that they could be beneficial, in combating obesity.

Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight?

  • Probiotics are live microorganisms that can help you lose weight by reducing inflammation, improving insulin sensitivity and controlling appetite.
  • Probiotics can also improve digestive health, help control metabolism, boost the immune system and have mental health benefits.
  • Probiotics are beneficial for gut health and can help restore the balance of gut bacteria.

What Are Probiotics Anyway?

Gut bacteria, commonly referred to as probiotics are the heroes of our digestive system. These minuscule organisms play a role in preserving our gut health and overall well being. They function as guardians tirelessly working to maintain an ecosystem, within our bodies.

Think of them as neighbours, keeping the thriving community in our gut safe from harmful invaders and keeping things running smoothly. You can find probiotics in yoghurt, kefir and some fermented foods. So next time you enjoy a spoonful of yoghurt, remember that it’s not just a delicious treat, you’re also feeding the unsung heroes of your gut.

Where Are Probiotics Found?

Probiotics are like hidden gems of nature just waiting to be explored in corners of the culinary realm. You can discover them in yogurt those delightful creamy delights that adorn our morning meals well as in fermented foods, like kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha. These delicious treats add an explosion of flavors to our taste buds.

Lets not forget about kefir, a cultured dairy drink that resembles a smoothie packed with gut friendly probiotics. The surprises don’t stop there. Probiotics can even be found hidden in pickles and miso soup, sneaking into our diets in the most unexpected and delicious ways. So whether enjoying a spoonful of yoghurt or tucking into a crunchy pickle, probiotics surround us all and offer a way to promote gut health.

Can Probiotics Actually Assist in Weight Loss?

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There is some evidence suggesting that probiotics could potentially play a role in managing weight. A recent thorough examination of 27 studies discovered that taking supplements resulted in weight loss even if individuals maintained their regular lifestyle or combined probiotics, with energy restriction and/or increased physical activity for an average duration of 12 weeks.

While the exact mechanisms by which probiotics contribute to weight loss remain somewhat unclear, several theories have emerged:

  • Reduce inflammation: Probiotics may help reduce inflammation in the body, which has been linked to obesity.
  • Appetite control: Another hypothesis is that probiotics may affect appetite and food cravings. The gut microbiota, or microorganisms in the gut, play a role in regulating several hormones. In addition, a significant amount of serotonin – a hormone that affects mood and appetite regulation – is produced in the gut, suggesting a link between mood-regulating hormones, appetite and gut health.
  • Improved insulin sensitivity: Probiotics have the potential to regulate blood sugar levels by influencing insulin secretion – a factor that could help prevent weight gain.

The Influence of Probiotics on Weight Management

Many individuals choose to incorporate probiotics and digestive enzymes into their routine as supplements to aid in weight loss. These supplements are believed to enhance digestion and promote absorption leading to potential improvements, in overall well being.

Probiotics play a role in restoring and maintaining a healthy balance of gut bacteria, which is essential for overall digestive health. Meanwhile, digestive enzymes help break down the carbohydrates, fats and proteins in food, leading to better absorption of nutrients while reducing the amount of undigested food that reaches the colon.

Other Health Benefits of Probiotics

In addition to weight management benefits, probiotics have other benefits:

Supporting the Immune System

Having a balanced microbiota is extremely important, for maintaining a robust immune system because a substantial portion of our immune cells are found in our digestive tract. Probiotics, which contain bacteria play a significant role in enhancing our immune defenses.

In addition, these helpful microbes act as an intestinal barrier, protecting our bodies from toxins and harmful pathogens. These immune-boosting properties of probiotics can help prevent and manage conditions such as eczema and asthma.

Improving Your Digestive Health

Probiotics have a role to play in supporting digestion. They assist in the breakdown of food. Enhance the bodys ability to absorb essential nutrients. In fact research has demonstrated their effectiveness in managing conditions, like bowel syndrome, constipation and diarrhea.

Enhancing Mental Well being

Probiotics have also been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. They may even help reduce stress levels and improve functioning.

It’s fascinating how our gut bacteria can actually produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, which play a role in cognitive function and regulating our mood. In literature probiotics are sometimes referred to as ‘psychobiotics because of their beneficial impact, on mental well being. Research indicates that incorporating probiotics into our diet or taking them as supplements may help alleviate symptoms in individuals dealing with depression.

Enhancing the Well Being of Women

Probiotics have shown promising results in improving aspects of women’s health. These include treating infections, maintaining vaginal health, promoting bowel health, managing hormonal imbalances in polycystic ovary syndrome and regulating the immune system.

Furthermore incorporating probiotics into your diet can potentially have effects on pregnancy related conditions, like gestational diabetes, pre eclampsia and postpartum depression. Specifically probiotics that assist in weight loss for women may also offer health advantages.

Enhancing Metabolic Well Being

An analysis of 15 randomised controlled trials with a total of 902 participants examined the effect of probiotic interventions on type 2 diabetes mellitus. The results showed that the group receiving probiotics experienced reductions in glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c%), fasting plasma glucose levels and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA IR) compared with the control group.

How Probiotics Function

According to the World Health Organisation probiotics are living organisms that offer health advantages to the body when consumed in adequate amounts. These beneficial bacteria can be commonly found in nourishing foods like yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut well as in dietary supplements. Their main contribution, to our well being is primarily focused on the system.

Probiotics are thought to work by improving the balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. This balance can be disrupted by factors such as diet, stress or the use of antibiotics. By promoting the growth of good bacteria while inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria, probiotics can help improve digestion, boost immune function and reduce inflammation in the body.

Are There Supplements With Probiotics?

Definitely! Probiotic supplements play a supporting role in our quest for a gut. They come in forms, such as capsules, powders or even chewable tablets. These little superheroes are perfect for individuals who’re n’t fond of yogurt or fermented foods but still desire to enhance their gut health. It’s akin to having a group of bacteria, on standby always prepared to assist your digestive system whenever it requires assistance.

As with any supplement, it’s important to choose a high quality probiotic that meets your specific needs and ensures that your gut flora gets the care it deserves. Whether you incorporate them into your morning routine or use them as an occasional ally, probiotic supplements are there to support and nurture the community in your gut.

Risks and Safety Concerns

Although probiotic supplements are generally safe for adults it’s crucial to note that certain groups, such as infants, critically ill patients and individuals with weakened immune systems may have a higher risk of infection and illness associated with their use. It is advisable to consult with your doctor before beginning any supplementation or incorporating a diet that includes rich sources similar, to supplements.

Selecting the Right Probiotic

If you’re thinking about including probiotics in your weight loss programme, it’s important to work with your doctor and a registered dietitian to choose the most appropriate probiotic option. Both human and animal studies have focused primarily on Lactobacillus, rather than Bifidobacterium.

According to the research various types of Lactobacillus strains have been found to offer advantages when it comes to your efforts in losing weight. However it is important to keep in mind that consulting with a healthcare expert will help you adopt an more tailored approach, towards achieving your weight loss objectives:

  1. Lactobacillus acidophilus
  2. Lactobacillus gasseri
  3. Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  4. Lactobacillus casei
  5. Lactobacillus plantarum
  6. Lactobacillus amylovorus
  7. Lactobacillus curvatus

You may be wondering how to take probiotics for weight loss, including the right dosage and timing. These are common questions people ask. According to research, the typical dose of probiotics used in these studies is around 3.2 × 10^16 colony forming units (CFUs), which means a daily intake of 4 × 10^14 CFUs/day. Typically, these research studies last 11.3 weeks.

What Does a Gut-friendly Diet Look Like in General?

Following a gut diet is akin to sending a message to your digestive system packed with nourishing options that keep it functioning optimally. It’s similar to enjoying a plate of fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, which offer a wide range of nutrients for the beneficial bacteria in your gut. Whole grains, like trusted companions offer lasting energy while fostering a thriving community within your gut.

And don’t forget about proteins, which are the building blocks of a strong gut lining. We can’t overlook the importance of fermented foods such as yoghurt and kimchi, which provide probiotics – the true heroes of gut health.

However like any relationship maintaining balance is crucial. Enjoying treats can be seen as little moments of celebration that provide nourishment for your digestive system and keep it content. Essentially a diet that prioritizes gut health is akin, to creating a blend of flavors and nutrients that cater to the unique requirements of your body. It enables you to embrace life with energy and vitality allowing you to move through it gracefully.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can probiotics actually help me lose weight?

Absolutely! Probiotics have demonstrated effects on weight loss. They achieve this by impacting gut health decreasing inflammation and aiding in appetite management. However it’s crucial to bear in mind that each individuals body is distinctive meaning outcomes may differ from person, to person.

What is the recommended probiotic dosage for weight loss?

Recommended doses may vary depending on factors such as the probiotic strain and individual needs. In general, studies have used a dose of around 4 × 10^14 colony forming units (CFUs) for weight loss purposes. However, it is best to consult a healthcare professional to determine the ideal dosage for you, as they can make personalised recommendations based on your health and goals.

When should I take probiotics for weight loss?

The best time to take probiotics can differ depending on preference and daily schedule. Many individuals find it helpful to consume them during meals as this enhances absorption. Some individuals choose to take them in the morning while others incorporate them into their evening routine. Ultimately it’s important to establish a time that suits your needs.

Are probiotics safe for everyone?

In general, probiotics are considered safe for people in good health. However, if you have any health conditions or are currently taking any medication, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before adding probiotics to your routine. They will be able to give you appropriate advice based on your specific health circumstances.

Is there a possibility of probiotics interacting with the medications I am currently taking?

Certainly it’s possible that certain medications can potentially interact with probiotics. To ensure your safety it’s important to inform your healthcare provider about any supplements you’re taking, including probiotics. They will thoroughly assess your medication regimen. Provide recommendations to prevent any potential interactions.


Probiotics have the potential to promote weight loss and improve body composition. They can also have an impact on your overall wellbeing by improving aspects such as digestion, metabolism and immune support.

Before incorporating any supplement regimen it is essential to consult with a healthcare expert even though probiotics are generally considered safe, for individuals. This becomes particularly crucial if you have any existing health conditions or if you are currently taking any medications that could potentially interact with probiotic products.


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