The CLIC Research Education Team mission is to empower and support a CTSA cooperative learning and training community that is inclusive and collaborative, facilitating and amplifying opportunities for the sharing of learning resources consortium-wide. We accomplish this through ongoing direct engagement with CTSA Program hubs, enterprise committees, working groups and individuals.
CLIC Education Clearinghouse
The CLIC Education Clearinghouse is a centralized space where the CTSA community can find and share a variety of education and translational workforce development resources from the CTSA consortium, searchable by learning domains, tags (keywords), target learners, and more. Each entry presents a detailed profile of the resource so that users can efficiently choose a resource that’s right for them.
CLIC Career Development Community
The CLIC Career Development Community is an interactive space available to the CTSA Program and greater translational science community where individuals can collaborate, network, and share ideas with their peers from across the consortium. Each Focus Area includes a message board, highlighted content section, and searchable user list to foster communication, networking, and collaboration.
CLIC Opportunities Board
The CLIC Opportunities Board is the go-to resource for members of the translational science community, both within the CTSA Program network and beyond, looking to find (and post!) jobs, training opportunities, internships, and sabbaticals relevant to the world of translational science.
CLIC Cohorts for Change Workshop Series
The CLIC Cohorts for Change Workshop Series is a 6-month training program focused on giving participants the knowledge and skills to further develop structural and administrative anti-racism initiatives within their CTSA Program hub. Since this pilot workshop series is limited to nominated participants, CLIC has created a space for the translational science community to follow along with the series over the next six months and access the resources and materials utilized in the workshops.
Latest Announcements
DIAMOND & CLIC Collaboration
All CTSA-affliated resources shared with DIAMOND can now be found in the CLIC Education Clearinghouse.
Have educational content to share? CLIC allows you to reach a larger audience and promote collaboration across the consortium. Find out more information on the Sharing Content page.
COVID-19 Resources for Trainees and Researchers
- SHARE Education and Career Development Resources – Please share any content that would benefit CTSA Program trainees and scholars during the COVID-19 outbreak. After logging in, click Share Content (video tutorial) in the top right of the page. Be sure to include the COVID-19 tag with your resource.
CLIC Education and Career Development Virtual Tour
The CLIC Virtual Tour is designed to give everyone involved with the CTSA Program, regardless of in what capacity, an overview of what CLIC provides and how to make it work for you. Check it out: HERE!