Insights to Inspire 2022: In Our Own Words is a collection of Program Summaries from across the consortium for the Careers in Clinical & Translational Research (CCTR) metric. From 36 unique hubs come insights into how hubs are working to improve the experiences of their KL2 scholars and TL1 trainees.
Starting in December 2021 and extending through April 2022, In Our Own Words will feature one of the categories from the CCTR Common Metrics –Team Science, Mentorship, Grant Writing, Grant Success, Publications, and a host of other topics ranging from recruitment to the effects of COVID-19 on junior faculty.
Each of these documents includes the Program Summary as entered into CM-PRISM, as well as an introductory slide and contact information. We encourage you to reach out to these hubs to learn how their innovative approaches have impacted their institutions.
View previous I2I blogs and webinars and Informatics webcasts.
Discover how your peers are addressing mentorship in their KL2 and TL1 programs – see how these institutions have implemented new strategies by clicking on the logos/images below.
Georgetown University
Georgetown University – TL1 Mentorship
Georgetown University has expanded their mentor and mentee training to shift cultural and institutional norms.
Indiana University- Purdue
Indiana University- Purdue – KL2 Mentorship
The Indiana CTSI Executive Leadership approved a plan to implement two new initiatives to support diversity and increase retention of faculty from historically underrepresented person (URP) groups.
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic – TL1 Mentorship
Mayo Clinic initiated and implemented a Ph.D. Mentorship Training Program.
New York University School of Medicine
New York University School of Medicine – KL2 Mentorship
The New York University School of Medicine describes their tailored mentoring approach for KL2 scholars.
State University of New York – Buffalo
State University of New York – Buffalo – KL2 Mentorship
The State University of New York at Buffalo created a comprehensive KL2 Mentored Career Development Award (MCDA) Program designed to provide Scholars with career and professional development.
University of California – Irvine
University of California – Irvine – KL2 Mentorship
The University of California – Irvine implemented an approach to ensure that mentor and scholar/trainee expectations and goals are aligned.
University of Wisconsin – Madison
University of Wisconsin – Madison – KL2 Mentorship
The University of Wisconsin – Madison shares how they use the Mentor-Mentee Alignment Survey and Toolkit to clarify expectations and to frame individual and joint conversations with scholars and mentors.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Commonwealth University – KL2 Mentorship
The Wright Education Center at Virginia Commonwealth University offered a four-part online Improving Research Mentoring Relationships training series.
Wake Forest University
Wake Forest University – KL2 Mentorship
Read how the Wake Forest School of Medicine launched the revised Translational Research Academy, a 24-month education and research support program to enhance the career development and success of early-career clinical and translational researchers.